“I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.”
–Edith Sitwell
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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Today's insightful post – The gubernatorial races
Thanks Dave. Article didn't show Colorado as a competitive state in the Governors race. Implied assumption is that Heidi is toast seven weeks early.
I think Jared could spend the next 6 weeks vacationing in Hawaii and in that case would not only still win in Colorado, but might win the governor's race in Hawaii too.
Because your mom will vote for him twice.
She would probably be chairperson of his election committee.
As of the 16th of September, Cook Political Report looked at governors and said
TOSS UP – Democrats
TOSS UP – Republicans
Gotta say, I was surprised to see OR on the list. Checking in with Ballotpedia, the explanation is
Incumbent Governor Kate Brown (D) is term-limited and cannot run for re-election.
Drazen is following the Paul LePage strategy to winning. Get to 40% with the hard right screwball votes and hope that the center and the left split their votes.
Natural gas price up 34%. Thank you Democrats for caring soooooo much about seniors and working people.
I'll fall for it, PP … how did ANYTHING the Democrats have done internationally, nationally, or in the state of Colorado impact the cost of natural gas?
And checking in … what do you want done about the price of natural gas?
And finally, is any legislative body likely to go along with your proposal for what is to be done?
Hear, hear! Thank you — you said everything I was going to say to Pontificating Prune, and you did so far more genteelly than I would have.
That said, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a reply. As so well we all know, GQPers specialize in dropping baseless, fraudulent, fact-free turds and then trollishly running away like scalded apes.
Providing reasonable, rational answers, explanations, evidence? Not so much. In fact, not at all. Ever. It’s simply not in their debased, corrupted political DNA.
Really John, you will fall for anything. How about the Biden administration (Democrat) using the EPA to disadvantage the oil and gas industry, so much so that Joe Manchin made regulatory relief a part of his bargain to pass build back broke.
Follow the money, Pfruit. You don’t need to be an Einstein to figure out why Manchin does what he does.
To take Pfruit’s morning drive-by to it’s logical conclusion would suggest he’s in Vlad’s corner on the Ukraine War?
U.S. Natural Gas Production Set A New Record In 2021
Analysis: U.S. LNG exports to Europe on track to surpass Biden promise
American natural gas companies are having a banner year. Pfruit needs to decide whether he thinks a free market is a good thing or a bad thing. Pick a lane
Checkmate, Mr. Bowman — well done, sir! PP's political evisceration (once again) is complete.
You'd think after so many humiliations they'd learn…
Historically, (be sure to read this first) both Fossilonians and farmers have done quite well under progressive Administrations (all the way back to FDR). Yet, nothing ever seems to be “enough”
#kochkaine – the fentanyl of the political world.
Alarm as Koch bankrolls dozens of election denier candidates
Figures he's party to that chicanery
This is what qualifies as “destroying” an industry in Pfruit’s alternative universe:
U.S. Sees Record Oil Production Next Year Moving Even Higher
You are right and I am wrong. It is totally natural for prices to increase 34% year over year. Good job Democrats.
Have you already had your second cup of passive-aggressive tea this morning? In an unchecked, free market, yeah. It happens. We’ve sold corn and wheat this year at 2x-3x previous (recent) crop years. What’s your point? I do see POTUS raising the issue. McConnell or McCartney? Not so much.
I'll add another item – Russia shutting off it's gas exports to Europe. What happens when a continent loses 35% of its gas supplies? Prices go up – worldwide. That's the free market.
And unless your hypothesis is that the Democratic party encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine and shut off gas exports, you're blaming the wrong party.
If they would simply affix a hose to your pie hole, Pear, the market would be flooded with natural gas.
Your lot want to do away with medicare/medicaid and eliminate social security, so as usual your criticism rings hollow. Also, does this mean you'll support a tax on billionaires and corporate profits. Oh right, Republican Jesus is against that. You've become tiresome, even for you.
The Kracken is preparing to be unleashed!! We’re about to witness a MAGA shit show to end all MAGA shit shows.
It begs the question: how many calls a day does FDFQ get from ClubFed?
Trump to unleash millions in the midterms in possible prelude to 2024
Trump has over $200 million sitting in his PACs that he grifted from the marks & sheep, who worship him, since the 2020 election. Much of it was raised to "fight election fraud."
A better guess is that he'll use a big part of that money to pay off bank loans coming due in the next couple years. Of course, the grift and pleas to donate will continue.
Like this?
I read about the release of the Kracken and my reaction is, meh ….
I will believe he will spend that type of money on others when I actually see it happen. Remember all his pledges to charities he has made but never fulfilled? It's up there with his buddy, Hershel Walker's, charitable giving.
To all those naive MAGA candidates waiting for the money spigot to open, I suggest you take to heart a phrase that great liberal RINO, Ronald Wilson Reagan, was fond of: "Trust but verify."
Get your tickets here:
These freaks won't be happy until this country looks like Iran or Afghanistan.
Katherine Stewart at least is an author who has written IN OPPOSITION to Christian Nationalism.
“ Colorado’s halfway houses are a revolving door to prison.” Denver Post headline on a Propublica story by Moe Clark.
It’s well-written and researched, but the basic premises are: halfway houses and the community corrections system are primarily for-profit entities , which benefit by keeping folks “ in the system”. Their ineffectiveness and high recidivism rate are explained by the need to keep making money from shoddy addiction and mental health “ treatment”.
I am a part of the community corrections system now, as an educational contractor to a contractor. I agree with many of the author’s observations.