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December 05, 2006 07:22 PM UTC

Beauprez for Senate?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Republican Bob Beauprez clearly isn’t ready to go back to the dairy farm/bank quite yet, and he keeps floating the idea of another run for office. He told CBS4 last week that he wouldn’t rule out a run for the Senate, and in a Rocky Mountain News article, Beauprez sounds like someone who wants to give it another go:

Rep. Bob Beauprez hasn’t ruled out a run for the U.S. Senate, and on Monday he took steps to make sure people keep hearing his views.
His gubernatorial campaign committee sent an e-mail to supporters signed “Bob,” in which he talks about lessons Republicans could learn from this year’s elections. He also invited people to sign up for a new e-mail-based newsletter he plans to use for regular updates on national issues.

Beauprez, 58, is within days of leaving Capitol Hill for the last time as a congressman. He already has had to move out of his office suite, and his remaining staff members are relegated to a basement cubicle alongside other departing lawmakers…

…In a recent interview with CBS 4 News, Beauprez would not rule out a future Senate run, telling interviewer Terry Jessup: “We’ll take a serious look at almost any opportunity, including that one, I suppose.”

Launching an online platform is at least a sign that Beauprez wants to stay in the middle of big debates, said GOP political consultant Katy Atkinson. “He clearly isn’t through with public policy, whether or not it necessarily translates into another run for elective office,” Atkinson said. “It’s almost impossible to speculate on that.”

Beauprez could not be reached for comment on Monday…

…Atkinson said the political battlefield could change again two years from now, so the 2006 defeat does not disqualify Beauprez for seeking another statewide office.

“He obviously has lost his aura of being invincible, but two years ago none of us even thought Bill Ritter could get the Democratic nomination” for governor, Atkinson said.

It’s much more likely that Beauprez could try to make another run in 2010, because 2008 is probably way too soon. His campaign for governor was so bad, and he was such a bumbling candidate, that he’ll need to give voters a few more years to forget about it.


22 thoughts on “Beauprez for Senate?

    1. Thom Hartmann points out that he intentionally gave $5 to the RNC once so that he would get all of their mails and rants for fodder for his show and articles.  As he points out, they have spent many, many times that keeping him “informed.”

      Perhaps a good tactic; if every Dem gave likewise, we could suck their coffers dry before they caught on.

  1. He could have had either the congressional seat he’s leaving or the governor’s office, but he chose to run one of the poorest campaigns this season.  What was he, in the top ten WORST campaigns?  I still can’t understand why he CHOSE to throw away that seat.  I simply can’t believe he’s actually THAT DUMB!  However, people do forget.  There’s lots of examples of scumbags (see Jeffco) that ruin their chances but run again in a few years and everyone (except me) has forgotten all about it.  Now Bob’s no scumbag.  He’s just a self-destruction expert, even when all the best advisors tell him what he’s doing to himself.

    1. Maybe because Beauprez felt the breezes blowing and didn’t like what he heard on the wind.  Being in the minority sucks as a Representative; if he hadn’t run such a crappy campaign, he’d have much better control of decision-making.

  2. An attachment to the same RMN story notes that the Beauprez email distribution of his statement about the Senate went out on his electronic letterhead that says “Bob Beauprez–Colorado Governor.”  The News is soliciting your suggestions for other Beauprez logos.  Enjoy! 

    Here’s the link:

  3. Atkinson says he has lost is “aura of invincibility” but… I think she is forgetting that that was his whole selling point in ’06. He was chosen because he was invincible. I talked six delegates in the Springs into voting for him because he couldn’t lose.

    But he did! He lost bad! We tee’d it up for him and he whiffed the stroke. When you take away his “aura of invincibility” the guy is an empty suit.

    I say the article in the News was just a setup so they could make fun of him in the Extra section. Every Republican I know is so mad at him he’d do better to take on Udall for the Democrat nomination.

  4. to think about how to tell us why we should vote for him. More than any of the other missteps, I was bowled over by the fact that he couldn’t articulate any vision, any reason to vote for him and not Ritter.

    1. “Hi, folks!  Hey, why y’all leaving?  It’s me, BWB! Hey, just because I lost a safe CD seat and gave away the governship isn’t any reason to shun me, is it?”

      “Maybe I can start over in Hawaii, no one will no me.  Help David’s mom by doing stupid things again.”

    1. next time, instead of standing there with the pitchfork, I say John Marshall should put BWB in his best three-piece banker’s suit driving a tractor while Caudia climbs a telephone wearing a feather boa…..ooops, sorry, I was having a flashback to Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor on “Green Acres.”

  5. If he runs again for anything, all his opponent has to do is use some of the ads Beauprez used in his run for guv…show him and the horse’s butt, with a question like “Guess which one is the horse’s butt?”

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