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November 10, 2010 01:42 AM UTC

CO Senator Bennet already willing to cave on Bush tax cuts

  • by: wade norris


If Bennet was a pragmatic moderate, he should know that the majority of Americans (53%) want the Bush tax cuts to expire, not side with the Republicans and capitulate on this issue.…

At this time, we need every Democrat to help President Obama stand strong and say giving the richest Americans tax cuts would add trillions to the deficit.

So why I am not surprised by Senator Bennet’s latest need to weigh in on this subject – explicitly at odds with the President who campaigned for his re-election?

The Republicans are making one of their first priorities extending the Bush tax cuts – no matter how it balloons the already out of control deficit.

The Republican strategy ranges from ‘permanent repeal’ to asking for a ‘two year extension’.

Both of these strategies will inevitably result in a permanent tax cut. While the Temporary extension sounds harmless enough, if the extension is granted, it will be even more difficult to do away with these cuts, creating a cycle of Politicians who ‘punt’ on this issue.

Read on and compare that Republican strategy with Senator Bennet’s idea for ‘compromise’…

“What I have said on that is my priority is an extension of the middle-class tax cuts, that I would be willing to support a compromise that extended all the tax cuts for a year,” Bennet said in an interview with the Coloradoan Tuesday after meeting with campaign supporters in Fort Collins.

“One of the reasons that I’ve said that is that I think it’s very important for us to have a conversation about how we’re going to pay for these tax cuts. And that is a conversation you may have noticed that really isn’t being had right now,” he said. “They’re having a debate about which tax cuts to let go forward, but they’re not actually discussing with the American people what they’re prepared to cut to pay for it.”

Um, Senator Bennet, you barely won by the closest margin in Colorado Senate history, most likely due primarily to the President’s efforts to keep you in your seat.

How is this repaying his generosity?

With friends like these….


51 thoughts on “CO Senator Bennet already willing to cave on Bush tax cuts

  1. …acting like you’re all offended that the President’s generosity is being rebuffed.  It’s almost as if you didn’t trash the President at every turn over the past year.  ALMOST, sucka!

  2. Wade, go back and hide in your hole. You are useless and only hurt progressive ideals and the progressive agenda.

    Bennet is saying exactly the same thing on this that he said 3 months ago.  

    1. Wade was always secretly rooting for Bennet to win because now he gets 6 years of fun diaries like this.

      Plus, now I know Wade’s OK. I was going to call for a welfare check-in soon.

      1. i’d prefer to be surprised and see Senator Bennet (who I voted for)

        lead on some progressive issues and stand with the President’s agenda, instead of doing exactly what I feared he would do – push the conservadem agenda.

        1. maybe you should have read some of your own diaries, then you could have persuaded yourself not to vote for him and get all disappointed when he turns out to be a (shocker!) pragmatic moderate.

        2. In fact, Obama was talking about extending the upper-class tax cuts for TWO years.

          So I guess Bennet is pretty much supporting the President’s agenda.

          Personally, I think both of them should play hard ball with the Republicans and ask Republicans how they want to pay for their $700b wealthy peoples’ tax cuts, and oh, by the way, we want to work with you on making the lower tax bracket cuts that help everyone permanent.

  3. extend the middle class tax cuts and give a yrs extension to he fat cats. If it helps settle it quickly so they can get to a jobs stimulus we’re all ahead.

  4. Obama has already said he’s willing to compromise – signaling he may consider the two-year extension of the upper class Bush tax cut in exchange for a longer/permanent middle class cut.

    Bennet’s one-year extention for the high end cut is probably more conservative than Obama’s.  It’s disingenous to suggest Bennet is thumbing his nose at the president.

    1. Wade is having trouble accepting primary results from THREE months ago. So, he is going to spend his energy trying to convince all that we made the wrong choice.

      IF AR had beaten the Senator and IF AR had beaten Buck, who would have benefited from having a Senator who would refuse to compromise (big assumption) only to lose and have all the tax cuts become permanent.

      I really, really like Andrew Weiner. A real fighter. A real intellect. If Weiner were in Senate and was presented with exactly the choice Senator Bennet is proposing and knew that was the most he could get, he’d vote for it.  

      1. the primary is over.

        This is democratic capitulation when it is not necessary.

        Couldn’t Bennet just remain silent, instead of leading the charge for compromising on the one issue that a majority of Americans are in favor of repealing?

        1. Couldn’t Bennet just remain silent

          You didn’t like that too much when it was about card check.

          leading the charge for compromising

          As someone above pointed out, Obama has already indicated he’s willing to extend it to get the middle class cuts in there. I think that means Bennet is following in this instance.

          the one issue that a majority of Americans are in favor of repealing

          Oh, so we’re going on polls now? Why are you encouraging Bennet to vote for Health Care Reform repeal? You’re sending some mixed messages here, buddy.

        2. A hell of a good idea follows.

          There’s a place you can post your anti-Bennet drivel and no one will give you any shit for it.


          Oh, and Daily Kos, which is where you crossposted this.

          Let me ask you a serious question.  How many of the 799,072 people who voted for Senator Bennet a) read Kos, or b) give a shit what you think?

  5. The problem is the Republicans are the majority in the House and gained seats in the Senate. Bennet’s facing reality.

    With that said, and I know it would be political suicide, I’m hoping somehow that this gets tied up in arguments and all the cuts expire. Those cuts are not sustainable for the level of government the voters insist on.

  6. Ok, let me type this slowly so you can follow, wade: nothing can pass the Senate without the requisite number of votes. So Saint Romanoff couldn’t have done jack shit to revive a public option that didn’t have 50 votes, much less the 60 it needed — and neither could he now bring about the “repeal the Bush tax cuts just for the rich” that you and I both want:

    (1) The Dems didn’t seem to have the votes for repeal the $250K+ tax cut before the election.

    (2) Since the election, they have 2 fewer votes, I believe: Roland Burris and the yes-man from W.Va. are temp appointments who are gone already, I believe, replaced by Joe Manchin (a true conservadem) and, imminently, Mark Kirk (R-IL).

    (3) Since the election, I’ve read, a number of the many conservative or wimpy Dems up in 2012 have gotten more scared of repealing the $250K+ tax cut; I haven’t read who, but here are some of the moderate to conservative Dems up in 2012: Ben Nelson, Jim Webb, Bill Nelson, Jon Tester, Tom Carper, Kent Conrad, Bob Casey.

    Look, I’d love the lame duck session to repeal both DADT and the $250K+ tax cut — but I think the election killed both of those.

    So the real choices we have don’t include “Wade’s and Raymond’s Utopia”; on the Bush tax cuts, our options include (a) extend them all temporarily in a compromise, or (b) let ’em all expire by Senate inaction. I’m honestly unsure which is the better option right now: raising taxes on working-class folks in a recession barely getting better doesn’t sound ideal.  

    1. I’m honestly unsure which is the better option right now: raising taxes on working-class folks in a recession barely getting better doesn’t sound ideal.

      Tax cuts are one of the least inefficient ways to boost the economy. On the flip side, if we significantly reduce the deficit then there might be a willingness to fund additional infrastructure projects – which is a very effective way to boost the economy.

      1. just the way Bu. . .  — er, I mean Cheney — and the Republicans planned, wrote, and implemented them.  

        Once they expire — all of them — Obama and the Democrats would have no problem lining up a little bi-partisan cooperation from across the aisle.  McConnell, Boehner and the majority of their Orcs would be beating down the Democrat’s doors to get some new tax reduction measures passed that benefit the middle class and still provide some needed stimulus.  It would pass in near-reord time.  (And, the constant right-wing rhetoric disingenuosly hammering on Obama about the deficit would start to diminish.)

        1. Becaust that implies that the  Righty Rhetoric is actually anti-deficit, when we all know that it is actually anti-Obama. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be fighting for the extension in the first place.

          1. and subject to interpretation (i.e., messaging).

            Let the Bush tax cuts expire — a poorly written set of upper, upper class favoring giveaways at the expense of the nation’s wellbeing. A ridiculous plan that America could never afford, and that they new couldn’t be afforded at the time it was written — hence their own expiration.

            Replace them with the Obama tax cuts — a carefully thought out and rational plan of fiscally sustainable relief for the middle class and investment in the nation’s future.  (Then let the Republicans line up to oppose those tax cuts.)

            Take a history lesson from the pharaohs and carve your name over the top of the previous imbecile’s being obliterated from memory.

      1. … I said that the “having all expire” option, which you say you prefer (and which I think is a decent option, even if I’m on the fence), could be unpleasant for working class folks, by which I definitely meant folks in five figures, not six figures approaching $250K!

    2. I haven’t said a peep since my post on our election win, because, quite frankly, I have been upset about this, too. I suspect if I am not getting Bennet’s justification for extending the Bush tax cuts (and I felt pretty close to the campaign), others are not understanding it either. I’ve told the campaign and Senate offices several times they need more staff to specifically get his messages out, thus improving Bennet’s PR. I can’t do it for them forever, for free. I got a life. (Shocker, I know.)

      You are right, this is exactly like the “public option” scandal-that-wasn’t-really. If others remember correctly, I explained that until my head exploded about 752 times on the blogs.

      Sign me, “Frustrated in Aurora”.

  7. most likely due primarily to the President’s efforts to keep you in your seat.


    Bennet won because of the pro-choice community slagging Buck as a Cro-Magon at every turn.

    I want repeal of abortion on demand.  It should just be “pretty please.”  

  8. how funny it is that Wade Norris is over here critisizing Bennet for bailing on Obama after BJ ran his Rubber Stamp nonsense for weeks.

    One accuses him of being Obama’s guarantee vote in the Senate, the says he’s abandoned Obama.


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