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September 11, 2015 11:31 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it’s not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.”

–Terry Pratchett


35 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil.  Since Congress won't raise the minimum wage, maybe county clerks should refuse to grant business licenses to new businesses unless they turn from their sinful greed, treat employees better, and pay at least $15 per hour.  Do you think the religious right would defend their "religious freedom?"

  2. Nurse, somehow, I doubt it. Prosperity gospel and all that. But prosperity is only for the heads of the megachurches, not for the pensioner tithing 1/10th of her food money to the church every month.

    Speaking of religious contradictions, and what people will do for money, do you think that right wing talk radio will be all ablaze defending Julie Naye's right to discriminate against "the African American male" in her service-related business? Is there a Bible verse justifying it?

    And seriously, Julie – you're rumored to have Crazy Tom Tancredo as a client, are apparently willing to hug on any number of sleazy GOP jerks, (Tom Ready? Milt Romney?) use your gorgeous bod to manipulate the GOP elite, but you won't "engage with" the African American male? I question your taste, if nothing else.

  3. From The Texas Observer:

    Adios, MoFo: Rick Perry Cashes Out 

    The Republican primary will be as deeply poisonous and stupid tomorrow as it was today. Something appears to be deeply wrong with the party itself, and while Perry might not have been the cure, he was at least saying the right words and making the right noises

    Perry served 30 years in state government, from the time he ascended to the Texas House of Representatives in 1985 to the termination of his renter’s agreement at the governor’s mansion in 2015. That experience is not inherently good, but consider this: On the day he dropped out, a Quinnipiac poll in Iowa recorded what Republican voters want now. Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina have 62 percent of the GOP vote. Between the four of them, there’s about two-and-a-half years of experience in public office — all belonging to Cruz — and that experience largely consists of shouting and/or reading children’s books in an empty room while C-SPAN cameras whir softly.

    Later, Rick. See you around the way.

    ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos

  4. Is anyone here really crying for the Republican Party? They're in a deep hole and haven't the sense to quit digging. Keep those shovels sharp, folks. And as for Perry, if that's as good as it gets for them, the Dems are going to have a banner year.

      1. Or a very non-viable R opponent. Or a usual suspect R and defection of significant numbers to a third party candidate. This is going to be one crazy election cycle. I'd say all bets are off . 

        Interesting thing though. Obama's average rating on Real Clear has been improving slightly again. Not congressional approval. Poll averaged Republican majority Congress is at about 15% approval, pretty much unchanged since the Iran deal dust up. Obama's is at about 46% and up a little since the GOP failed to get their snippy disapproval to his desk. The public may have been polling against the deal recently, thanks to the Koch campaign over all media platforms, but it doesn't look like that's anything that Rs are going to be able to beat Ds over the head with in 2016.

        1. It's like the story of two friends in the woods being chased by a large bear. One looked at the other and said, "I don't need to be an Olympic runner, I just need to be faster than you!"

          1. Frank wrote:  "we still have Lincoln Chaffee."  A politician that I have always liked. But sort of like the John Kasich of the Repub. side; has a lot to offer, but not likely to get nominated.

            Re Blue Cat's comment, Planned Parenthood will probably still be around to beat the Dems over the head with. But likely something only for the 20-30% of the populace that already opposes any and all abortions. 

  5. I think what this all demonstrates is that while either a little knowledge or a lot of ignorance is dangerous, the most dangerous thing is a lot of "knowledge"' that just flat out isn't. See all the the things the Tea Party darlings believe about what the constitution says and how our three branch government works.

  6. Is anyone else fed up with the insurance commercials on TV these days?

    On the one hand, a customer whines about not receiving full replacement value when they clearly didn't buy such a policy.  Then, there is the insurance company who explains to their customer why they are weaseling out of paying a claim because they weren't insured since the accident happened on a Wednesday, or something.

    I don't think Americans understand the concept of insurance (see: battles over Obamacare and Social Security).

    1. Whenever anyone rails on how horrible Obamacare is, I want to ask them to tell me how it's different than they're private health insurance. They won't be able to tell me. Most Americans (me included) have very little knowledge about how insurance works in general and how health insurance works specifically.

    1. CDW, the Jared Polis quote is accurate. It is in the context of discussing standards of proof for a private institution to take action against a suspected rapist, vs. standards admissible in a court of law. Here's the quote in context at 1:57 into this House Hearing  on “Preventing and Responding to Sexual Assault on College Campuses.”

      I don't understand all of the different shadings of these arguments, but generally support due process for the accused, and safety for victims, whatever compromises need to happen to optimize that. This would be totally different from the existing system, in which there is no accountability or consequences for those accused, even if multiple victims come forward.

      1. But you know it'll be taken out of context if the Republican candidate, or worse a Democratic primary challenger thinks they can make hay out if it by portraying Polis as a knee-jerk reactionary who doesn't care about actual justice.

        1. His statement probably will be taken out of context. We can maybe blame Jared's outspokenness on his tie. It almost glows in the dark, and certainly leaves a patriotic retinal afterimage. Wearing a tie like that  would impel anyone to hyperbole.

          But again, what he was getting at was that the system as is gives no safety or justice at all to victims; and college administrators are much more likely to bend over backwards giving accused perpetrators the benefit of the doubt, than they are to bend forwards protecting victims. Still, the vast majority of assaults will never be reported nor followed up on.

          I think about my relative, who never finished her college degree after a traumatic date rape her junior year. The perp never had a single consequence from leaving her bruised and confused after a "friendly study date". The "yes means yes" affirmative consent campaign is a step in the right direction.

          So would be having definite procedures and protocols to follow when there is an accusation of sexual abuse or assault.

          1. I don't understand why this is considered an in house college matter in the first place. The priority is always going to be what's best for the college, what's best for it's reputation, etc.  I don't even understand the concept of campus police. I think we'd be better off scrapping all the insular, self policing, in house systems for handling crime on college campuses period. 

            These are crimes that should be dealt with by the criminal justice system whether they take place on a college campus or anywhere else.  Why should college administrators be considered any more qualified or entitled to handle these criminal matters than the landlord of a building in which a rape takes place? Both the administrator and the landlord should be assumed to be mainly interested in avoiding bad publicity and hushing up such crime as much as possible. No wonder it doesn't work any better than it worked for the Catholic church to handle these matters in house.

            1. Totally agree. Colleges et al. can and should have policies re: at what point in the legal process a student (or staffer, etc) is banned from the college and campus, but they should not put themselves in the role of investigator, prosecutor, judge/jury. Let our judicial system handle that. Colleges also need policies re: reporting to law enforcement, i.e. once a staffer has information reported to them, they should turn it over to the proper authorities.

  7. As I understand it, Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset today. I would like to say to BC and, indeed, all of my Jewish friends….. L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu.

    I hope it is not too early in the day to do so, but I do not plan to be near this computer at sundown…smiley

    1. Not too early at all. Thank you and I wish all my friends, Jewish or not, peace, love, good health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year! I also have to forgive my enemies, the tough part, and ask everyone I may have hurt or offended to forgive me. That's the way it works!

  8. Seeing a lot of "We can't take in refugees! What about the needy in America?!" posts from crocodile-teared conservatives this weekend. I want to reply with offers to increase our social programs to watch how they unfuck their hypocrisy.

    Maybe this is how we can do more to help the needy in America. If we offer to help foreigners, especially foreign Muslims (they're all terrorists, you know), then conservatives will flock to help welfare programs (as long as those programs don't help the gays, or non-Christians or "illegals" or.. aw fuck it. Never mind.)!

    1. You forgot the one where we can't help refugees because Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts.

      Sadly, this argument appeared in letters to the editor in the Longmont Times-Call.

        1. Here's the letter 

          Apparently if we're not moral enough to stop Planned Parenthood from acquiring, killing, dissecting and auctioning off babies, then we can't be moral enough to take care of Syrian refugees.

          The author of this letter to the editor is a regular contributor to letters. He accurately represents the normal Christian right wing talking points.

          I'm glad I don't know him or have any direct dealings with his vile little world.


  9. It's one of those early everything Jewish years. So happy Rosh Hashannah, the Jewish New Year. It starts this sundown. May your coming year be happy, healthy and prosperous. May all who I have sinned against forgive me as I must forgive them.  smiley

  10. Guardian article on conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt:

    Hewitt will appear on CNN again this Wednesday, as co-host of the second Republican primary debate with the network’s Jake Tapper. His responsibility will be to ask difficult questions, which partly explains why Hewitt remains mildly frustrated that his counterparts in the media have concentrated on accusations of “gotcha” journalism leveled at him by the man currently leading the primary field…

    …Trump took to MSNBC to call Hewitt a “third-rate radio announcer”. The rightwing news site Breitbart called him “establishment”. Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera said his questions had indeed been of the “gotcha” variety.

    Hewitt didn’t mind a bit.

    During a series of interviews over two days last week inside his temporary studio in Lakewood, Colorado, where he has been teaching at Colorado Christian University, Hewitt told the Guardian that of the roughly 25,000 interviews he had conducted in his 15-year radio career, he could count the ones that had escalated to “angry” on a single hand.

    Trump, Hewitt said with a generous glimmer, is “the best interview in America”.

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