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November 23, 2006 06:16 PM UTC

Throw the D-11 Bums Out

  • by: Zappatero

A lot of great work was done this election season. The Mountain West made big news, and I do mean BIG.

Karl Rove’s “The Math” was just what we’d expect from a city college dropout: a giant miscalculation. The national and state elected Dem count shot up dramatically. Howard Dean’s 50-state program worked like a charm, and well ahead of schedule.

I’d say Karl is “The Ass” around the White House right about now. But our work is not done. Will it ever be? No.

We’ve got two more bums to throw out this election season: the disruptive and destructive Eric Christen and Sandy Shakes are being recalled by voters from the Springs School District 11 Board.

The election is now, this is a mail only election, and the ballots are in the mail.

Eric Christen and Sandy Shakes are two low-level kneecappers sent in by the anti-union, anti-student Steve Schuck to do as much violence and damage to our schools, the students and the teachers of the Fighting 11th (it’s Colorado Springs’ largest school district) as they could.

And boy did they try:

Videos, e-mails and official documents confirm it: Eric Christen is an acerbic personality with a penchant for rudeness and verbal bomb-throwing. And Sandy Shakes has made radical shifts in allegiances and positions.

The question for voters: Does the behavior of two members of what most acknowledge is a dysfunctional board of seven people justify booting Christen and Shakes from their positions?

The inclusion of the two very different people on the same mail-only recall ballot, being sent to voters as soon as next weekend with a return deadline of Dec. 12, is oddly appropriate. Since their election to the board of Colorado Springs School District 11 in 2003, they have been allies, foes, then allies again, lead players in a three-year drama of shifting power, clashing ideology and immature behavior that has enveloped most board members.

…and the students they say they care about. If the Gazette calls 2 reliable Republicans on their behavior and flip-flopping you know they are bad. 

In a brilliant counter-terrorism operation against the acerbic Christen, local hero Magic Dave made a find about Eric Christen’s criminal past and suppiled it to the board. Much hilarity ensued, and “Christen the Criminal” became an integral part of our students’ learning activities.

But that wasn’t enough to rid us of him.

Sandy “The Snake” Shakes also has a questionable past; her extreme volatility cost the district a pretty good administrator and several hundred thousand of those tax dollars these guys are always harping about.

Eric Christen said again he would resign in today’s Gazette. But I don’t trust him as far as Pastor Ted can throw Mike Jones. Or vice versa.

So now we still have the recall of these fools, we have to prevent two of their dups from being elected, and – for the sake of our children – elect the two responsible adults that will replace the Christen Clown-ocracy.

Those who we don’t want are Schley & Garcia. Remember those names.

The two new and improved SD-11 board members we want are Charlie Bobbitt & Jan Tanner, and you can help them and us like this:

1. Eric has not turned in a formal letter of resignation. Until he does, he is lieing about resigning from the board. Rumour has it he plans to bring it the meeting on the 6th. Shame on our local press for once again falling for his dramatics, quavering voice and all. I never thought I would see the “boy cry wolf ” be so effective for so long.

2. The next board meeting is the 6th, but this is a special meeting, called due to the December holidays. They are going to be taking some formal actions but it is left to be seen whether a resignation would be able to be accepted at that meeting. Once again, we can count on Eric to make this all about himself, and saying words that have no meaning.

3. We are researching when the election will be certified and he is officially off the board when recalled.

4. Lisa Noll was the second person to hand in her completed ballot today.

5. A 39 cent stamp is enough to get the ballot mailed.

6. If you hear any advertising against the recall would you jot down the gist, what station you heard it on and send us a quick note. Rumor (I would like to confirm this so I can stop spreading rumours) has it Greg Garcia is running anti-recall ads.

7. Phone banking continues. To volunteer reply here.

The end of this reign of error by Steve Schucks’ dups is almost over.

Another win by common sense voters of all stripes will send a serious message to the far right inhabitants of our mountain idyll.

I think we can all agree to tell Steve to stick it where the Schuck don’t shine just one more time.

(Crossposted at SquareState – Z)


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