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August 03, 2007 08:56 PM UTC

Local R Fundraiser Flip-Flops on Romney

  • by: Steve Balboni

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Oh sweet irony, someone flip-flopped on Mitt Romney. In this morning’s NY Times the paper looks at some of Fred Thompson’s fundraisers and notes that,

“Jack Overstreet, a prominent Republican donor from Colorado, said he made a donation to Mr. Romney in January after a friend called and asked. But while Mr. Overstreet was impressed by Mr. Romney, he said that he grew disappointed as Mr. Romney continued to support the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq. So he said he had still been open-minded when Mr. Thompson personally called last month seeking help.

“You have a guy who really has a strong, likable personality and seems to have a reassuring manner about him,” he said of Mr. Thompson. “I’m real impressed with him. I hope he runs. I hope he comes out with a completely different take on Iraq and foreign policy.””

I’d like to note a couple of things here.

First, notice how Overstreet gave to Romney after a call from a friend and easily switched to someone else. I have talked to 2 other prominent R’s who confessed to contributing because an old colleague called. I believe Romney may even be employing a former Allard campaign staffer (can anyone confirm?). This could explain part of Romney’s support here in Colorado.

Mitt better hope that Mr. Overstreet is an outlier and that his other Colorado donors feel a little more attached to their candidate.

The second interesting part of this is the reason Mr. Overstreet flipped – Iraq policy. This is, to me, the first indication that Thompson doesn’t whole-heartedly support Bush on Iraq. If he not only doesn’t fully support Bush but is drawing a clear line of distinction this is a very big story. First of all, as TNR’s Jason Zengerle noted, Thompson has some serious neo-con supporters – do they know this?

If Thompson is serious that gives him a potential opening in the general election but I don’t see how it helps him with the Republican primary. Ultimately, pro-Iraq or anti-Iraq, none of this will matter. Thompson is by all accounts an empty suit who has skated through his various roles in life. His “campaign” has offered no substance whatsoever and is rapidly losing steam already. I’d wager he’ll be gone by New Years.


16 thoughts on “Local R Fundraiser Flip-Flops on Romney

  1. that I could make large campaign donations to someone because “he has a reassuring manner about him.”  Without even knowing Frederick of Hollywood’s positions on foreign policy or Iraq.

  2. Isn’t this level of “thinking” how we got Bush, for God’s sake?

    Unreal.  Some people never learn. He should have his voting rights stripped for inability to learn.

      1. How do you jump from a man’s stuped comment, my observation, and Jim Crow?  Wow.

        Of course no one can take away this fool’s voting rights…except by declaration of the court as being mentally deficient.  I think he just lent a bit of proof to that.

        Jim Crow?

        1. You have referenced taking away the voting rights of a person because of who or what they support several times before. I think this idea, whether brought up by a Republican or Democrat, is a slap in the face of our democracy. It is reminiscent of Jim Crow laws, which stripped a particular group of people of their voting rights. Dictators should promote such a thing, not “progressive liberals”.

          1. this is a blog.  We express opinions even if absurd.  You know that I know there isn’t any way to accomplish what I suggested.  Let alone being a slippery slope.  In the spirit of “A Modest Proposal.” 

            I knew Jim.  He was everywhere when I was a kid. 

            1. I just missed that boat of absurdity. I know a lot of times people are joking on here, but the right to vote is one thing I don’t joke about. Glad to know you acknowledge such an opinion is absurd, I know I have plenty of those types of opinions myself!

            1. I don’t believe in dwelling on typos, but I couldn’t resist mentioning it! I do appreciate a lot of your posts, but I can’t joke about voting rights in such a manner.

              1. I was raised with the idea that voting is a sacred duty.  My mother made sure that my sister and my daughters knew what the suffragettes went through to get the right to vote.  She still does, from time time!

                1. When my grandmother was probably 80 she told me she had never missed an election…she was a staunch Democrat and farmer who was very involved politically, and she set quite the example. I hope when I am 80 I can say the same thing.

                  1. I missed the 1980 election, I must confess.  Just think, if I had voted, maybe we would have had Carter and not Ray-gun.  Oh, the horror.

                    But other than that, I’m batting well.  Even all the little local and recall elections, all in many living locales.

                    I know my mother has never missed an election.

                    1. I forgot to mail in a stupid ballot for the muncipal election here in the springs last time.  I was upset because I wanted to be able to say the same thing when I’m 80-or whatever age it is before I die (probably 50).

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