POLS UPDATE: Having given Libby Szabo her due, we’d be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge Ann Romney’s speech to the Republican National Convention last night on its own:
Rough-and-tumble politics aside, and whatever disagreements you may have with her, Ann Romney really is that campaign’s greatest asset. Her ability to soften the image of her generally unlikable (and unliked) husband is one of the only major hurdles remaining in the mostly-successful strategy by Democrats to define the Republican Party as hostile to women.
It’s probably not enough at this point to overcome the richly-earned “war on women” brand afflicting the GOP this year, but Ann Romney is as close to a rejoinder as they’re going to get.
Maybe next time she’ll be on the ticket herself?
Ann Romney took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Tampa tonight, waxing lyrically about love, her relationship, and her husband’s qualifications for the White House. During her remarks, the camera cut several times to the audience when, lo and behold, it turned on Colorado State Representative Libby Szabo.
What made Szabo clap like she’s never clapped before? The environment, certainly. But it’s fitting the camera turned on an ecstatic Szabo following Romney’s quotation of biblical scripture, John 6:38’s “Give and it shall be given unto you.”
That’s because Szabo knows a thing or two about the Bible! She’s married, remember, to a preacher who believes that Barack Obama is the anti-christ.
Considering that, it’s almost as if Anne Romney was speaking directly to Arvada’s state representative.
Give to others, Barack Obama is wholly evil to the core. You know, biblical teachings.
(Cross-posted from Jeffco Pols)
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….and it’s not even the good ones. Just the same recycled tired crap, sandwiched between endless distortion and lies….
Lots of facty-thingies after the jump….
massive ad campaigns refuting all the lies.
You know me, I’m sunshine and kindness all the time, but Szabo is the biggest waste of space under the dome.
Introducing bad bills, arguing poor policy and don’t even get me started on the voice (like fingernails on the chalkboard).
…..but it takes the admixture of religion to make full blown bat shit nut cases.
Obama the anti-Christ. Holy shit. Oooo, did I just blaspheme?
With our long standing tradition of “respecting” other religions, we find ourselves letting these bat shitters go uncalled on.
Tim Allport could use some cash!
As a devoted father of two daughters, I was deeply offended by Ann Romney’s dismissal of fathers and men in last night’s speech.
Check out these quotes:
Really?? Only mothers have a deep love for their children? Screw you.
Really?? It’s only women who care more about their families?? Screw you.
Really?? I mean just read that in the context of a devoted father. I should just bold that entire paragraph. You mean I don’t know how to get my kids to the hospital, who is their doctor, help with their homework, etc., etc.???
You know what, fuck you Ann Romney and the June Cleaver horse you rode in on. Your attempt to appeal to women just pissed off the men. Congratulations.
I was also offended by those quotes because I don’t have children and am not married. Not super offended, but she made me squint and frown.
And I honestly didn’t really mind her before.
The dad angle is interesting, especially given that the two guys running seem like wonderful fathers. Maybe not, I guess. She’d know better than me…
who leaves all that stuff to the little woman. and makes the occasional fun dad appearance. After all, he claimed complete ignorance about his wife’s horse competing in the Olympics. That doesn’t sound like a very hands on, involved family guy.
Here’s a little peek into life in the Romney home:
Now I see why Ann Romney thinks only women care about their families. Mitt Romney is a real dick.
It’s the woman’s job to take care of the kids, don’t you know that?
Know your role, man, geez!
or I, as a single father/parent since my son was 7, might have pitched the remote at her
tougher . . . that’s the way the Republicans want it, and have made it.
Who was there when i was sick, did homework with me, etc. The diference between my dad and Mitt and Ann, was my dad didn’t have “stocks to sell” to make ends meet. And my dad wasn’t “too important” NOT to serve in the military AND raise his daughter.
Ann Romney is horrible, but you should all trust Mitt because she does. And if she says he has nothing to hide, you best believe him. They are morons.
was long concluded prior to being a parent. But, wrestling with schedules, illness, homework, peer pressures that my son endured, all sorts of stuff was just a part of life. For me, any sleepless nights were from either grief or questioning my own decisions and their impact on my son’s future. Happy to say I am absolutely delighted with the results.
I don’t think Ann had a clue what Mitt did everyday when he left, the lives he helped ruin to bring wealth to investors. She just knew she had enough cash to do anything
reminded me of Asma Assads’ speech about human rights. No concept of irony.
And why the R men in the place lapped it up – cause this lets them off the hook.
Guys like Newt – don’t have to really engage in raising his kids or making his marriages work. That’s women’s work
I could name others- R & D – but not a lot f D men in the room last night lapping this up.
Ann Romney is also dissing groups like the Promise Keepers by saying it’s the women, not the men who are keeping the family and the country together.
Of course, I remember when I and other fathers had to do more of the soccer chores for our kids’ teams to cover for the Promise Keeper dads who couldn’t attend the games in order to go to a rally or something.
As my favorite button says, “I am so sick of right wing fuckheads.”
When Colorado Pols runs you down, it means you’ve arrived.
Libby has 10X your trolling skills and he “arrived” prior to your weaning
I’m still waiting for your response on my family’s disgraceful use of “entitlements.”
Or that no one in your family has used Medicare, SS, or Medicaid.
Lotta crickets there in Arapaho County?