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November 29, 2006 04:24 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols



33 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. McInnis to Allard: Seek out a 3rd term

    By GARY HARMON The Daily Sentinel

    Wednesday, November 29, 2006

    One potential Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2008 wants the incumbent, Republican Wayne Allard, to bid for a third term.

    Scott McInnis, who retired from the House in 2004 after six terms, is among the Republicans listed as possible contenders for the post should Allard decide against running.

    “I hope Allard runs again,” McInnis said, “His seniority is critical.”

    McInnis played down his own interest in returning to Washington, D.C., saying that his interest in returning to public service “remains high, but just how that shakes out, I don’t know.”

    Allard, who said in 1996 that he would serve two terms in the Senate, is expected to decide in the spring whether to run again.

    Along with McInnis, Gov. Bill Owens, Rep. Tom Tancredo and another former representative, Bob Schaffer, are interested in the post should Allard retire.

    Rep. Mark Udall, a Boulder Democrat, is believed to be preparing a Senate bid.

    One thing he factors into his considerations, McInnis said, was regional representation.

    “I also keep in mind that none of our U.S. senators, our governor-elect team, and even our congressman, live on the Western Slope,” McInnis said. “Almost half our state in land mass has no one higher than a state senator and it makes a difference.”

    Republicans want Allard to decide soon because the party, which lost control of Congress in November, must defend 21 of the 33 Senate seats up for election in 2008.

  2. Glancing through the papers today I see that there no longer is a check mark denoting Coffman as the winner in the Secretary of State race. Ludwig picked up 30,000 votes since November 7. How many votes has Gordon picked up?
    Is the SOS race close enough now to trigger a mandatory recount. Yes, I know Gordon conceded but no one seems to have up to date numbers in that race.

      1. The SOS numbers have not changed in two weeks in either paper. The numbers for CU Regent have changed showing Ludwig now ahead. Same with the Governor’s race as Ritter has been at 779,000 since November 8 even though his total has probably gone up at least 50,000.
        Any Gordon folks with fresh numbers out there or Coffman fans who will put this notion to rest once and for all?

            1. Ritter has been at 779,741 in the counts for both papers for over two weeks.That number was posted before tens of thousands of votes from Pueblo and Denver were counted. Neither paper has updated the tally for SOS since before the final numbers were received from Denver and Pueblo Counties. Why won’t someone from the Coffman or Gordon camps come forward with the final count? I’m betting that Ritter’s final percentage will be 60.02%

          1. I presume election law states that he or she receiving the most votes wins.  They don’t win because an opponent conceded, right?

            So what if after all was counted, the person who conceded winds up the victor?  Wouldn’t that person now be the winner of the election and be able to procede into office?

            A concession is nothing more than a tradition.  It has no legal status, I’m sure.

    1. I noticed that everyone is posting new comments, which is kinda out of the ordinary. I posted this as a REPLY to OQD, let’s see if it shows up that way.

  3. On election night Ludwig was behind by 3000 votes fewer than Gordon was behind. Ludwig is now up by 6000 or more. I’m guessing that SOS race may trigger a mandatory recount.

    1. Seems like Reisberg would have to make the list, after his performance in Weld County.  Noteworthy, I think, that Reisberg refused to “go negative” even after his opponent did.

  4. “You’re a Republican. You’re trying to figure out how to bash the uber-popular Barack Obama. What to do?

    “Here’s the strategy one GOP operative has settled upon:

    “Pronounce Obama’s first name as Bar-eck (which echoes the way most Americans prounounce the last name of the current Egyptian President), and then emphasize Obama’s middle name, Hussein.

    “Presto! A black American Christian who was born in Hawaii and raised in Kenya becomes…. a scary Muslim.”

    I’m quoting TheStranger directly because they say it better than I could.

    Here’s the video.

    h/t Wonkette and TheStranger.

    1. Desparate times, for the GOP, call for personal smear, spin and fear.  They have nothing against Obama, except using his name in a manner degrading which they should be careful of. They already experience the backlash of the Hispanic vote in ’06, and if they continue down this path of race bating it could be a double wammy in ’08.

      I think Im going to contribute to his campaign right now.

  5. Join Us For The 22nd Annual Founders’ Night
    Keynote Speaker: Ann Coulter 
    Wednesday, November 29, 2006 in the Donald R. Seawell Grand Ballroom at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts

    6:00 p.m. Patron Reception (Table Sponsors and Patron Ticket Purchasers Only)
    7:00 p.m. Dinner

    1. The Independence Institute claims it is non-partisan, and tries to distinguish itself from the evangelical wing of the Colorado GOP by its relentless focus on tax policy and individual freedoms.

      Why would an old-style, fiscally conservative organization spend its money on having Ann Coulter speak?  She has no economic insights.  She hates taxes, but will never say why in any depth.  She is principally about social conformity and moralizing, of the type that arguably cost the GOP so many seats this year.

      There are a lot of challenging conservative thinkers out there.  I think II has jumped the shark.

      1. It makes me laugh to think that Independence institute considers itself libertarian. It makes me laugh even harder to think that they fawn over someone like ann coulter. I can barely breath, because I am laughing so hard, that people think they are a think tank in the true sense of the word.

          1. I remember hearing him on the radio years ago talking about his views and those of the independance institute and he saying that they are diehard libertarian. I can appreciate someone who says what they are and sticks with it, but he is no libertarian.

  6. But, with the Dems also capturing both chambers of the New Hampshire legislature this year, giving them total control of the state government for the first time since 1874…and with the overwhelming Democratic victories across the country, can we now say to the oppositions claim that “Democrats can’t win elections” to enjoy the crow with a little tabasco sauce?

    1. You know as well as I, Sir Robin, that the new cry will be that the dems didnt win, but the republicans lost. Irresponsible? Yes. Stupid? Absolutely. True? Of course not, but that doesnt mean it will not be said. These people who should be eating crow will, of course, scoff, scorn and demonize their own failings and try to impart them on the dems. I dont think it will work. This is going to be a great couple of years.

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