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November 01, 2016 07:37 AM UTC

One Weird Trick That Would Give Democrats Control Of The Government Forever

  • by: Powerful Pear

Obama and Democrat leadership continue to complain about those nasty Republicans who block the good works of fair minded and compassionate citizens to implement progressive policy. Obama has in his hands the power to right this terrible wrong but refuses to use it. Why do Democrats refuse to pressure their leaders to exercise this weird thick?

What is the trick?

Grant Independence to the State of Texas. Gone from the House of Representatives would be 25 Republicans. Gone from the Senate would be two Republicans. Outright control would be within their grasp with this election if not the next forevermore.

Conservative citizens from the U. S. would immigrate to the free State of Texas while TX Democrats would flock to the Santa Claus states. Increased Democrat populations would insure control of governments at all levels. Texas could then establish their own immigration laws just as the U. S. could do, without opposition from those pesky troublesome Republicans.

It simply must be done!


28 thoughts on “One Weird Trick That Would Give Democrats Control Of The Government Forever

  1. As someone born in New Mexico, this proposal has some appeal.

    I don't think it would work. People have a protective streak, and wouldn't want to abandon Texas school children or those in need of medical services.

    However, the combination of the current Republican leadership and the demographic forecast indicates Texas may well be Blue by 2024. That accomplishes the same goal as a much, much less disruptive plan.

  2. Give Texas back to Mexico. No slavery allowed, though, so the maquiladoras along the border will have to pay US wages. (Whether to allow slavery in Texas was pretty much what the Mexican-American war was fought to decide). 

    Maybe Ted Cruz could finally get that sex change operation he's been hinting about.

    Austin and Houston refugees can apply for citizenship rights under an extension of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

    And the Bushes can build the wall.

  3. TX Democrats would flock to the Santa Claus states.  


    "Santa Claus" states? You really are a bona-fide jackass. You obviously have no problem insulting the people you are trying to influence. You seem to like to use those little trigger insults that clearly show your disdain for anyone who doesn't fall into lock-step with you and your fascist party.

    You are a troll….a perfect example of Periplaneta americana…

    Thanks for playing. You give us a very handy target for turd shooting.


    Oh…one more thing. That little “weird trick’ meme you lifted from the internet just shows how susceptible you are to click bait. It doesn’t really impress…

    1. Insulting, trigger, target, shooting, I would say you are engaging in micro aggressions.  You single out one harmless phrase to go crazy about, can you not comment on the concept without using DNC code language, "fascist"? Next it will be Nazi, racist, and all the rest. It doesn't really impress…

      1. The "concept"…independence for Texas, is ridiculous on its face and doesn't warrant any comment, except ridicule..obviously.

        It is the "Democratic " party, troll. Not the "Democrat" party. When you chose to use such a childish and unnecessary insult and, as you put it, example of "micro-aggression" (whatever that is..), you my dear cucaracha, started it.

        I don't give a flying rats' butt about your indignation, nor your criticism of me. When I see something relevant and interesting you submit, I may respond. Otherwise, I will consider you little more than a cockroach.

        1. I promise not to call the Democratic Party, the Democrat Party. Not sure why it's considered an insult, maybe it's like calling a Native American an Indian, must be as PC thing.

          Much has been written about Texas independence in TX. maybe not that much interest in CO news coverage.

          Come on now, are you saying you are not familiar with micro aggression and safe spaces and trigger words?

          i expect abuse and name calling, it what anonymous Democrats do. I suspect you to be a kind and caring person in real life. Anonymity let's the rudeness and crassness explode that you would never express in public.

          No one on this site is interested in being pursued on anything. It gives me some insight into the opposition, if I can find it hidden behind the hate.



          1. Changing the term from Democratic Party, to Democrat Party or Democrat candidate was a change engineered by Republican spin masters because small "d" democracy and democratic institutions are something Americans are supposed to approve of.  Democrats, on the other hand were supposed to be portrayed as terrible. So the grammatically incorrect Democrat Party (Democrat being a noun rather than the called for adjective form) was substituted for the correct Democratic Party.

            Unfortunately there was little push back from Democrats who, at the time, were deep in post-Reagan fetal position trying to be almost as Republican as the big bad powerful Republicans. Dems even let the Republicans turn "liberal" into a dirty word without much resistance, hence the new term "progressive" instead, a tacit cowering acceptance of the Republican defining of 'liberal" as well as"'Democrat" as an insult.

            For a couple of decades, Dems, in fact, ceded the definition of all such terms entirely to Republicans and tried to remake their party as a sort of DLC Avis to the newly all conservative all the time Republican Hertz. 

            Conservatism was supposed to be unassailable and Dems thought they could only compete by being almost as conservative as Republicans. The old liberal wing of the Republican party was gone and the moderates were simply Republicans not quite as far right as most. Dems decided they could only win by not fighting it but by morphing into a party no farther left than center right. With an assist from Ross Perot, Bill Clinton made that work for a while.

            Recently, thank God, the party seems to be relocating its balls with big boosts from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and others.

            So there you have it. It's the Democratic Party again and we aren't going to take rightie crap anymore.


            1. So the grammatically incorrect Democrat Party (Democrat being a noun rather than the called for adjective form) was substituted for the correct Democratic Party

              B.C., we're talking about people who do not believe in science (i.e., climate change, evolution, and for some hardy souls, the geometric shape of the earth) and have a twisted idea that history should be taught as propaganda which never depicts anything associated with U.S. history in a negative light. Why should we expect them to have mastered English grammar and spelling? 

          2. it what anonymous Democrats do. I suspect you to be a kind and caring person in real life. Anonymity let's the rudeness and crassness explode that you would never express in public.

            I am not anonymous, you moron. I have been posting with my true name for years. If you weren't such a rookie troll you would have figured that out.

            You, on the other hand, hide your bullshit behind a pseudonym. Many users on this site remain anonymous because they have sensitive relationships that prevent them from openly being candid. I doubt you have such a sensitive position, so I must conclude that you remain anonymous because you don't want people around you to know you are such a cockroach.

            And, no…I am not a "kind and caring person". I am a complete asshole…a snarly, cranky, old son-of-a-bitch who profoundly detests vacuous trolls like you, 




            1. I'll buy the last part of that, Duke, about the vacuous trolls, but we older posters know what you're really like. As for the new troll, I'll just keep thinking of him/ her as "pee-pee".   

      2. Actually the biggest "Santa Claus" states are all pure red, dear and Santa is us, the federal tax payers. Red southern states take far more from the feds than they pay in federal taxes and far more than do blue states. Another bit of rightie spin unsupported by easily googled facts that you and righties like you accept without question or fact checking.

        And if you're really looking for the folks who get the most from Santa Claus (once again, ordinary federal tax payers) you need look no farther than Trump who pays no federal taxes and companies like Walmart who make billions by paying workers less than a living wage and having  tax payers (Santa) subsidize the difference between a non-living wage and living breathing workers. No other entity or demographic gets more from hard working tax payers (Santa) than Walmart, the biggest welfare queen that has ever existed in this country.

        One big difference between the Walton family and the Trumps. They both amassed their wealth on the backs of little people tax payers but the Waltons were smart enough to become real billionaires while the Trumps are just spinning plates as fast as they can to maintain the fiction of being billionaires, business wizards and philanthropists instead of the smoke and mirrors scam artists they really are.


        1. Now we are getting somewhere. A dramatic revelation from a Democratic, Santa is us!

          So you have seen Trumps tax returns? You could be a hero by sharing them with the media.

          Your real beef with Wal Mart is their union stance. Although I have been Wal Mart free for 13 years, Wal Mart succeeds because they deliver value to their customers who many are of modest means. The same people the Democratic Party claims to represent. 

          1. Trump admitted that he doesn't pay federal taxes in the debate with HRC. When she accused him of it his answer was…. that's because I'm smart.

            Walmart could not pay workers less than they need to survive if you and I weren't making up the difference because you need…. ummm… living workers.

            Walmart workers receive billions in various forms of welfare which means that the little people tax payers are paying the living expenses of Walmart workers so Walmart doesn't have to. If you're fine with that you're a "moran", a sap, but we already knew that since you are one of the saps who buy the snake oil Trump made his limited fortune selling.

            No wonder you've chosen to ignore that the states that receive the most per capita welfare are red states with Republican governments whose trickle down economics can't even keep their people alive without federal help. Unlike blue states, these southern red states take more in federal aid than they pay in.  They wouldn't survive without the very programs they rail against and the very blue state tax payers they denigrate. 

            In red states it's government by the hypocrites and for the saps, too easily diverted from their own economic interests by appeals to fear, hate, bigotry, racism and xenophobia and too willing to accept any lie they're told without checking. 

            And you're one of them. You're the one who should be moving to a state better suited to your preferences and intelligence level.

              1. There, there, dear. If you don't want to address my points nobody is going to make you. I can understand how hard it must be when objective reality is so biased against your ideology.angel

              2. And I guess by "Democratic talking points" you must mean facts established by studies and data that you find inconvenient. If you mean by no "original thoughts" that I don't just make up my own facts … guilty as charged.

                These links will take you to real world data behind my "talking points". Took me all of maybe  a whole minute to find, copy and paste these examples. Lots more you could find all by yourself, Pee Pee.








                  1. There is not a minimum wage that will accomplish that. Surely you're at least smart enough to know that. But, in CO, a rate of $15/hr would greatly reduce the need, especially by Walmart employees 

                  2. I thought your kind didn't like mega billions in big government program spending but apparently you do as long as it subsidizes the fabulous wealth of the top .001%.  

                    I guess it's idiotological like your kind's preferring to spend twice what Europeans do for lower quality healthcare for the majority and to keep alive the quaint American custom of going bankrupt because of illness, something that died long ago in all the other modern industrialized countries, than to have the kind of civilized high quality single payer systems the rest of the modern world has.

                    The way you think things should be doesn't have to make sense or work at all well because it's faith based. Like trickle down (piss on my leg and tell me that it's raining) economics.smiley

  4. Here's an original thought for Powerful. I'd love for Texas to be independent. That way, the "Santa Claus states" could charge a $1,000 per head visa fee for all those Texans who vacation in places like Pagosa Springs, Lake City, Durango, etc. And Colorado could export its hazardous waste and garbage to Texas. 

  5. Obama should have told Rick Perry early on, "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. Sure, you're free to go as long as you take Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Ted Cruz with you."

  6. Powerless pair is too stupid to read, so I know he missedmy proposal some time back to subdivide Texas Into five states — a right granted texas in the treaty in which it joined the usa.  Creative gerrymandering yields four blue states and the deep red state of Tejas.  

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