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August 18, 2010 07:27 PM UTC

Suggested questions for Senate candidates

  • by: DavidThi808

Hi all;

I will be interviewing Ken Buck this Friday and I hope to get an interview with Senator Bennet scheduled later today. My plan is to interview both with mostly the same questions and then post both interviews at the same time.

So… Please post suggested questions below. As always, the focus is on what they will do in office and why we should select them.

As each interview is over 6 hours of my time, I am not asking Charley Miller for an interview. I greatly respect the effort he is putting in, but the time hit is killer.

Also, I should have interviews set up with the three Gubernatorial candidates soon. When I do I’ll put up a diary on that asking for questions for them.


74 thoughts on “Suggested questions for Senate candidates

  1. 1. Do you support raising the Social Security retirement age?  Why or why not?  If yes, how would you phase it in?

    2. Do you support eliminating the salary cap on social security taxes?  Why or why not?

    1. What 3 things would you actively pursue to encourage sustainable private sector job creation?

      Do you support any of the Card Check capabilities (fines, signup or arbitration)? If so, which and why?

      What do you support to lower the cost burden on businesses?

      What do you support to lower the tax and fee burden on citizens?

      What’s been the effect of the bailouts and TARP spending? Have the saved or created jobs been realized.

      Do you support Cap and Trade, please expalain.

  2. 1) Will you vote to repeal Obamacare and, until that can be done, will you vote to withhold funding from any Obamacare programs, including the hiring of 16,500 new IRS agents?

    2) Are you willing to consider Paul Ryan’s proposals for a free-market approach to health care reform?

          1. Medicare denial rates are about 1/3 higher than insurance company denial rates.  That’s because Medicare has a more effective death panel.

            My friend with ovarian cancer (on private insurance) gets much newer drugs than her Medicare sisters (who have NO choice) are allowed to have.  She’s also alive 7.5 years later.  Most of her friends went bye-bye. It’s cheaper that way.

        1. GOP Push polls?  Dave should probably concentrate on questions we don’t already know the answers to. Gee I wonder whether Bennet  supports “Obamacare” and Buck is against it? Who could possibly begin to guess?  This is me, scratching my head.  

          See, it’s a lot like how we all know that you don’t want to join the rest of the civilized world in providing universal healthcare for half or less than half the cost of our present universal healthcare system: the ER. So we don’t need to ask, do we?

                1. To what do you attribute your lack of intelligence as well as manners?  Perhaps, despite a certain over fastidiousness in regard to the use of formal grammar in a casual blog, you may have been raised by wolves? You do realize that such fussiness demands that you never use the grammatically incorrect term “Democrat Party”, don’t you?

                  As for common sense, I have never seen any evidence of an iota of that in any assertions appearing in any of your posts. You simply repeat the latest right wing spin machine drivel without even bothering to modify any recommended turn of phrase. Oh dear.  That’s going to create a problem for you if you dare to defy the rightie powers that be and employ the correct usage when referring to the Democratic Party, won’t it?  

                  I wonder which you’ll choose, correct grammar or maintaining those priceless ditto head credentials, the ones that require absolute subservience to the accepted script.

                  1. my dittohead credentials.  Besides, my fingers just won’t type that “ic” thingy.  Nothing can be done if the fingers just won’t type it.

                    Anyway, I don’t bother with the D word anyway.  I just call ’em socialist progressives.  Takes a little more time but is so much more descriptive.

                    🙂 to you

                    1. What a hypocritical little prig you are.  If you can’t type “ic”, please refrain from correcting other’s grammar in the future. Your completely incorrect use of the well defined term “socialist”, meaning a system in which government controls all means of production, shows that grammar isn’t your only weakness.  

                      You can’t have it both ways. If you want to get all smug and superior about something you have to actually practice it. You demonstrate no right to get up on your high horse over either grammar or knowledge of what the hell you are talking about.  Excuse me. You demonstrate no knowledge of that about which you are so fond of blathering. Oh and 🙂 to you, too.

              1. As you know, of course, Colorado instituted “tort reform” twenty years ago.  So the question to Buck would be:

                Name three ways in which Colorado citizens are better off because of tort reform than those citizens in states which have not legislated tort reform.

        1. Point out that we have had the full boat of tort reform in Colorado for years and it hasn’t made a difference.  What tort reform beyond what is in Colorado do we need?  Why isn’t this a state issue rather than a federal issue?  

          1. How much more tort reform is needed before we see any results?  Is has been done in some states and costs still go up.  Please explain why that didn’t make any difference.

            1. 5% of doctors are responsible for 95% of malpractice suits.  Until the docs are willing to police themselves or we have a better system of keeping track of the docs involved in malpractice suits, doing more tort reform will not help.

              I read about that a few years ago, I thought in a Public Citizen publication but the last time I looked for it, I was unable to find it.

              It is already almost impossible in Colorado to sue a doctor.  

              Bad doctors just move to another state if the state they are practicing in is not looking so friendly.

    1. The capital gains tax rises next year, and there are various proposals being floated to raise or lower the rate.  If you were free to make the wisest decision you thought possible on capital gains rates, would you lower them, raise them, or (partially?) abolish them?

      If you would lower capital gains rates, what target rate would you propose and why?  How would you offset the budget gap that results?

      If you want to raise the tax or abolish it in whole or part, what is your proposed rate and what is your justification?

  3. How will you balance priorities between choosing to decrease the federal deficit and national debt versus continuing to pull this country out of our economic recession?

    What are your top three priorities for decreasing the federal deficit?

    What are your top three priorities for getting our economy back on track?

    1. Make him add up the numbers.  The deficit is $____________.  The budget numbers are $________________ by category.  All discretionary spending is $___________.  Cut it all and that’s not enough to cut the deficit to zero.  What else will you cut?

      There’s a great chart on DailyKos sometime back on what the deficit is and the spending amounts.  You could get info there.

  4. I bet the telling thing will be how much he tries to walk back his stuff he said during the primary. Are you going to press him on that?

    On Bennet, I mean, maybe I’m being a bit harsh on you (I guess I have been in the past), but I can’t really see a reason they would do an interview with you? As far I can tell, you haven’t really acted like a journalist in any way shape or form. I’m just looking at what you’ve written, but that’s the sense I get.

    1. Yes, I think he went a bit overboard in pummeling Bennet over glass-Steagall.  But in his interviews, if anything, he leans over backwards to be fair.  I taught public relations for 15 years at DU and UCD Graduate School of Public Affairs and would advise my clients to do interviews with David.  If anything, the puffball to beanball ratio is heavily weighted to the soft side.

    2. I think I’ve always been very fair in my interviews. (My comments outside of the interviews are very partisan.) In addition I doubt Senator Bennet will restrict his interviews only to those that are fawning – that’s not his style.

      1. Name 3 ways you differ from the national GOP platform (current, not mistakes of the past).

        Would you repeal Wall Street reform?

        Yes or no, would you repeal birthright citizenship like some republicans are talking about?

    3. You are too opinionated to be considered a journalist.  Seems crazy for Buck to even agree to speak with you — or any candidate.

      Plus, didn’t you turncoat over the Bennet folks?

  5. 1. Do you support allowing the Bush tax cuts for the extremely wealthy to expire as originally contemplated when they were passed? Why or why not?

    2. If not, how do you square your position with the desire of this country to reduce the deficit?

    3. Do you support or oppose the filibuster rules as they currently exist – allowing a party to prevent legislation without even having to actually HAVE a filibuster? If you don’t, will you commit to actually working to change the rules?

    4. Knowing your current positions and the positions of your political opponents on numerous issues, what SPECIFIC compromises would you be willing to discuss to achieve progress on any SPECIFIC issues?

    5. What would be your ideal legislated, complete solution for the illegal immigration issue? In other words, if you had your druthers, what exactly would the U.S. do to solve, once and for all, illegal immigration. Be specific.  

  6. 1) Would you follow the example of your hero, Ronald Reagan, and raise payroll taxes? Would you consider uncapping the maximum amount?

    2) Would you consider expanding the military by 125,000, and eliminating all contractors working in jobs that can be filled by a Servicemember?

    3) What is your stand on a National ID card, esp as a way to fight illegal immigration?

  7. For Ken Buck:

    As Weld County DA, you were the first DA in the nation to successfully achieve a hate crime conviction for the murder of a transgender woman. How did that case affect your views regarding Colorado’s LGBT community and would you support a federal non-discrimination statute (ENDA) that would prevent LGBT individuals from being fired from their jobs or denied housing due to their sexual orientation?

    For Michael Bennet:

    You have said you support same sex marriage, but that you also believe marriage is a state issue. If a bill was introduced to legalize same sex marriage federally, how would you vote. Also, where do you stand on a full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act?

  8. Should the federal government give state and local governments more authority over policies and management of federal public lands? If so, why do you believe so? If not, why not?

  9. For Buck:

    1) Would you vote to eliminate the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act?

    2) Does anyone in your immediate family have a preexisting condition?

    3) How can a free market health system guarantee universal coverage and still make a profit?

    4) What if any civil rights, currently guaranteed by the federal government, would you vote to return to the States?

  10. You have stated that you are opposed to “Judicial Activism”.  Just for clarification, can you indicate which of the following rulings you would disagree with based on your opposition to judicial activism:

    Griswold v. Connecticut which found a right to marital privacy and thus legalized contraception?

    Brown V. Board which ruled segregation of public schools based on race illegal?

    Loving v. Virginia which ruled that states cannot forbid interracial marriages?

    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission which overturned congressionally enacted limits on corporate spending in political campaigns?

  11. 1) Abortion

    Do you favor the death penalty for conspiracy to commit murder?

    What would be the appropriate punishment for a pregnant woman who conspires with her doctor to terminate a pregnancy for a reason other than whatever your definition of life threatening danger to the health of the mother?

    Do you consider Roe v Wade to be the settled law of the land?

    How could the US Senate overturn it?

    2) Natioanl Secuirty

    Tom Tancredo said President Obama is the country’s biggest threat. After disagreeing and clarifying, you said this –

    But I think the largest threat we really have is the progressive liberal movement.

    Really? terrorists,; energy dependence  on foreign, sometimes hostile, nations;  Iranian nukes; China’s economic surge; climate change;  rogue nukes.

    But you say the largest threat to the USA is progressive politics.   How do propose to defeat or at least suppress this threat?

    President Obama campaigned on a pledge to withdraw forces from Iraq, and then later committed to withdraw combat units by Sep 1 2010, which is done.  Do you support the President’s withdrawal from Iraq?

    President Obama has outlined a calendar for similar withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Do you support the President’s plan?

  12. Since he believes that life begins at conception and that abortion should be illegal in all cases, if Roe is overturned, and he were still a DA, would he prosecute women who had abortions and doctors who perform them for first degree murder (since killing a fertilized egg is just as bad as killing a 5 year old)?  If so, would he seek the death penalty if convicted?  If not, then why is abortion different from killing a 5 year old child and why should the penalty be different?

    1. Would he support the death penalty for anyone involved in the abortion of a fetus caused by rape or incest?

      Craig Silverman, on his radio show, was headed in that direction and Buck squirted by. Buck said he’d “support a law prohibiting abortion in cases of rape or incest.”  So, what’s the punishment for violating that law?  He believes abortion is murder, and I guess he supports the death penalty in murder cases, so would he support the death penalty for violating the law he wants to create?  Get a yes or no answer.

  13. Will you either force the out-of-state entities who are running massive expenditures for you to disclose their donors or will you ask them to quit running commercials on your behalf?

    1. Also, now that I think about it, with all the talk that is happening on here about personhood, what’s Buck’s position on 60/61/101???

      I don’t think he’s spoken to these. And he shouldn’t be allowed to waffle and say it’s a “state issue” or whatever. Either he supports he doesn’t. How would he vote?

    2. you’re talking to the wrong person.  John McCain and his good buddy Feingold set the election laws up exactly how they are – secret groups and all.  It is up to Congress to bring transparency into campaigns.

      The question you’re asking of Ken would send his opponent in his blue suede shoes, as fast as he can run to Washington to file an FEC report, and screaming “Ken Buck’s talking to independent groups!!!”  Wahhhh!  Shriek!  Sob!

      Doncha’ wonder if a sprint like that would mess up ol’ Mikie’s hair?

  14. Just kidding, Dave.

    Seriously, please ask Michael B. why he signed the Blue Dog letter. I’m tired of offering possible reasons. I want quotes.  

    Thanks, David!

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