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May 12, 2017 06:55 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”

–Marcus Aurelius


54 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. The Fox "News" world that we've had to live with for far too long is exploding before our very eyes. It's ugly. It's going to be nasty. The Free Press is seemingly the last one to notice. And, of course, it’s being precipitated by Republicans and Conservatives doing the very things they have accused Democrats of doing these last few decades. 

    I hope AC and PP have a fainting couch nearby. 

    And I hope these Despicable Sociopathic Liars don't ruin our democracy for the sake of their jobs in a government they obviously hate and continually act to undermine.

  2. Where are the Three Stooges (i.e. our deplorable, fat-mouthed, shit-spewing trolls)?

    What, CarnHolio, no smug, smart-ass, condescending remarks about Nixon — er, Trump — and how misunderstood he is, and how bad Democrats are?

    You deplorable, dissembling, second-string trolls clearly are failing to earn your Koch bucks and Putin rubles lately. Your commissar is becoming royally pissed, comrades.

      1. It won't help:

        [Sarah Huckabee] Sanders, the White House deputy press secretary, was forced to change her planned answers for Thursday’s press briefing just minutes before. She watched as Trump interviewed with Holt, unsure exactly what he’d say. 

        “Nobody was in the dark,” Sanders said Thursday, seconds after saying she gave an incorrect answer the day before because she had been in the dark.

        The communications crisis followed a familiar pattern in which the president — frustrated by his press team’s flatfooted response — takes charge of the situation himself and, in doing so, undermines the White House message. One outside adviser said the shifting explanations have made surrogates less willing to go on TV and back the president, for fear of being embarrassed.

    1. Still still here. The commentary has been so boring and not worthy of commenting on. Not much in original thought from KOOKS who rely on fake news and pejoratives to try to make a weak argument.

  3. There is a loose cannon rocking the ship of state and the responsible press is no longer attempting to soft-pedal it:

    Undermining previous White House explanations, President Donald Trump declared Thursday he had planned to fire FBI Director James Comey all along, regardless of whether top Justice Department officials recommended the stunning decision. His assertions came as Comey’s temporary replacement joined in, contradicting other administration statements on the snowballing controversy.

    In an interview with NBC News, Trump also said he’d asked Comey point-blank if he was under investigation, showing no concern about the prospect of interfering in an active FBI probe. He said Comey told him three times — at a dinner and in two phone calls — that he was not, as the bureau probed his presidential campaign’s possible ties to Russia’s election meddling.


    The shifting accounts of the decision to fire Comey, whom Trump derided as a “showboat” and “grandstander,” added to a mounting sense of uncertainty and chaos in the West Wing, as aides scrambled to get their stories straight and appease an angry president. Not even Vice President Mike Pence was spared the embarrassment of having told a version of events that was later discredited by Trump.

    The White House’s explanations continued to crumble throughout the day Thursday. On Capitol Hill, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe strongly disputed the White House’s assertion that Comey had been fired in part because he had lost the confidence of the FBI’s rank-and-file.

    “That is not accurate,” McCabe said. “Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does to this day.”

  4. The Buffoon-in-Chief continues to lose it:

    Donald Trump Threatens James Comey, Implies He Taped Conversations

    During his Twitter rant Friday morning, Trump also suggested he may stop press briefings, threatened the “fake media” and excused his aides for not giving journalists accurate information.

    It may not take much more before he's escorted out of the White House in a strait-jacket or in handcuffs

    1. As circumstances (and the facts) close in on him, I think a trip to a psych ward is a real possibility. Keep in mind some of the recent descriptions that have been leaked about him – such as the "white-hot fury" he was exhibiting only a few days ago. It was also reported that Trump was not seen publicly for five days (beginning before the firing). That five days included a weekend – was he missing from his golf courses, too? I really think he's falling apart – can't think straight, can't speak whole sentences, clearly can't separate truth from fiction. And as he mentally decompensates, don't count on any family members to do an intervention.

      1. Nixon (minus) 50 IQ points…we have a man-child at the helm of our government. 

        When does it end?  When our (archaic) Constitution says so! It's probably best to have those pardons already executed; when they invoke the 25th and walk in the room it'll be too late. 

        1. His lapse yesterday about believing he had coined the term "Priming the Pump" is just another indication that his mental capacity is waning.

          Obviously, he had heard the term many times (including at UPenn/Wharton econ classes), but it lay buried in his subconscious all these years, until it finally resurfaced into his narcissistic consciousness as an "original" thought.

  5. Jesus Fucking Christ! Der Trumpster is now auditioning press secs. in real time for us after we learn that the ratings for briefings are more important than the connection to reality. 

    My prediction: Spicer – you're fired. Huck – you're fired. NatSec Advisor McMaster is a master and Trump will surely love his *performance*.

    As Trump tries to hang on to what will be the shortest and most shameful presidency in history, the number of people willing to lie for him daily will grow smaller and smaller until, finally, the Republican Establishment of Mitch "The Traitor" McConnell and Paul "The Granny Starver" Ryan bites the bullet, forces him out, and tries to blame it all on Democrats.

    1. Trump is already the worst president in our history, but he can't be the shortest.   William Henry Harrison died after 43 in office, so Trump already served longer than that.

    2. Most shameful, yes. Shortest, no. William Henry Harrison was President for all of 31 days before he died of pneumonia contracted during his inauguration speech in 1841. And James Garfield died a few months after being shot by an assassin in 1881 shortly after taking office.

      But Derp Fuehrer could have the shortest presidency of anyone who didn’t die in office. (Impeachment most likely won’t happen. Party before country, after all. But a guy can dream….)

  6. I was partners in company and ended up getting forced out because of unkind things I said about our marketing director who happened to be the wife of one of the other partners.  I was really torched about it because I was unemployed but ended up realizing that the more I thought about how worthless they were as human beings, the less time I had to find another job.  It wasn't my higher angel that led me to let go of my anger towards them but the pragmatism of needing to move forward with my life.


    I think there is a lot of truth in today's saying.  If you want to be unlike Moldy then yearn for the truth and be willing to support the principles that our society rests upon regardless of whether they are a threat to your political party's leaders.

    1. Well said GG.

      Perhaps you can conduct an intervention with DawnPatrol and his attitude.

      "Imagine a time in the future when republicans admit that from 1980 until 202? they were useful idiots, greedy, selfish, immoral, self-centered sons of bitches, faux-patriots, faux-Christians, smug, self-righteous, condescending pricks, incessant whiners with a terminal ‘victimhood’ complex and severe ‘manhood’ issues, and easily manipulated, proudly ignorant, deaf dumb and blind sycophants, aiding and abetting traitors, liars, thieves, frauds, tax cheats, con artists, hate-media hucksters, tinfoil-hat crackpots, mobsters, racists, bigots, homophobes, polluters, money-launderers, hypocrites, phony bible-humpers, fascists, plutocrats, oligarchs, theocrats, nature-haters and other assorted criminals, ne’er-do-wells, scoundrels and backsliders… – See more at:"

      1. Dawn Patrol did not misspeak. The Republican party has become soulless and without honor…you who blindly support such heartless and uncaring policies are less than are revolting…an affront to humanity. 

        Worthy of nothing but contempt.


            1. The face of the modern Democratic Party is on display with hatred, bigotry, racism, bullies and pure selfishness. I'm glad you show inter most core beliefs. I know you are extremely proud of your activism. Your particular band of evil does not sell well on its own merit. It will take many more of you to convince your fellow travelers. No matter how many it is it will never be widely accepted by Americans. The Democratic Party is a fringe party and not likely to ever represent American values again.

              1. If Trump continues on the path he has chosen, the Republican Party will be a fringe party. Clearly, the "big tent" concept created by the late Lee Atwater no longer works. 

      2. Well, the truth hurts doesn't it.   The GOP does not have a monopoly on patriotism.  And defending someone who is unstable and looks increasingly tied in with an authoritarian dictator who is undermining this country.  Defending him is the opposite of patriotism.  And it's craven to boot.

      1. SAD!!

        That’s right, chicken from China is so bad it kills dogs — 1,140 between 2007 and 2016, according to a USDA report. In addition, more than 6,200 dogs, 26 cats and even three people were sickened by the “treats,” according to federal figures.

  7. What's the word for 'beyond parody'?

    People Are Trolling Trump Because His Law Firm Won "Russia Law Firm Of The Year"

    The award was given by the group to the firm's Moscow office for "excellence in client service, preeminence in the relevant market, notable achievements over the past 12 months, outstanding work, and impressive strategic growth."

    "The Moscow team includes seasoned lawyers and specialists with experience throughout the region," Chambers & Partners said in a press release.

    1. Well speak of the devil — those crack attorneys just released a letter about Trump's taxes and his Russian connections!

      President Donald Trump’s tax lawyers issued a statement on Friday that the White House wants you to take seriously: The president has not received income or taken on any debt or equity from Russian sources over the past 10 years, “with a few exceptions.”

      “With few exceptions” is such an obvious out that it can barely even be called a loophole ― it simply and openly invalidates the denial that precedes it.

      Trump has a history of emphatically denying that he has any monetary connection to Russia. In January, he tweeted: “NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!” His lawyers’ new admission of the “few exceptions” indicates this blanket denial was false. The letter written by Sherri Dillon and Willie Nelson, Trump’s tax lawyers at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, is dated March 8.

  8. Two veteran journalists' somber take on Trump and RussiaGate vs. Watergate.  Neither one are very encouraging.

    Mike Littwin 

    Maybe the most cliched Watergate saying is that the coverup is always worse than the crime. In this case, we still don’t know what the crime is or whether there is a crime at all. But the signs of a coverup are everywhere. And if the coverup is not worse than the crime, we’re in even worse trouble than I thought.

    and James Fallows

    On the merits, this era’s Republican president has done far more to justify investigation than Richard Nixon did. Yet this era’s Republican senators and members of congress have, cravenly, done far less. A few have grumbled about “concerns” and so on, but they have stuck with Trump where it counts, in votes, and since Comey’s firing they have been stunning in their silence.

    I was 24 years old when I followed Charles Wiggins—and the other Republicans of that era, from Barry Goldwater and Howard Baker (and many Senate colleagues) to Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshaus, who finally decided to be remembered for something greater than clinging to office or toeing the party line. Somewhere a 24-year-old is watching and preparing to remember the choices our leaders are making now. Because of the current lineup of legislative and executive power, the leaders whose choices matter are all Republicans.

    I hope some of their choices, soon, allow them to be remembered as positively as are the GOP’s defenders of constitutional process from the Watergate days. But as of this moment, the challenge to the American system seems more extreme than in that era, and the protective resources weaker.

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