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November 08, 2006 07:58 PM UTC

Democrats Claim Victory in Virginia & Montana

  • by: Colorado Pols

Democrats may now control the U.S. Senate. From MSNBC:

The battle for the Senate hung on a few thousand cliffhanger votes in two states Wednesday, long after polls closed in an election that swept Democrats into power in the House and delivered a rebuke of GOP scandal, the Iraq war and the course of a nation.

Democrats seized on their candidates’ leads in Montana and Virginia on Wednesday morning to claim victory – and control of the Senate, though a potential Virginia recount could further lengthen the suspense.

“Both Jon Tester and Jim Webb have won their races in Montana and Virginia but want to make sure that every vote is counted,” the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee said via e-mail. “We expect to have official results soon but can happily declare today that Democrats have taken the majority in the U.S. Senate.”


8 thoughts on “Democrats Claim Victory in Virginia & Montana

  1. Tester just moved farther ahead. He’s now up by 3100 votes, which means Burns only gets a recount if he can show good cause. Meanwhile, the last Virginia recount — in 2005 — only changed a handful of votes. Allen is toast.

  2. If he votes with the GOP, Cheney gives the Senate to the GOP.

    I’m betting he stays with the Dems. They will reward him with more power, and he will take it because the Dems stand to increase their majority in 2008.

    1. He said that he would caucus with the Dems.

      I never thought that Lieberman would have this position in the Senate.  A) I thought he wouldn’t get reelected, B) I didn’t think the Dems woudl take the Senate.

    2. Cheney was on one of the networks scolding the American people for canning ‘Left Gate keeper’ neo-con dual citizen Joe Lieberman. Cheney went so far as saying to the people exercising their right, as American citizens, that they were “aiding the terrorist” for canning Lieberman.  (Do I still live in America?)

      Ok Democrats, you can stop celebrating and go back to sleep.  Bush still owns both house and senate jointly with their partners in crime the Dems as long as you DON’T put pressure on your Dem reps to go after neo-con pimp Nancy Pelosi and give her the boot.  Nancy Pelosi promised you that she would “Partner with Bush” .

      The more things change the more things still stay the same.

      1. Pelosi must work with Bush on some issues to get bills signed into law.  However, Im confident she is not going to change overnight into a rubber-stamping republican and appease the presidencies every wish.  We are going to see bickering, fighting, and a lot of conflict in the near future between Congress and the White House.

        I’m keeping an eye on the first 100 hours to see how much our Colorado Dems have a hand in it.  I want to see Degette push her stem cell research bill back through.

        Anyhow, it’s going to be an exciting two years. 

        1. Either we’ll have to work on Bush to get him to let the stem cell bill ride, or we’ll have to find some more support in the House.

          The Senate passed the bill 63-37 last time.  Assuming only two of those YEA votes came from Senators now departing (read: Chafee, and DeWine? – I know Talent and Santorum voted NAY, and I can’t see Burns or Allen voting YEA…), we now have a veto-proof majority for the bill in the Senate.

          However, the House vote was only 238-194.  Even if all (30?) of the new Democratic seats go for the stem cell bill and we didn’t oust any Republican supporters, we still come up short of the 2/3 (290) necessary to override a veto.  If the Dems can rally quickly, they might catch Republicans in a disorganized state and peel off some otherwise previously intimidated Representatives; Diana Degette is going to have to do some serious vote-counting on it to make it happen.

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