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October 20, 2006 01:25 AM UTC

Voter Turnout Predicted to be 60%

  • by: Colorado Pols

According to the Secretary of State’s office, voter turnout is expected to be about 60 percent. Click below for the full press release…

On Election night, you may obtain unofficial election results from each County Clerk and Recorder.  The Secretary of State Public Information Officer will be available at the above-mentioned phone number throughout the day and evening to answer inquiries from members of the media. 

The Secretary of State projects a voter turnout of 60.0%.  In previous mid-term elections, the voter turnout ranged from 49.45% in 2002 to 59.52% in 1998.  Secretary of State Gigi Dennis hopes that high-profile candidates and issues improve voter turnout across the state.

“I urge citizens to exercise their right to vote and cast their ballot during early voting or on Election Day,” Secretary of State Gigi Dennis said.  “It is important for voters to get active in the election process and voting is the easiest and most effective way to make a difference.  Every vote does count and every vote makes a difference,” Dennis added.

Here is how the registration numbers break out by party affiliation as of October 18, 2006:

Republican – 1,066,956
Democrat – 896,861
Unaffiliated – 999,552
Libertarian – 6,555
Green – 4,946
Other – 975
Total: 2,975,845
(A more detailed analysis of registrations per county is available on the Secretary of State’s website at under the “Elections Center”.)

Important Dates to Remember:

October 23 – Early Voting Starts (Contact your County Clerk and Recorder for details.)
November 7 – 2006 Election Day
November 27 – Last day for County Clerks to submit election results to the Secretary of State. 
December 1 – Last day for the Secretary of State to total returns and order recounts.
December 1 – Secretary of State will have official election results available on the “Elections Center” website. 
December 7 – Last day to complete a recount.


10 thoughts on “Voter Turnout Predicted to be 60%

  1. I think the GOP base is way more energized than the Democrats are expecting.  Generally speaking, a high voter turnout in this state would bode well for Republicans.  If this was, say, Oregon, a high voter turnout would indicate good news for Democrats. 

    1. will be very high as there is so much on the plate this time around.
      Many people have strong feelings not only for the Gov and distric races but for the marriage, school, and other issues up for grabs.
      I have always wished that 100% of ALL people turned out each time. Not just 100% of registered voters. It is sad when 60% of only registered voter turnout is looked at as being good.
      What I have always wondered about is if people bothered to register, why do they not bother to vote?
      I understand the ones that just plain don’t care and don’t register, but if you register, vote. Right?
      Hell, you don’t even have to leave your house. I vote absentee and it cost 39 cents.
      So in short, anyone that doesn’t vote had best not bitch about the outcome……………….

      1. I don’t think the voter turnout will be 60%.

        High profile gov race that has turned nasty – no major wedge issue on the ballot – Administration’s cavalier attitude towards its base (calling Christians ‘nutty’) – will all lead to lower numbers for Republicans in the polling places.

        I agree with Gecko – there should be a consistent 90%+ turnout in America for voting and until there is – we’re failing as a nation in exercising one of our most important rights as citizens.

        What do you think about AZ’s lottery where some lucky sap will get $1million if they are the lucky voter?

        1. I’m not sure what to think about all this “you don’t vote; you’re a faiulure” stuff.  I’m a political junkie.  I volunteer with campaigns, and follow politics with way more time than I actually have.  Most others here can probably empathize.  Yet I won’t be voting on everything on the ballot.  I won’t vote on whether to retain some judges, for example.  There are other elections (city council, for example) that I don’t vote in at all, since I don’t have the time to become sufficiently informed.

          Do we really want people to feel obligated to vote, whether they want to or not?

          (Note that I do have concerns about honest to goodness dienfranchisement, which in my mind includes people not voting because they don’t have transportation, or time off from work, etc.  It’s the people who make a deliberate decision not to vote that I think ought to be respected in their choices.)

          1. one, disenfranchisement – problem and continues to be a problem.

            two, voting but not for everything – fine in my eyes – you showed up and voted, and you thoughtfully declined to vote for things you didn’t know about.

            three, people who make a deliberate decision not to vote at all – BAD.  As with all our rights in this country, they get stronger through use.  Our ancestors died for our suffrage.  Blacks and women fought and died for theirs.  It is the cornerstone of our government. In my eyes, THE most important thing we can do in this country.

            If someone doesn’t want to vote because they don’t know the issues or they don’t have time or they don’t like negative ads or … than you have NO reason to complain, bitch, speak about politics or the politicians who were elected.

  2. Actually there was a Wall Street Journal article (I think yesterday) that had a pretty good analysis.  I don’t know about Colorado, but nationwide evangelical (read that as GOP) turnout is expected to be lower than usual.  The reason is that the evangelical crowd is disappointed with the GOP not passing anti-gay and anti-abortion legislation.  Basically, if they’re not going to do that, why bother voting for anyone?

    1. But the WSJ has been downright funky lately.  I love the paper but it seems to have joined the fun of cavorting around about the GOP’s imminent doom. 

      I’m not buying it.  The GOP base is very, I mean very, reved up.  All the evangelicals I talk to are extremely pumped.  I don’t recall a GOTV effort as strong from Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council as I’m seeing now.  I’ve said for the past few months that people were shocked two years ago with the massive turnout of values voters.  Now the idea is that values voters don’t exist–that anti-war pro-welfare forces are too strong in voters’ minds.  This year will be determined by the values voter.  My guess is that the GOP does a whole lot better than expected and it’ll be because of the Focus crowd.

      I remember when the pundits were stunned that Bush spent so little time in Ohio.  He was always in Pennsylvania  and pundits were like, “Hey, does he think he’s got the big O in the bag?  Kerry’s basically bought a second home there.  If Bush doesn’t get over there he’s gonna lose Ohio and the election.”

      But Rove & co. said all along that they were confident enough in Ohio to leave it alone.  As it turned out Bush won Ohio and the election as a whole because of the Buckeye state.

      What happened?  Rove new the churches were working furiously behind the scenes because of the gay marriage vote there.  The evangelicals were the hidden force

      1. Everyone is asking why Bob is not visiting the Springs, after all, he needs to turnout the vote big time in El Paso County if he wants to win.

        BUT HE KNOWS HE’S GOT THE COUNTY IN THE BAG.  He’s counting on the churches there to do their job and he’s focusing on squishy suburban moms that are the real leaners.  He’s trying to steal those votes from Ritter.  And at the end of the day, I have a feeling it will work.

      2. Yeah, evangelicals came out, no doubt. But Rove also knew the extremely corrupt elected officials in Ohio were taking care of things by disenfranchising thousands upon thousands upon thousands of democratic voters. There’s a reason that the Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell, who was responsible for running the election, is currently behind in the polls by a 2 to 1 margin. Even his base has abadoned him because of his blatant attempts to disenfranchise voters.

  3. Hey, I think 60% is actually pretty darn good, for an off year, no less.  By the way, what was up with the Rocky not printing absentee ballot numbers from Denver in yesterday’s paper?  They got all the other big counties,,,

    Speaking of errors, talk about pure stupidity–the Rocky endorsed O’Donnell and Lamborn.  Now, tell me why I should listen to these hairbrained editorial board diatribes?  I didn’t even bother to read the endorsements.

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