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October 15, 2010 01:04 AM UTC

Bennet's secret identity as Rubberstamp Man revealed by FLOTUS

  • by: JLD

Despite his concerted effort to run from his supervillian alter ego “Rubberstamp Man” Michael Bennet’s secret identity has finally been revealed by none other than the FLOTUS herself!…

“We’re going to need people like Michael” Bennet sayeth the FLOTUS.

Why would the appointed senator need a secret identity you ask?  Well, it appears that he has learned during his tenure in Washington that the people of Colorado have buyers remorse over the Obama Presidency (see, Obama approval ratings in the State…

Despite what the general buzz on Pols may tell you, the people of the Great State of Colorado are not socialist, marxist loving, wealth redistributing success hating idealogues.  No, they are actually right of center freedom lovers like most of the rest of the country (excluding, of course, the People’s Republic of Pelosi).

What’s a politician to do when his secret identity has been revealed?  Should he cry that only reason voters are deserting him is they are too stupid to understand how his desire to be their benevolent leader is good for them?…

Or perhaps, they should blame the first amendment for allowing people to speak against them?…

Afterall, political dissent is unpatriotic and no one should criticize the party in power currently when they can’t get things done, right?…

I’m sure that Rubberstamp Man will look to his tutors to guide him in this uncertain time!


35 thoughts on “Bennet’s secret identity as Rubberstamp Man revealed by FLOTUS

    1. This “JLD” is just another tool, spouting off talking points he got elsewhere, and not demonstrating that s/he even comprehends the words s/he types.

      It doesn’t matter much, really. If the GOP sweeps their way back into power, most of the swing voters responsible for it will be people who are most concerned about how little they feel they’ve gotten out of the Obama administration. Words like “marxism!!!1!11!” don’t scare voters like they did 30, 60, or 90 years ago.

        1. JLD don’t you know you are not allowed to voice your opinion.  You are supposed to just sit there and be quiet like a good little Marxist. You are just a part of the silent majority that is no longer silent. Oh that’s the problem. Obama and his rubberstamp Bennet have ignored the will of the people for too long and they know that we are coming to kick them out.  

          1. Must have forgotten to read that section of the little red book No2Ds.

            I know it’s difficult for these lefties to comprehend but they aren’t speaking into an echo chamber any longer on Pols.  Notice that their only objection is the use of the word socialism as a description of what the people of Colorado are not.

            It’s not my fault their fearless leaders think the electorate is stupid (see John Kerry article) or think that free speech is “unfortunate” (way to go Lois!) or can’t decide if dissent is a good thing or not (oh, right forgot the memo from Pelosi that it’s only ok if Dems are doing it).

            Bottom line, the lunacy starts from the top and permeates all the way down to the poor folks here that don’t understand what’s happening in the country today and are convinced that they aren’t really losing this thing.

            When your leaders are this deluded, is it any wonder that the foot soldiers are in denial?

            1. Well it’s not all the faults of the drones! Where else can  the booger eaters with terrible dandruff that sit in the library and normal people laugh at go to fit in? Well if they are full of hatred for everything American the far left wackos that hijacked the dems will welcome them with open arms!

              So can we really blames freaks joining with other freaks for a common cause and making themselves feel normal? Well yes when they are as demented as the wackos we can.

              I have not completed the study yet, but I am looking into the direct correlation between posts on pols going down during peak hours of world of Warcraft play time, and posts on pols go up when the the wow site goes down for maintenance. Now what I can’t quite figure out is why it goes drastically down on Saturdays, but I suspect it is due to lairp.

              Well at least they have given up on the argument over ideas and are resorting to flinging as mud as possible.  

    2. Why so quick to assume I am calling you and your fellows socialists?  My statement was very clear, the people of Colorado are not socialists.  I don’t see any accusation in that statement, perhaps you are assuming that because you know deep down you advocate for it and are afraid to be found out?

      Then again, I could be wrong.

      1. Did I say that you called someone a socialist?  No.  Did you use the word incorrectly?  Yes.  Is Pelosi one of the leaders of the Democratic party????  Yep.

        (excluding, of course, the People’s Republic of Pelosi)

        Excluding the majority of the country who voted to put Dems in power.  Excluding from what?  Your point that our country is not a socialist country.  Since we are not a socialist country, Dem or not, I can safely assume you don’t know what it is.  Following this OK?

        If the best you can do is suggest that having a different ideology is something to be afraid of… well, Sen. McCarthy called, he wants his line back.

        1. Used the word socialist incorrectly?  Something tells me you are having trouble reading anything past a third grade level.  At no point did I delve into defining what a socialist, marxist or any other label was except to say the people of Colorado are none of those things.  Your assertion that I used the word incorrectly is an epic fail.

          The People’s Republic of Pelosi was understood, by any person that isn’t afraid of being called a socialist, to be a reference to San Francisco.

  1. And your evidence would be?

    Voter registration is very evenly partitioned into thirds. Both senators, 5/7 congress-critters, Guv, both chambers of the state legislature, Treas, and SoS are all followed by a capital-D. Right of center?

    With the economy in recession, D’s expect losses in the mid-term elections. So your point would be what?  

  2. Liberals why are you so afraid to admit that you support  the major fundamentals of socialism hence are socialists? I think it is because you know that it is such a losing cause but yet attempt to thrust socialist ideals upon this magnificent society at every opportunity. Come out of your political closet and stand for something!

    There are so many different forms of socialism for example Marxism, communism, and countless other isms that all result in the same thing which is misery. So by every extent of the definition you maynot be true socialists, but without a doubt you support the major fundamentals of it and thus are an extreme danger to our society.

    Call yourselves whatever you want to call yourselves but Americans are waking up and they fully understand that the Democratic party at this point in history represents nothing but misery and tyranny and thus will punish you for your radical beliefs on November 2nd!

    1. Honestly, a new champion!

      You know what’s really the brain cancer of America?  Brain cancer!  If you think it’s so fucking funny, come down to Children’s Hospital oncology ward with me and watch a three year old puke for a bit.  Great fun.

      And don’t tell me what I believe.  Study.  Then we could have a conversation about political ideology.  As it is, you clearly don’t know what socialism is either.  If you want to make a point, make it.  New definitions according to idiots are just not needed.

      Try again?

    2. The Dems you hate SAVED our country from Communisim via the New Deal.  The Democratic Party built the American middle class that you are so gleefully seeing become an asterisk in a history book.

      I don’t see a whole lot of Dems advocating for government control of economic assets or centralized planning, do you?  

      Didn’t think so.  

      Write when you understand the “isms” a lot more.

      You are an ideological, historically illiterate, ass. (And why do I have a feeling that you are the reincarnation of “Liberalism is a Sickness?”)

      1. What no arguments regarding the content of my argument? Just personal attacks and deflections.

        I even agree that the term socialist does not completely fit. You are similar to socialists, but slightly different. I think liberals is fair, but you whine about that as well. So tell us what you are. Rename yourselves since the term does not fit.  However whatever you call yourselves just remember the whole redistribution of wealth thing. You know how you guys like to take money from people and give it to others who you think “deserve” it more.  

        And regarding my other argument on how Democrats are destroying our magnificent society just look at California and New York fir examples. Yikes! Liberal strongholds that are in complete disarray.  

          1. Certainly wouldn’t mind getting paid to make you look like fools but no paychecks coming to me from a campaign during this or any previous cycle.  

            I won’t lie and claim I wouldn’t enjoy work like that, but it most certainly isn’t the case.

      2. I refer you to the bondholders of GM.  Ask them if the government is interested in acquiring the means of production or not.  See also the purchase of short term debt instruments by the central bank.

      3. are you freakin’ kidding me?  In violation of long-term laws, the bond holders of GM were stripped of their ownership.  The unions, however, did fine.  

        Again, are you freakin’ kidding me?  You will be told when to buy health insurance, and when you don’t buy what the government says you can buy, you will be penalized. They are hiring 16,500 IRS agents to make sure you comply with the centralized planning. Oh, and they will be dictating prices and dictating your care.  When it’s time to die, the government will let you know.  That, my love, is centralized planning.

        1. Not being snarky. But,

          1. I believe you mean stockholders.  A bankrupt company has no value. I honestly don’t know enough about either bonds or the GM specifics what happened there.

          2.  The unions (which were an integral part of the creation of America’s Late, Great Middle Class) have given up plenty. Maybe you’ve heard of the two tier employee system?

          3.  Lay off the right wing mouth frothing site, ml.  The insurance industry, which controlled the debate and the law, wants and needs everyone in the pool.  They have for a long time. It’s the only way it can work.

          4.  No one is making you buy it. In fact, the penalty is cheaper than the insurance.  We live in a society where you are made to do lots of things you may not like. Based on almost fifty years of driving, car insurance is a huge “tax” on my income, unneeded. And no, not driving is not a viable option.  

          5.  16,500 new IRS agents?  Ha ha ha….. Someone is smoking something.  That’s a huge budget buster, to say nothing of the fact that a few lines of computer code will do the monitoring on the tax returns just fine, thank you.

          6.  More RW smoke.  Dictating prices and care?  That’s what the HI industry has been doing since forever!  Without government!  

          Don’t forget, the three most happy HC customer bases are all in government programs: Tri Care, the VA, and Medicare (six months and thirty days and I no longer have to go to the indigent care clinic.)

          Other than your “facts” are all wrong, it was a nice, substantive response, marilou.  

          1. 1. No, we mean bondholders.  Read up on the government takeover of GM and what happened to the senior secured debt instruments.  The stockholders of the former GM actually still own their worthless paper.

            2. The Unions and the Feds were given ownership of GM, again why don’t you try reading about how the government takeover was actually executed.

            3. The insurance industry was enriched by the Obamacare law, except where it wasn’t.  You may have noticed many major insurers, including in Colorado, have ceased offering individual policies to all children due to the Must issue provisions of the law.  Those policies cause losses now rather than profits or even breaking even and can no longer be offered because of Obamacare.  How many children did obama just cause to have no coverage I wonder?

            4. Except, yes they are making us buy it.  If don’t buy it you are assessed a penalty under the tax code (remember Obama’s stark statement that it wasn’t a tax?).  That is government coerced action and is exactly what central planning is all about.

            5. The exact number of new IRS agents is currently unknown.  That figure is based on the increased funding given to the IRS to enforce the new must purchase laws and represents a rough estimate of how many new agents will be required to handle the increased audits and regulatory compliance.

            6. Dictating prices and care is exactly what the law does.  Did you not see Sebelius’ memo threatening the insurance companies that had to increase premiums due to the new coverage provisions?  She flatly threatened them for operating their business as actuarial tables dictated based on likely cost of care.  What you lefties never seem to understand is that the law required that policies cover more procedures (for “free”).  That requirement means the insurance companies will have to pay out more for care and dictates an increase in rates.  Poor Kathy just can’t grasp that paying out more requires they charge more.  Sadly, she also fails to realize that the government panel the law created is already discussing banning the use of certain drugs like Avastin because they are too expensive.  That is the definition of dictating care and central planning.

            Your suggestion that VA and Medicare are the happiest healthcare recipients is laughable.  A close friend required an MRI from a VA hospital to diagnose his mobility problems.  He had to wait over 5 months to get into the machine because of the government red tape.  In the meantime, dozens of the machines were sitting idle, ready to go in nearby private and non-profit hospitals.  Why wouldn’t the VA allow him to use those machines?  Because of the rationed care that is the reality in VA systems.  There is no reason that the VA couldn’t have contracted those private facilities to do the diagnostic work except for the nasty government control involved with VA.

            Get your facts straight and understand what you talk about before trying to bring that BS here.

      4. is all that Obama has done. What do you call government control of auto companies, banks, health care, etc? No my reality challenged friend, it is you who are an ideological, historically illiterate little donkey.

        1. …saving capitalism’s ass.  Once again.  That’s what FDR did a long time ago.

          And what if “Obama” had done nothing.  GM folds, the world financial markets making The First Republican Great Depression look like good times, and continued high health care costs eating ever more of our budgets?

          Hey, isn’t it great that we, the taxpayers, might well have prevented all that at no, or very little cost?  

          I hate to continue an “I know you are, but what am I?” concept, but you are a fucking idiot when it comes to history.  Maybe it’s that home schooling thing, I dunno.  Goebbels is very proud of you.  

      1. I think we can all agree that he is awesome! I did not know that riding the dog like a mininature horse is frowned upon I’m this establishment! Classic!

        What is not funny is Michael Bennet’s voting record. What is also funny is how hard he is trying to run from it and his painful speech impediment. Yikes! What a mush mouth, but then again he does blab a lot of democrat mush so maybe that explains it.  

        1. Ingredients

             * 3/4 cup white sugar

             * 1/3 cup all-purpose flour

             * 1/4 teaspoon salt

             * 2 cups milk

             * 3 egg yolks, beaten

             * 2 tablespoons butter

             * 1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract

             * 1 (9 inch) pie crust, baked

             * 4 bananas, sliced


            1. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, flour, and salt. Add milk in gradually while stirring gently. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is bubbly. Keep stirring and cook for about 2 more minutes, and then remove from the burner.

            2. Stir a small quantity of the hot mixture into the beaten egg yolks, and immediately add egg yolk mixture to the rest of the hot mixture. Cook for 2 more minutes; remember to keep stirring. Remove the mixture from the stove, and add butter and vanilla. Stir until the whole thing has a smooth consistency.

            3. Slice bananas into the cooled baked pastry shell. Top with pudding mixture.

            4. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 12 to 15 minutes. Chill for an hour.

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