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August 23, 2007 11:02 PM UTC

Fitz-Gerald Endorsed By Women's Campaign Forum

  • by: Colorado Pols

Democrat Joan Fitz-Gerald today announced that she has received the endorsement of the Women’s Campaign Forum in her bid for CD-2. Click below for the full press release.

Today Women’s Campaign Forum (WCF) enthusiastically endorsed Joan Fitz-Gerald in her bid to represent Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District.

Since being first elected to political office in 1990, Fitz-Gerald has garnered broad respect for her winning record and her ability as a strong and dynamic leader. Fitz-Gerald holds the distinctions of being the first woman elected state Senate President in Colorado’s history as well as the first woman elected Chair of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.

“Joan Fitz-Gerald has been a trailblazer for women in Colorado for over twenty years,” said Ilana Goldman, WCF’s President. “She knows how to provide leadership in the face of opposition and has a proven record of accomplishments for women – that is just the kind of representative the 2nd District will need in Congress.  WCF is proud to endorse Joan and support her in this key race.”

“I am grateful for the early support of Women’s Campaign Forum and believe strongly in their mission to build the pipeline of pro-choice women in political life,” Fitz-Gerald said. “Having the support of WCF’s national membership behind me will be a vital asset to me in this campaign.”

About Women’s Campaign Forum

Women’s Campaign Forum is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) membership organization dedicated to ensuring that pro-choice women become leaders in politics.  WCF proudly RECRUITS women to become active participants in public life, TRAINS women to be more effective political forces, and ENDORSES talented women candidates for public office.  WCF has a sister charitable foundation and an affiliated political action committee.  For more information about WCF’s programs, visit


23 thoughts on “Fitz-Gerald Endorsed By Women’s Campaign Forum

  1. When I saw this I jumped out of my chair with excitement!  And by jumped out of my chair I meant slipped into a narcoleptic haze and fell out of my chair. 

    I’m pretty undecided on this race, but I’m beginning to notice a biased trend from Pols… Are they endorsing JFG as well? 

    1. So long as they are relevant. We don’t normally post releases, for example, when candidates just issue a bland statement about their position on an issue.

      1. I’m still bored.  I have the same reaction when 9 News tells me about a guy that has an antelope as a pet.  But you’re right, position statements are boring. 

        Someone’s a little testy…

        On a side note, not necessarily to be answered by Pols:  Seriously, who is WCF? 

    2. Who the hell are these people anyway?  Who may members do they have in the district how much money do they have?  Sounds like a paper endorsement to me.  Is it really that slow a news day? 

      I hear Bill Clinton is coming to Boulder next month to do a fundraiser for Hillary it will be interesting to see how many of the CD-2 candidates make there way to the fundraiser? 

  2. …aside from endorsing pro-choicers, what does WCF do?  It’s not as if the D primary in CD2 is going to have any diversity of opinion on abortion.

  3. This is a stunningly boring announcement.  A group that only endorses pro-choice women has endorsed the only women, who happens to be pro-choice, in a pro-choice leaning district.  Next thing you know, the Minute Men will be behind Tancredo and Le Monde will be making snide comments about US foreign policy.
    What will be interesting is to see how much Polis’ Amendment 41 debacle hurts him when all the various coalitions and interest groups start endorsing. 

    1. I can’t help but think that as this race rolls along, it will be one of the most watched, controversial races in the country.  I could be overstating being that there’s not likely to be much of a Republican opposition in the general, but with 3 solid candidates with their hats in the primary race, we certainly have something to watch. 

      1. Shafroth, Fitz-Gerald and Polis will each spend well over $1 million.

        This clearly will be the most expensive House primary in Colorado history. I cannot remember any US House primary anywhere where three candidates spent over $1 million each.

            1. Factually JP out raised JFG by 60k “ish” and Shafroth by about 3K. 

              And Shafroth raised more from donors listed by the FEC and from donors in the district than any candidate.

              I don’t know if Shafroth can continue the fund raising (key issue), but his 2nd quater was at least as good as Polis as far as “raised” money (JP’s own money spends just as well, but he didn’t raise it).  Shafroth spent about 1/10th of what JP spent to raise about the same amount of money.  Plus JP raised a high proportion of his money from out of state–not an indication of local support.

              If Shafroth can put in a decent 3rd quarter (Thielen’s “coffee” indicates he may not be spending enough time on it), look out conventional wisdom.

            2. true JP beat JFG and WS in fundraising last time, but have you really looked at the donors?  It seems like everyone in his family (and everyone who invests/handles/manages his money) maxed out for the primary AND the general.  I would be interested to know how much of what he raised can be used in the primary.

        1. I can see JP & JF spending 7 figures, but I’m not sure yet about WS.  I know he did great first quarter, but thats the easey money will he be able to grow his natural base out?  I don’t know, but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

          1. Will Shafroth has some personal money and could well put in $500,000 of his own money. But, if you have raised $300,000 as a complete unknown over one year before the primary you will raise at least $1 million.

    2. Bitter, bitter, testy and snide is the tone of those not endorsed by any group yet. JFG has received the following endorsements. The groups that have endorsed her have seen her track record. This is a tried and true Democratic candidate that has the confidence vote.

      American Association for Justice
      American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME Council 76)
      Colorado AFL-CIO
      Colorado Council of Teamsters
      Colorado Professional Firefighters
      Communication Workers of America
      EMILY’s List
      Feminist Majority
      Fitting Industry, of the United States and Canada
      International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

      1. She’s got all of them by the short and curlies.  As the Senate pres she could screw any of these special interest groups if they didn’t back her.  This is less a show of support as it is a sign of the inbred relationship with politicans and special interests.  In this race it could come back to bite her.

  4. 1. MAAMCF (Metrosexual African-American Men’s Campaign Forum) has endorsed Barack Obama.

    2. RGWTMTOTH (Rich Geeks With Too Much Time on Their Hands) has endorsed Jared Polis. (And, oddly, Ron Paul for president.)

    3. MH&MWDSOSL (Muslims, Hispanics and Miamians with a Deep Sense of Self-Loathing) has endorsed Tom Tancredo.

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