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January 10, 2007 04:13 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Swearing-in ceremonies are like doorknobs. Discuss.


33 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. Apparently he is pretty serious about this.  He hasn’t even been reelected Mayor, but has already commissioned a state-wide poll with an eye to the Senate race in 2008.

    I have not seen the poll but know that one is/has been done.

    1.   What are the personal dynamics between Hick and Udall like?  Can they be competitive without be mutually destructive and personally vicious?  The mayor has run successfully against Democrats in the past (Zavaras, Tate and Mares) and I don’t recall that it ever got particularly nasty.  I seem to also recall Udall running against Dave Thomas and Gene Nichols, and they kept that race on a fairly gorwn-up level.

    2. If he ran for Mayor in Denver knowing full well he would serve only 1.5 years of his term, I would not support him for either office. Of course, so far there is no opposition to him running for Mayor, so I may not have another choice to vote for there.

    3. I guess he will run on how well the city has responded to the snowstorm? The effeciency of the plowing? Or maybe how downtown has become increasing safe under his leadership, even for professional atheletes? Or maybe not.
      To me, Hick, Romanoff, Gorden et al are part of a entertainment form of politics that rely more on showmanship than results—I’d prefer a more accomplished politican.

            1. what has Gordon accomplished down at the capitol? how come he had to beg to retain his “role” as majority leader in the Dem caucus? do you know how people down there thinks he runs things? how respected he is? is it just easier being catty?

              1. What’s he accomplished?
                – A litany of bills, many of them passed despite the Republican majority, advancing campaign finance reform
                – HB 93-1069, “Use of Plain Language in State Laws,” Westword’s “Best New Law of the Year”
                – SB-198, which will prevent SoS Mike Coffman from doubling as Mit Romney’s Presidential campaign chair, and requires a voter-verifiable paper record for each vote.
                – Yeoman’s work on Referendum C, more than any Colorado politician he helped to rescue our State economy.
                – I can go on and on if you’d like.  Even while in the minority, he sponsored more bills than most Dems.

                Finally, more than any Democrat I can think of, he has worked sincerely to defuse partisan rancor, and has attempted to find Republican sponsors for nearly everything he’s put forward.

                The rest of your questions are essentially rumor-mongering.  I don’t have friends at the Capitol, nor am I interested in such pillow talk.

      1. The Dems you mention have been great.  Each has there own personality, and all have a sense of humor sorely lacking.  Gordon, BTW, was one of the major proponents of C&D, walking from Wyoming to New Mexico to bring attention to them. And that he almost won the SOS office without taking any PAC money was brave and says a lot about him.

        But seriously, who are the “accomplished politicians?”

  2. This would be a big problem for Dems.  Both Hick and Udall would run well to the left of folks like Salazar and Ritter in a primary, and that would be enough to end the Colorado Democratic honeymoon real quick.

      1. He has a good chance of winning if the national mood stays similar ’till today, but he’s hardly a shoo-in for the nomination, much less the election.  I think Hick would be a very competitive candidate to Udall, with a larger base of support from GOPers.  In the general, you just never know — the GOP could come up with a strong candidate.

        Udall is simply not a moderate Democrat by Colorado standards of the Salazar or Ritter mold — when’s the last time a Democrat won statewide who wasn’t either something of a maverick or a middle of the road type?

        That being said, I think he still has a good shot given the fact that I don’t see a lot of compelling candidates from the GOP side.

        1. And unless those GOP’ers switch parties, their support won’t help him a bit in the closed primary against Udall.

          What specifically makes Udall more liberal than Salazar and Ritter?  Not his voting record, which is mainstream Democrat.  Is it that he doesn’t talk all the time about going to church?  That Mark sometimes forgets to unclip a carabiner when he puts his cowboy boots back on?  Your stereotype is a common one, but I don’t think there’s much to it.

          And the GOP bench is weak.  Maybe Alan Keyes should move to Colorado.

    1. I’ve never quite understood why people think Hick would have statewide appeal.  He’s an urbanite.  Lots of people in Denver love him (I think he’s OK, but not God’s gift to governance), but I don’t see him playing well outside of Denver-Boulder.

      I don’t think Hick is particularly lefty economically, but he would no doubt be portrayed by the GOP scare machine as someone who wants to force your innocent daughters to be impregnated by homosexuals, then forced to have a partial-birth abortion in order to harvest the stem cells for cloning research to build an army of Hilary-worshipping zombies.  Or something like that 😉

      Seriously, I can’t take him seriously as a candidate outside of Denver.  Maybe he can take over for DeGette when she retires in 2074.

  3. The Washington Post is reporting that Stephen Griles – former Deputy Secretary of the Interior under Gail Norton – has received a target letter in the Abramoff scandal investigation.

    Marianas Islands desk officer Roger Stillwell was sentenced to probation and a small fine for his part in helping Abramoff’s clients; his co-operation with prosecutors earned him the low sentence.

    With the notification of Griles, his girlfriend – Sue Ellen Wooldridge, Assistant Attorney General for Environment and Natural Resources – submitted a letter of resignation Monday.  (Nothing quite like dating the person who’s in charge of overseeing your activities…)

    Does this probable future indictment spell trouble for Colorado’s Norton?

  4. A group of central committee members is calling for the resignation of the chair of the Larimer GOP.

    From the Loveland Reporter Herald

    From the Fort Collins Coloradoan

    There’s a lot more to this story than even these articles suggest.  The chair in Larimer runs the party like she’s Stalin or something.  She uses strong arm tactics to try to stack the executive board and other central committee positions with her supporters and get rid of people she doesn’t like.  Her big mistake was picking on the wrong person.  Fern Wolaver is not someone you try to fraudulently remove from a party position.

    The chair is also in trouble in Larimer for playing favorites among GOP candidates in the last election.  A lot of people are saying she went out of her way to cause certain candidates to lose, and in at least one race, she was successful.


    1. Sounds like Hunter acted unethically on multiple occasions, and that if she had done things properly, she would have asked the board to remove Fern – which they would have been completely within their rights to do, based on her activities in Eidness’s campaign.

      This ought to be fun to watch while the rest of the local politcal scene calms down for a while…

  5. I think the bylaws of the county party say that if someone supports a non-Republican candidate, they can be asked to resign, but they can’t be forced to resign.  All Hunter could do was ask, then it was up to Wolaver to say yes or no.  When Wolaver said no, Hunter’s response was to lie to the executive board and say Fern agreed to resign.  She’s been pulling this sort of thing for years, but she finally picked on the wrong person.  Fern Wolaver is like the Godmother of the Larimer GOP. 

    1. It says the board can remove a party member on a vote for supporting a non-GOP candidate.  But no vote was taken; Hunter short-circuted the process by saying Wolaver resigned.  Considering Wolaver’s status in the local party, it’s unlikely that even a stacked board would have forced her out.

  6. “President Bush would not commit one additional troop to Baghdad if it weren’t based upon a new strategy.”

    – Dan Bartlett, White House counselor, Fox News 1/10/2007

  7. Joining the outrage in previous reports in The Daily Sentinel, the editor of The Grand Junction Free Press came out today expressing his own conniption with Rowland’s and KKCO’s shameful manipulation, violation and complete contempt for journalism ethics.  http://gjfreepress.c…  When…oh when….will the Mesa County Republican Party have enough fill of the shame and embarrassement Rowland continually brings to their disgrace on the Western Slope?

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