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February 26, 2007 07:48 PM UTC

Al Gore Wins Academy Award

  • by: Colorado Pols

But will he run for President? As ABC News reports:

Martin Scorsese may have won Best Director, but Al Gore wore the crown in Hollywood last night.

When “An Inconvenient Truth,” the Gore-inspired work about the dangers of global warming, won the Oscar for best documentary, he reveled in the attention like an old Hollywood hand.

“My fellow Americans,” he joked at the podium, making light of his narrow loss in the 2000 presidential election. “We need to solve the climate crisis. It’s not a political issue, it’s a moral issue.”

Throughout the evening, presenters tipped their hat to Gore’s film. Soon after host Ellen DeGeneres kicked off the show, she opined, “And then Al Gore is here. America did vote for him.”

Later, when Melissa Etheridge won Best Music (Song) for “I Need to Wake Up” from “An Inconvenient Truth,” she reserved her highest praise for him. “Most of all, I have to thank Al Gore for inspiring all of us.”

Gore was all over Hollywood during the week, schmoozing with celebrities, waving to fans on the red carpet and promoting environmentally-friendly transportation to the awards. Celebrities from Leonardo DiCaprio and Penelope Cruz to Forest Whitaker and Nicole Kidman arrived at the ceremony in low-emission vehicles…

…The former vice president, who has ruled out another run for the White House, joked about the sentiment shared by some in Hollywood who want him to campaign for the presidency.


87 thoughts on “Al Gore Wins Academy Award

  1. He’s not using the words “I’m not running” this year, like he did before the ’04 election.  This time around it’s “I can’t imagine a circumstance where I’d…”.

    I loved his mock announcement last night, conveniently cut off by the band (on purpose?).

  2. Also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    While Gore is actively giving answers to problems, Bush sends more troops to war without much needed equipment, ignores the Geneva conventions, and has violated the rights of americans citizens, with no plan for ending the war in Iraq, while Afghanistan spirals out of control once again.

    The Supreme Court really screwed up in 2000.

  3. …..the producers of one of the other nominees for Best Documentary attempted to get an emergency stay issued by the U.S. Supreme Court to be followed by a recount oversen by former U.S. Rep Katherine Harris, but no such luck this time.

  4. He was surrounded by extreme liberal alarmists .
    How many hollywood actors are NOT big time liberals?

    Not many.

    I can’t say much more than that as I wouldn’t watch that dribble on a good day. Then to throw a “sky is falling” tree hugger into the mix…….woohoo. What a night I missed.

      1. all my “screw Jap crap” and “2 bombs weren’t enough” stickers?

        I would also have to make a rag out of my “I’d rather eat pig shit than ride Jap crap” t-shirt.

        On the casket during the viewing for my dad’s funeral was a picture of my dad proudly wearing that same t-shirt that I gave him.
        Man I miss him.

        1. The fact that Harley, today, is a well made motorcycle in great demand is due to two things.  First, that the superior quality and creativity of Japanese MC companies back in the 70’s and 80’s made Harley become better if they were to survive.  The other side was protectionism, yes, protectionism for Harley for a number of years to give them time to get their act together. 

          While I thoroughly disdain the Japanese (note correct spelling) Harly Wanna-be’s, you know, if you want to go fast or race, the only choices are Japanese.

          On the other hand, I met the prettiest German woman on the Hollywood Freeway many years ago because I stopped to help.  Her almost new HD had crapped out on her…….. Ah, Herta!

          1. The Japs (AMF) pumped $ into the company but also all but killed Harley Davidson.
            Their whole policy in the late 70’s was quantity, not quality.
            Harley sold out to AMF because the market was soft on street bikes and people wanted the “softer” side of motorcycling. They wanted away from the Marlon Brando image.
            I know, I owned a 1980 Shovelhead for many years. I called it as many did, a bowling ball. Nothing but trouble.
            But my first Harley was a 1967 Shovelhead that I bought in 1980. It gave me no problems.
            I have owned 5 or 6 since then and they are completely trouble free.
            What saved Harley was the willingness of Willie G and several others employees to stand up and put their money on the line, and pull Harley AWAY from the Japs. They bought Harley out and turned it around.

            I love all the commercials you see on TV these days bragging up their Jap bikes. Many talking up the “nostalgic look”.
            What shit. You know what the Jap bikes looked like in the 50′, 60’s, and 70’s………….peddle bikes.
            My dad called them bick lighters……..use them for a few months and then throw them away.
            Hence the term Jap Junk.

            1. Goddammit Gecko !

              There are good Americans and bad Americans.  There are good Japanese and bad Japanese, just like everywhere else.  I lived in Japan for 2 years and got to know the open minded Japanese who were truly curious about the rest of the world, and America, etc. and extremely polite and friendly, and there were the ones (mostly older) that didn’t like any gaijin living on their islands, and lumped us all in the same group (i.e. non-japanese).

              The day I moved into my first tiny Japanese apartment  a mover who was dropping off all my boxes bought me a orange soda and a sandwich and gave it to me and told me “welcome Japan” in broken english.  Small gesture, I know, but the guy was a total stranger and it was just pure goodwill.  From that first day on I relied on the kindness of so many Japanese to help me get through the maze that was everyday living there, and it is something I will never forget.

              You should go there sometime.  I guarantee it would change your mind. And yes, there is a Harley dealership in Tokyo.

              1. in Japan are very nice.
                I have also heard that the men treat the women as furniture.
                (I tend to put women on pedestals so I’m not fond of that way of thinking.)
                What irritates me the most is the attitude of a majority of Americans that ANYTHING made in Japan, or simply products of Japan are better than American. Just because of their namesake.
                I will defend to death my opinion that American Cars, trucks, and motorcycles are superior to Japanese.
                In fact it is the Japanese that have copied the American motorcycles to a T. Or at least they think they have. But they will always be a cheap copy, disposable junk.
                Their cars…….if Americans would simply try American cars again, Toyota wouldn’t be on the verge of being the number one auto maker in the world.
                Why? Some say technology.
                I say two things.
                #1- They don’t have the all famous unions to suck their profits dry.
                #2- They know many Americans are still thinking we are in the 70’s when Chrysler made the “K” car. And GM/Ford, etc were reeling from the gas crisis.
                Most American drivers of Japanese cars wouldn’t even think to try test driving an American car.
                To them I say, fuck em.

                1. Do you mean American cars made with parts that come mostly from overseas, or do you mean Japanese cars that are assembled entirely in the U.S.?  Which ones are we supposed to favor? 

                2. The last “American” car I bought was a Jeep Wrangler back in 91.  I tried to do my part but the damn thing broke down quite a lot and had tons of recalls.  Finally sold it after about 5 years.  I have a Japanese car now with about 125K on it and it runs really, really well.  I am hoping to get 250K out of it.  I have money in the bank, savings, and stocks for real emergencies and retirement because I drive an old, cheap Japanese car. People tell me all the time I should get a nicer car but I just can’t see myself dropping 80K or whatever so I can look good.

                  For two other things you are right, Gecko.  Many Japanese treat the women there like furniture and it is shameful. It is also very slow to change.  AND, I think the unions do have a lot to do with the decline of the US auto industry, and why manufacturers like Mercedes are in places like Alabama now. 

                  1. that the profits go to Tokyo instead of Main Street. Or at least Wall Street. 

                    Honda’s Marysville, Ohio plant makes cars, bikes, and is growing, growing, growing…..

                    1. All my mutual funds hold Honda (and Toyota).  The problem is American management (though the Japs have some issues of their own).  Trust me, I live and breath the issues of management. If you can figure out how to make money on management stupidity, you do awright. 

                      Read lots of theories on management, but ultimately the one I have come down to is ‘some people gots it, some people don’t’.  Strictly speaking  the one’s that gots it, should make more money (and kinda sorta mostly do, sometimes).  But making more money is not idicative that ‘someone gots it’ (although kinda sorta mostly, it catches up with them if they don’t, sometimes).

                      As Kennedy, and Carter (on the Lib side) said: Life’s unfair.

                      By the way, the unions did not stick a gun to the head of GM and say make too many Chevy Suburbans.  These are the guys that didn’t hire Peter Drucker because he didn’t agree with them, and that was before I was born.  They’ve been practicing arrogant incompetence for a looooong time.

                3. that this is merely the free market at work. Japanese auto firms are in the position they are now because they’re shrewd competitors and they know how to quickly adapt to changing market demands. American firms couldn’t provide smaller, fuel efficient cars in the 70s and were slow to respond to the sudden drop in demand for SUVs early this decade, probably because they hadn’t planned for the contingency even though anyone could have predicted higher gas prices were certainly going to come, if not because of the terrorists (remember when gas was 89 cents a gallon – at Christmastime, 1998? Hmmm, and wasn’t that when SUVs got really popular?)

                  You may not like it, but that’s capitalism.

                  1. They have seldom been creative or quality driven except when foreign companies pushed them to the wall. I recall in “Small Wonder”, the story of VW’s success in America a telling anecdote.  The salesman for VW, don’t forget we had been at war with Germany only a few years previously, made a pitch at a car dealers to take the line on. “Nah, no one will ever want to buy this stuff.”  The dealer was a Packard dealer. 

                    In 1983 I spent a month in the Chicago area being trained by a new employer that had a long history of being a supplier to the auto manufacturers.  It was like I had stepped into another world of people with eyes on the backs of their heads. They were unable to look forward.  They still thought big cars, plastic walnut dash boards, and such were in demand.  They had a policy that mandated their sales engineers (me) to drive a narrow range of mid-size American cars, presumably so that their customers thought us to be unpretenious supporters of the industry. 

                    But in my territory, in fact in all of southern California, the one and only company that cared was the the Van Nuys GM assembly plant.  No one else gave a rat’s posterior. (I had a Cadillac Eldorado previous to signing up with this outfit.  My manager was always asking when I was going to trade down to a Buick or such.  “Uh, yeah, soon, Wally, soon.”  I left them before it became an issue.)

                    Ford blew a lot of smoke about a decade ago how they were going to get into hybrids.  Then they sat on their asses while the Japanese did something about it.  When those Prius’ started drifting past their eyes, it was too late.  So they bought the technology from Toyota for a few billion dollars.

                    It’s hard to feel sorry for these buffoons.

            2. I did not know that.  Which is surprising since I was very much into bikes at that time.  If they did, you are right. If they didn’t, I’m right.  And you know what?  Think about this: what was the last Japanese company you every saw that only wanted quantity, not quality?  Ain’t none.  Until I see something authoritative, I’m betting AMF is/was an Americdan owned company.  Their business model was stereotypically stupid American. 

              Yes, Willie G and friends saved Harley.  Kudos for them, I’m glad.  But it was the Japanese, as I said that kicked them into quality and using things like “just in time delivery” of parts developed in Japan.

              As to your disdain for Japanese MC quality, that’s total BS, only a fool or a blind man would deny the quality of Japanese goods once they got over their post WWII phase. 

            3. NOT “I’ve been googling Gecko.”  What a difference a comma makes!

              Anyway, I can’t find a thing about AMF being Japanese. In fact, I found statements that it was the second and third generation Davidsons that chose to sell it to AMF.  Real Japanese, there.

              Another page said this: “Mr. Beals later acknowledged to The New York Times that after years of blaming the Japanese, Harley finally admitted that its troubles were internal. “We realized the problem was us, not them,” he said.”

              A prior paragraph said that while management was blaming the Japanese for dumping (which was total BS), management was literally in Japan learning their production techniques!

              What does it feel like to be so wrong after so much machismo?

              1. spent some time trying to find that info.
                I could be wrong, as I have been in the past, but I remember as a teenager hearing about AMF and its roots with Japan.
                Maybe I was mistaken. If so, I apologize.
                But the fact still remains that AMF did run Harley right into the ground. And Willie G saved them and made them into something the world envies………a real all American successful company.

        2. I think that is one of the dumbest reasons to buy something. First of all, it supports people doing a crappy job because you will buy it also.

          But lets accept that we will pay more for crap because it’s made in the US.

          Ok, so do we look at the raw materials? Most steels have 5 – 20 different materials in them. Do all of them have to be mined in America?

          And those mines – do we make sure that the mining equipment was made in America? Or what about a mine is South Africa that uses American built minig equipment vs an American mine using Japanese built mining equipment?

          And there is the leather seat on your bike. Where was the cow raised that provided the seat. And if it is from the US, the slaughterhouse almost certainly used illegal aliens – so are you ok with that?

          And if it’s better to buy made in the USA, then is it even better to buy made in Colorado? And in that case, should I prefer made in Boulder to made in Colorado?

          If we all buy from whatever factory is closest to us, then isn’t that a complete refutation of the free enterprise system you so strongly support?

          And I like Russian Pop music. Would it be better if I choose to listen to Britney Spears because she’s an American?

          Or if music is a personal preference and does not have to be made in the USA, who decides what is a personal preference and what falls in the buy closest, not best categoty.

          Please elighten me…

          thanks – dave

          ps – I owned a Yamaha enduro (dirt bike). The quality was superb.

            1. Now that’s a real adequate response to being confronted with generally better quality of cars by the Japanese……

              HOW ABOUT MAKE BETTER CARS OUTTA DETROIT?  Then we all win….except the Japanese, which I take to be your real goal. 

            2. I drive a BMW (German car) while my wife drives an Acura. My computers are all Dell and mostly built in Malaysia using parts mostly manufactured in China. And most of the music I listen to is from Russia.

              But the software I run is mostly Microsoft and Sun which are both in the US. Although the Microsoft J# team is in India and we use that for the .NET verison of our core engine.

              So where exactly am I supposed to move to?

  5. has a list of who gives/who gets for campaign finance.  I did a very brief look through for Colo and it looked like in every case where a candidate received more money, they won.

    This is not a well, duh! type question it is a quest for at least accuracy if not truth: –>  Is that true?  Was the money that is reported there the actual money that the candidate had available during the campaign, or does that reflect kiss and makeup money received after they won? 

    1. gets there info directly from the FEC, so yes its true.  If you look at Congressional races from the past 10 years (and probably even further back) over 90% of the candidates who have more money win.  So when people say “money doesn’t matter in campaigns” they don’t know what they’re talking about.

      1. Money is the mother’s milk of politics. Had someone like Mark Hillman raised more money during the 2006 campaign, I am sure he would have defeated Kennedy.

        In politics today we would be better served if there were not campaign finance laws, but instead candidates had to wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers and display all of their backers to the general public.

        1. politicians do display their backers to the public.  And didn’t Mark take the spending limits so he couldn’t have raised more money?  Kennedy just ran a much better campaign.

          1. part of my question was on the status During the Election.  It is not uncommon for donations to come in after the fact.  My interest was on whether the money was actually there before the end. 

            In some cases, I believe there was a clear difference in money all through the race.  In some others, especially where the numbers were closer, late contributions might make it look different than it actually was.

      1. Or, by “Grow up” are you saying, “Don’t remind me of the facts.”

        Gore won the overall popular vote.

        A long, slow hand count of all ballots by a media consortium in 2001 showed that Gore won Florida, too.  Despite Katherine Harris’ voter roll purges and all those shenanigans.

        So, technically Gore won the presidency.  He was screwed out of it by a “Republican” Supreme Court.  If they had decided for Gore, what kind of man do you think Bush would have been accepting his fate?  An asshole.

        1. Here’s a snippet of a great article from 2004 in the American Thinker.  Here’s the Link.


          The left likes to say that the United States Supreme Court gave the election to Bush. They did no such thing. What they did was reverse the Florida Supreme Court’s effort to keep on counting until Gore won.  The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v Gore may not have been a model of jurisprudence, but the left also ignores the fact that the decision to over-rule the Florida Supreme Court was not a 5-4 decision dictated by the five conservative members of the Court, but a 7 to 2 decision. Even two liberals on the Court were offended by the machinations of the Florida court and its creation of a chaotic vote counting system for the ‘undervotes’.

          The system decreed by the Florida Supreme Court in its 4 to 3 ruling (bitterly condemned by the Court’s own Chief Justice as ‘overreaching’) would have allowed inconsistent rules for counting the ‘undervotes’ even within an individual county. For example, the Florida Supreme Court decided to accept the results of a partially completed hand recount performed in Dade County by a group of county officials using one set of rules and then add to it the results of a hand recount of the remainder of the county’s ‘undervote’ to be performed by a different set of counters in Tallahassee,  whose counting rules were not established.

          The Florida Supreme Court also decided to accept the results of hand recounts completed in Broward, Volusia and Palm Beach Counties, though each county had established very different standards for identifying which partially punched ballots were to be considered actual votes. (Broward had adopted the most liberal standard, and gave Gore his biggest boost during the 37 day period: almost 600 net votes.)

          No clear rules for how to count or not count the ‘undervote’ in Florida’s other counties were established by the Florida Supreme Court, and seven U.S. Supreme Court justices concluded this new Florida counting system was so arbitrarily varied from county to county that it denied some Florida voters the equal protection of the law, guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. In retrospect, the U.S. Supreme Court action probably prevented the theft of the election in Florida from occurring.

          Nationwide, Gore won a plurality (not a majority) of the reported popular vote tally, leading Bush by approximately 540,000 votes, a 0.5% margin, while losing narrowly to Bush in the Electoral College (271-266). This split between the popular and electoral College results in the 2000 election has its historical parallels, which diminish the contention that a deep historic injustice was done.

          1. probably written by some pointy head in love with his own clever prose.

            1) More people voted for Gore than Bush
            2) Bush is president

            Something isn’t right there.

            1. …a history class would have done you some good.  You can skip right to the chapter about the electoral college.

              Bush won the popular vote by millions in 2004, yet if 60k in Ohio had voted differently, Kerry would be President.

              Would you still feel the same way about 2000 if that had happened?

              I think not.

              1. Gore would have been up for re-election in all probability.

                BTW, there were a lot of shenanigans in the Ohio race, deja vu Florida all over again.  Some of those Ohio voting officials are in the hot seat.

          2. The decision stating the current method of recount could be violating “due process” was 7-2, though that decision was B.S..  You could argue, as Gore did, that individual states count and record votes differently, and because different voters are treated differnt the due process clause is violated.

            The decision to stop any other recount at all was 5-4, along party lines.

            1. And of course the constitution doesn’t set any parameters for voting, other than the 14th amendment.  I guess that’s what they judges decided they were operating under.

          3. The initial 5-4 decision to hear the case was based on “irreparable harm” to Mr. Bush, nevermind that there were two parties who might have been harmed, and allowing the recount to begin – valid or no – harmed no-one.  That was the “theft” – that, and the fact that the States have historically been allowed to control their own election process, with a defined appeals process that nowhere involved the SCOTUS.

            The fact that the final decision was marked as “non precedent-setting” should tell you the rest of what you need to know about the validity of the court’s opinion.  Either the court meant what it said and elections need to be fully standardized nationally, or it didn’t mean what it said, and they should have stayed out of it and let the Florida Legislature or the Republican Congress decide the electoral outcome if they so desired.  Intervening to stop a recount instead of ordering a more uniform recount was the worst thing they could have done in the situation.

  6. “..The former vice president, who has ruled out another run for the White House,”


    He did so in 2003, “I will not run.”  A huge difference with the many variants of “I can’t imagine” that he has spoken in the last year.

    Would Kronkite have made such a nuanced error?  I doubt it. Errors abound in our news media. 

    Maybe the anti-public education people have a point….

    1. If, indeed, he’s playing the game you think, he will end up on my nerves.  Run!  Don’t Run!  Whatever, ……but make your mind.

      Sometimes those who play hard to get never get got.  Especially those who been around the dance floor a few times already.


      1.   I don’t know whether Gore will or won’t run for pres, but now is definitely not the time to declare.  No sense to get in the middle of the Clinton-Obama pissing match just yet–and the worse they look the better he looks. With his $$$ and name recognition it will take very little time for him to be up to speed.  To speculate, an alternative to formally declaring and campaigning would be to use his influence to broker bi-partisan legislation (with help form Swarzenegger?) on carbon emissions–this gets something done on his core issue and demonstrates his political effectiveness.
          Whether he runs or not, he is in position to be a strong influence on shaping debate and candidates’ platforms. 

          1. But the primaries are still 9 months away–that leaves time.  A lot of dominos would have to fall just right but we seem to be in a very volatile historical moment.  The combination of early and intense start of campaigning, instantaneous media coverage, and very serious national issues means strange things can happen–quickly.  We’ll see what develops.

            1. I think you are right on about the advantage of Gore just sitting back and watching the Obama – Hillary pissing match for now.  It’s Holtzy Beauprez on a national level.

      2. And has nothing to do with his age.

        Don’t forget, this country got by just fine w/o presidential primaries or candidacies until much later in the cycle.  Candidates generally didn’t even get out there until after Labor Day. 

        What would Al gain by announcing either way, now?  Nothing.  He can stand aside, watch all that is going on, and wait. Damned smart, I’d say. 

  7. Among politicians, truly not running they use Sherman’s quote – “If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.”

    When Gore says that then he’s not running. Until then, it’s an option…

    1. without having to work too hard or put himself or his family through another long and painful campaign season.  Not sure he’d want to give that up to fight Hillary and Obama over Geffen dollars. 

      1. is that, if he’s going to do it, he’ll wait a while, maybe as late as fall, before he enters. While I’m not sure that’s realistic given today’s fundraising requirements, it does make me think that letting Clinton and Obama beat each other up just so he can waltz in and take the number one spot is his strategy.

      2. “the sky is falling” Gore stops his hypocritical worldly flying and lives up to his ‘global warming caused by emmissions’ theory, I’ll take him seriously.
        Until then he is just another alarmist looking to make millions off of your fears.

        How much is he adding to the devestating problem of global warming? Way more than any of us.
        This one hit wonder puts more miles on the ground and in the air in a year, than the average person does in a life time.
        Does he do it in a Jap shit Prius? Uh, no.

        1. I doubt if he puts on anywhere near the airmiles of our so-called Commander in Chief, or his evil puppeteer, all for pretty much nothing.

          I doubt if he’s making millions as you say.  And isn’t that the American way, capitalism?  And GW hasn’t “made” millions by being a scion of a rich family? (Not that Gore’s family was in the poverty bracket.) 

          BTW, he made a lot of his millions on Google.  Got in early.  Smart dude. 

          1. He spends $30,000.00 a year on his electric bill for chrisakes! Really doing his part to save energy.
            Then goes on whirlwind round the country trips preaching the ill effects of emmissions on our environment.

            A bigger two faced hypocrit has yet to be born.

            Splain that one all you liberal lovers.

            1. How about Darth Cheney saying he was right in 1991 when he noted that invading and occupying Iraq would lead to a quagmire, but then told the American people in the lead-up to the current Iraqlusterfuck that we would be “greeted as liberators”?  Is that hypocrisy or just a bald-faced lie?

              1. Cheney is not going around on the circuit preaching the ill effects of global warming, all the while burning more fuel than a hundred of us do in a year, dumbass.

  8. Mike Rosen this morning? About the petition to ban a dangerous chemical?
    He had an interview from people promoting a petition, asking the general public to sign a petition about a potentially dangerous chemical. They were asking people on the street to sign up and join the cause.
    This chemical is used by all sorts of companies from nuclear to styrofoam manufacturers. The chemical can be deadly and is found in all of our rivers, lakes, most of our food, all of our beverages, etc.
    When asking for people to sign the petition to ban this chemical, almost every single person joined and signed up.
    The chemical is: dihydrogen monoxide

    Just goes to show how gullable people are. My thinking is that most of the people on the global warming bandwagon are just as enlightened as these few hundred people that signed this chemical ban.

      1. I listened to the interviews. I heard the people talking. They ALL jumped on the alarmist bandwagon.
        OVER WATER!
        Same goes for many people on global warming.
        It’s the “oh god, we’re all going to die unless we change our evil ways”.
        That is bullshit.
        And Al Gore is the king of bullshitters, besides being a hypocrit.

        1. that climatologists know what “dihydrogen monoxide” is. It’s the “I don’t want to believe so I won’t” crowd that’s the problem.

          But I think “Bullshit!” was the name of the Penn and Teller show, not an epithet being directed toward you.

        2. The Show is called “Penn and Teller’s Bullshit!” Maybe if you would do a little research yourself and tone down your own reactionary rhetoric your would realize what I said. I repeat: the comedian/magicians Penn and Teller have a show called “Bullshit!” They did an episode a couple of years ago about environmentalists where they circulated a petition to get people to ban H20.

          So, Rosen stole an old idea from quite comical show and tried to pass it off as his own. Awesome. So much for protection of intellectual property.

    1. but certainly demonstrates general public ignorance.  To put it another way, lack of education.  Mike’s stunt proves what happens when you don’t spend the money on schools.

  9. Last night Comedy Central had a rerun of the episode where Al Gore is in town desperately trying to get everyone to join his cause against “ManBearPig” (global warming).
    This is the second time I’ve seen this one and about died laughing.
    It of course follows the tree hugger’s actual stance on how the sky is falling and nobody will listen……..

    “…why won’t anyone take me cereal?…”
    Ha, what an alarmist. In fact the kids on South Park hit the nail on the head when they told the dipshit that he is an asshole and only spouts this shit to get attention because nobody likes him………
    Great stuff, I don’t care who you are.

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