“There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.”
–Vladimir Lenin
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Genghis
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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2. A.m. and all's well.
Other than the fact that Trump stinks, that is.
In special elections, Democrats have averaged more than eight points ahead of their historic performance in those districts.
Put that in your turd sandwich and gobble it down Carnholio!
A president who lost the popular vote by three million votes is losing the point spread by eight points. At some point, he runs out of deep red districts in which to hide.
Trumpstink forecast 8.7.
Shillstink forecast 9.8.
Stay upwind my friends.
5 – 0
Millions of Hollywood dollars transferred to media outlets. It's all good.
And all in extremely heavily GOP districts, from whom trumpie cabinet members were plucked specifically because it was well known that they did in fact hail from — say it with me, y'all – HEAVILY GOP DISTRICTS.
Now, we know you guys are deeply into alternate “reality” and alternative "facts" and such, but surely you're not going to pretend that these were all great, smashing victories for your icky little party. You mooks barely held on to eke out wins in these HEAVILY GOP DISTRICTS…
Whistle smugly past the graveyard all you want for now, while you can still get away with it. Your day of reckoning is coming, inexorably, inevitably, and many of the results will be far, far different from those we’ve just witnessed in these HEAVILY GOP DISTRICTS.
In short, you're in for some major 'shock and awwwwwwwww.'
Keep this in mind as the various investigations continue to probe the trump criminal cabal, as we barrel toward the 2018 mid-terms:
Enjoy your fun today, GOcreePers; for come November 2018, the bell shall toll for thee…
Dem sweep in Congress and the Senate, just like you predicted in 2016?
After listening to Trumps rally, a commentator made this observation. Trump's interest is Americans, Democrats interest is Trump. I hope you keep up the resistance and keep reminding people of the current foolishness.
Morning Joe documented about six blatant lies that Trump fed his stupid supporters at that rally. Dumb ass.
They swallowed those lies like a hungry Gerbils devouring his morning banana.
Nice picture of Andrew….
Given the makeup of the current Democratic opposition, I'm very confortable that America will never give power to the Progressive KOOKS who believe in the rhetoric of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or Nancy Pelosi. Many of those activist reside on this blog. A dozen KOOK voices have become the face of the Democratic Party.
You have a valid point. But in front of the scenes, or behind the scenes, you need to also honor the existence of the far right KOOKS in the current administration.
People like Steve Bannon, Scott Pruitt; Franklin Graham, Falwell Jr., and other toadies of the religious right; the Utah governor and congressional delegation that want to strip the public of their national monuments; and so on.
Yes we have our right wing kooks also.
The great thing about KOOKS is, it's not an exclusive club. 100% equal opportunity.
I guess my list would be Alex Jones, Michael Savage and Dave Ramsey.
You left out Andrew Carnegie, Moderatus, and, of course…you.
Is KOOK an acronym for actual words Pear or have you fallen in love with your CAPS lock button?
I take a personal offense at your language. My maternal grandfather was a small, Minnesota dairy farmer. He and my grandmother raised 13 kids on a half-section of land and 50 cows. They were devout Democrats and made their contributions to society and their Catholic community. Three of their sins fought for us in the Virr Nam War. They were NFO members; life was made easier for them by the many programs within The New Deal. They were never a couple of means; in their twilight years they depended upon their social security checks and Medicaid. It gave them the ability to live with some dignity.
Were they alive today and had to choose, I'm certain they would have been 'Bernie KOOKS'. At their core, and guided by their deep Catholic faith, social justice was a driving principle of their lives.
I shouldn't laugh at Michael''s claim that three of his grandparents "sins" fought for us in the Vietnam War. But I can't help it. I always felt the war was a mistake but didn't realize it was a sin! Is this a case of hating the sin but drafting the sinner?
Please don't fix the typo, Michael. It's a case of in typos veritas!
That's what I get for posting from my phone! I'll honor your request to leave 'as is' and give a special shout-out to Uncle Greg, Dan and Tim for their service!
Well Michael. That's what you get for having bigger hands than Donnie TwoScoops.
I'm guessing the three "sins" that went to Vietnam were Anger, Envy and Greed.
Sloth dodged the draft, it's what he does.
Pride signed up for OCS but flunked out, thereby going before a fall. He finished his enlistment as a PFC at Fort Leonard Wood, as a cook.
Lust failed the physical because he had the clap.
Gluttony also failed the physical as overweight. He became an evangelist famous for denouncing gays until he was caught commiting adultery with an ambitious girl scout who sold him one cookie too many. He gets out of prison in October and says the incarceration experience has changed his attitude toward gays.
Don't we need a special 'shitting your pants' category for that great patriot Ted Nugent?
Nugent wasn't in the American Army. He was in the SS.
That was my first good laugh of the day, V. Sometimes I can still see the wit you displayed as a newspaper man.
My parents were Democrates also. My mom would have voted for Charles Manson if he ran on the Democratic ticket. Of course the depression, WW2, were formative events in their life times. There is a reason they are called the "Greatest Generaation". My dad would often speak about growing up, when all they had to eat were bean sandwiches. My favorite picture of my dad is one with him and his older brother. He looks to be about 12 and he is holding their pet dog. His hair is perfectly combed and strikes a handsome pose. As you look closer at the picture you see the evidence of poverty in the clothes and condition they are wearing. This same man quit school at the 8th grade. Reaching 18 he got a job at Quaker Oats and worked there for 42, with 2 years in the Navy, serving in the Pacific. As a union man we had to plan for those years the union chose to strike. My dad took early retirement at 60 to start his sheet metal business. Working out of a garage he started and grew a profitable small business. He die about a year and a half later of a heart attack.
I regret that you take offense with my post, it is not meant to include you. As you know the three of us take plenty of shots from others on this site. While I rely on snark and sarcasm, I try to avoid vulgar language, but the other Pols don't have any inhibition declaring their extensive vocabulary.
KOOK is an acronym for (Keep Our Own Kids safe). It a parody that Rush Limbaugh uses to focuse on how some people can blow things out of proportion. It's a funny bit as all his parodies are. Now I'll get a bunch of nasty grams from the rest of the crew about listening to Rush.
So, know that you and I and others can have opposing opinions, and I'll treat you or any others with respect. If it's important that a response is to declare that they know every gutter word, those people are charter member KOOK's. I do not consider you a KOOK.
Best wishes.
Let me be the first to respond that I have never had any doubt about your listening to Rush (and dutifully repeating it here in your comments) . . .
(Btw, I hope you find that "nasty" enough, I can't think of anything nastier than Rush and Co.)
Have you heard the bit?
I go against my nature and my better judgment, and I try and be civil; you respond by insulting me??? . . .
. . . and the horse you rode in on, Pearhole!!!
Something awakened me at 4 a.m., but I didn't know what it was. It wasn't the newspaper or the milkman. Now I know. It was y’all squabbling at such an unreasonably early hour.
What are you doing awake at 4 a.m.?
And V, while you're giving your Trumpstink forecast today spare a thought and perhaps a few bucks to the Red Cross for the people in TX and LA who are in Cindy’s line of fire.
Not squabbling. When you have a business and you know your employees depend on that income to keep their families going, there is a lot that will keep you up at night. Fortunate you are that you can have a restful nights sleep.
Sleep Pear Prince . . .
. . . Donald's taking care of everything.
Fake "Objective" News team when their candidate loses.
So sad (and she is even wearing a snow flake button):
Hi. I'm Cornholio. I'm an asshole who delights in the pain of others. Espescially when it involves electing so-called "Christans" who would rather the workin stiffs not earn a living wage.
Also, I stink. Stay upwind from me.
…as opposed to the reaction from your side when Romney lost to the black fella?
It's Nancy's fault:
“Nancy Pelosi was all over this race in Georgia,” said Ungar. “Every TV ad coming from the Republicans was Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi. I would not have thought her name still carried the weight it did when my partner Michael Steele launched the anti-Nancy Pelosi campaign in 2010. And you know what happened in 2010, the Republicans swept in a wave,” he added.
Said Ungar, “I am of the school, enough already. It’s time for Nancy Pelosi to move on to the next stage of her life. We need somebody else in that position in the House.”
First glimpse of the Senate health bill, from Healthcare DIVE:
This "less mean" version would still leave 23 million uninsured, cut protections for pre-existing conditions by giving states leeway to decide how to cover them, cut funding for Planned Parenthood, and cut Medicaid for disabled elders and children. If you have 20-30 minutes to spare today, you can sign up to drop in to one of Cory Gardner's offices for a visit with his staff to discuss it.
The myth of Russia, Russia, Russia, explained by Obama official.
Interesting…but not as interesting as some of the other stories published by this rag. I like…
" BEAT COP…former dominatrix fights to become police officer…"At least she has her own handcuffs".
Or the one about the lady whose breast was removed accidentally in surgery. It's great stuff…
and isn't it all fake news anyway?
Thank you Darryl Glenn for running an incompetent campaign, loosing to a silver spoon buffoon. The Nation could have used another conservative vote to counter the establishment Republicans who are threatened by the draining of the swamp.
By the looks of just Trump's cabinet, there isn't significant swamp draining going on. He's actually adding to the swamp and then telling lies about it.
Dem Tim Ryan of OH is gunning for Pelosi. He complains about Dem messaging by saying, "How are we going to get more jobs? How are we going to train workers? We need creative ideas!" Good God. He thinks that constitutes better messaging. We are so screwed.
How about Make America Weak Again?
It kind of ties together all of the Dem policy positions.
Or to make us great again TwoScoops could copy the Colorado blueprint, a progressive agenda driven by CO Democrats, that has created the top performing economy in the nation?
Welp. We'd best get busy resisting this no-good, very bad, tax break for the 1% "health bill". Indivisible Colorado has put out a pretty decent guide on What to Do Next. Colorado is one of the ten key states that can vote Trumpcare down, so this guide is called the Trumpcare 10.
Email and contact info for Gardner's staff, handy statistics (like 174,700 Coloradans losing their healthcare next year, and average premium increases of $751 in 2018. Call scripts and "what to say if…." Good stuff.
I expect to see massive spontaneous rallies and marches soon, as well, but don't know of any right now.
Be this…
It's doubtful any health care bill will pass. Call for the vote and let it fail. Then when it fails, Obama Care will be the only alternative. When Obama Care fails, as it will, Democrats will be complicit again in voting against the American people.
I'll wager beer and nachos on that prediction, Pear(that the American people will blame Dems if it implodes).
OK, lots of beer.
We are not one of the ten.
Gardner's vote is already with the leadership. He's a sycophant who has visions of being in the top brass in the Senate, or maybe even Mike Pence's vice president.
He may sign letters lamenting about Medicaid. He may make some noises about concern for those with pre-existing conditions, but when all is said and done, he will tow the line.
The ones who will make or break this are: Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy (for whom I've started to develop some respect), Lisa Murkowski, Shelly Moore Capito, Rob Portman, Dean Heller, Ron Johnson, and ironically enough, the Tea Bagging trio of Cruz, Lee, and Paul.
The Tea Bagging trio have given notice that the bill isn't conservative enough for them. If McConnell makes it more nasty, he loses Collins, Cassidy, Murkowski and probably one or two other so-called moderates.