(Stay classy – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
UPDATE: Over the weekend, the Jefferson County Republican Party deleted the post, though officials still have yet to comment.
The Jefferson County Republican Party referred to Congressman Jared Polis as a “Brown Shirt” in an August 1 Facebook post. “Brown Shirt” is a nickname for a member of the Sturmabteilung, Hitler’s Nazi militia which beat and murdered those who opposed his rise to power. Polis, who is Jewish, is Colorado’s Democratic nominee for Governor.
The post shared an article about Rep. Polis’ (D – Boulder) personal wealth and featured a picture of him wearing a suit with a brown dress shirt. Above the image the party wrote:
Jared Polis has a new club “How to Be A Brown Shirt for Fun & Profit”
Nazi references have become a recent habit of Jefferson County Republicans. County Party Chair Joe Webb linked “Brown Shirts” to another Democratic member of Congress two weeks ago, posting:
“Things work out for the best when we disagree with each other respectfully. The Nazis example should teach Dems like Maxine Waters one thing. Today’s button pushers can become tomorrow’s targets. The Brown Shirts (SA) harassed others until Hitler did away with them in the Night of the Long Knives. When one group is unsafe then no one is safe. We should not tolerate this sort of behavior in America.”
Webb was criticizing Rep. Waters’ urging of supporters to confront Trump administration officials they encounter in public places. It’s unclear why he refers to the murderous Brown shirts as “button-pushers,” but he clearly understands that they were Nazi soldiers. Such a comparison would seem to undermine his plea for respectful discourse, which he has made repeatedly, even specifically mentioning the Governor’s race. On June 29 Webb posted:
Votes matter. The cause to prevent Jared Polis from becoming Governor is not served by crawling into the gutter with the worst most juvenile put downs. More people will be attracted to the cause by well thought out and reasoned arguments made with only good humor. Classy is clean, common sense but most importantly effective. It is the only way this race will be won. Think about it.
Former JeffCo Rep. Tim Leonard also used the term. Before he resigned last week — for reasons related to his court-ordered child support obligations — he equated the women who marched in protest of Pres. Trump’s policies to”Hitler’s brownshirts.”
Chairman Webb did not respond to an email request for comment.
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Yes, openly homosexual Jews were Hitler's secret weapon for ensuring the preeminence of the Reich.
Especially those photographed with a black man standing in the frame.
On the bright side, Polis isn't wearing a tan suit.
Ironically however he is wearing a "brown shirt"
Yes he is. Does that make him anti-Semitic? I would think the Jeffco Repubs would be ecstatic that Polis is a very fine person as Trump describes them. Can you confirm that you think that Polis is an anti-Semitic now because he wears a brown shirt?
No. No I can't. In fact I think Polis is a very fine person and believe he will, rightfully, be the best candidate and win. He does however happen to have a brown shirt on.
I couldn 't help but chuckle over that myself. But since fascist thugs used br own, black, silver and even red, it's kind of hard to be fashionable and apolitical at the same time.
has anyone taken Bronco orange for their political freikorps?
That picture was clearly taken after his makeover!
Straight eye for the queer guy, Michael?
Oye Vey! Smacks palm to forehead.
Being insensitive seems to be a genetic trait among these "saved" Pro-Lifers.
Winguts have long been uniquely susceptible to Nazi Tourette's, but this one's a howler even by their standards.
Besides, what's the big deal? There are some "very fine people" among the neo-Nazi and white supremacist communities according to our Republican POTUS.
But first, this Public Service Announcement on AMERICAN VALUES from the Huerfano County Republican Party.
Doesn't Polis have dual citizenship in Israel? Apparently Jewish Brown Shirts are a thing over there. Wonder how their wall is working out?
Shouldn't you be hosting a Bake Sale for the NRA?
Ammo sale! Fill two 30 round mags for the price of an order of chicken wings…..
TGIFridays looks kinda greenish and sensitive to me. Smells of political correctitude. Read their corporate responsibility statement:
What kind of snowflakey ecoherent shite is that?
If you're a true-red NRA gunhead – you source your rare red meat from cows and pigs that suffered short, miserable lives, slaughtered with an AR15 and/or machete, with the rest of the meal drenched in lard, full of GMOS , pesticides, preservatives, gluten, salt, and sugar, preferably after the meat has been on a month long hiatus back and forth to China, processed by an enslaved immigrant, to truly MAGA.
Better look into it. TGIF does not MAGA the NRA way.
Agreed. I went with the ammo. Better look into it as much as the wings and you will find a better comeback….I can wait right here if ya like…
City o City has some fabulous vegan wings that are better than any chicken wings I ever tasted!
Seriously? Doesn't Trump have dual citizenship in Russia?
Doesn’t Eduardo Rafael have/had Canadian citizenship?
He did, but when it came out, he said he was planning on
denouncingrenouncing the Canadian citizenship. Anyone know if he actually went through with it?He did renounce it in 2016. Cruz is a slimedog in many ways.
Speaking of slimedogs….
It appears our p-grabber-in-chief now has a wider range of options. Sasha Cohen strikes again.
We need to ask Moderatus and Andrew Carnegie if either wants to be next in line.
And give up their AR-15’s? They may have to get special dispensation from Dudley before they could commit?
PS: they’re tied up tonight at a Drumpf rally ragging on NFL players kneeling <something><something>
Jennifer Rubin puts that picture of Trump cultists into perspective with these cautionary words, and call to action