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November 20, 2006 04:24 PM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Try to contain your enthusiasm.


17 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. A friend of mine received a letter from Greg Brophy (R) last Saturday encouraging Republican precinct captains to vote to appoint Betty Ann Habig to Jim Dyers to be vacated Senate seat (he was elected as an Arapahoe County Commissioner).  Does anyone know the details?  Who else wants to be considered?  Betty Ann lost in the primary to Spensor Swalm in HD #37.

    1. What about Joe?  Isn’t Stengel vying for that seat as well?

      He finally passed the bar exam, so that makes him one of those nasty lawyers Republicans always complain about.  So now he has something else to add to his hypocritical resume.

      1. I have heard that Joe is not interested in the job.  Susan Beckman, a current Arapahoe County Commissioner was rumored as a potential Dyer Senate replacement, but I’m not certain.

    2. Maybe I missed some of this story.  Jim Dyer is giving up a seat in the state Senate to serve as Arapahoe County Commissioner?  Why in the world would someone do that?

      1. Not sure, but I bet it had something to do with Dyer being term limited in 2 years and wanted to move into a cushy office job and double his salary + car.

        1. Here is Dyer’s campaign website for County Commissioner.  He states very clearly that he is running for CC because of term limits in the Senate.  Dyer is apart of the Beaucratic mess that Republicans complain about.  He’s just another “Do as I say, not as I do” Republican, looking out for himself and his pocket book.


          1. That’s phenomenal.  The jerk actually admits his political manipulations on his web site.  He is actually resigning his seat in the Senate just so that some Republican gets an incumbency advantage in the 2008 elections; that’s just astonishing.

    3. This can’t be right — but a friend of mine from the eastern Plains told me Brophy is going to go after the GOP Chair position if it becomes a paying position.  Has anyone else heard that?

    4. Habig’s a solid, intelligent Republican – unlike the radical (“I don’t believe in the separation of church and state”) Spencer Swalm who just barely squeaked by Democrat Angela Engel in what’s normally a rock-solid “red” district. It would be great to see Habig in the Senate.

  2. We need speculation and innuendo, ASAP!

    Personally, I don’t expect a rematch of 2006 – Musgrave will be seen as too big a drain on (R) resources and will suddenly find a need to “spend more time with her family.”.  Gut feeling: 20-1

    Paccione is said to be reviewing polling data about a run again.  But I bet it still does not play well on the Plains.  15-1.

    Other names?  Shaffer (probably not – 60-1 – he’s been there, done that).  Steve Johnson?  Reasonable likelihood – 10-1 – somewhat moderate (supported Ref C), has that (R) by his name which is magic out east.

    Any other reputable (D) names?

    1. On the (D) side: Wes McKinley.  If Musgrave goes, there could be a sudden “migration” of interested Dems into the area.

      On the (R) side: Eric Eidness and Bill Kaufman have potential.  Eidness already has the papers on his side…

      1. no idea what he’ll do next, maybe just be a content wheat farmer. i think he did well there in the statewide election though, so maybe he makes a run at it.

        regardless, who else is getting pumped up for sound bytes from congressman lamborn!?!?!? hes gonna revolutionize washington.

        1. .
          the rumor going around is that Congressman Lamborn has developed a strategy for Iraq where we win victory in 12 months.  I think troop levels rise temporarily, but not uniformed soldiers and Marines.  He found a way to get contractors to stand up as our military stands down.  This way our victory isn’t held hostage by those unreliable Iraqis. 

          Technically, if we contract out the whole darn war, then no matter what happens, we can’t lose. 

          1. i dont believe anyone loses with lamborn as our congressman! so lets stop using negative language and realize that from now on your pee-wee baseball coach was right, EVERYONE is a winner!

      2. Other (D) names that occur to me that are already living here include Peggy Reeve (40-1 – she may not want to dive into the DC cesspool at this point in her career) and Susan Kirkpatrick (but she may be too liberal for West Kansas).

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