“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
–Abraham Lincoln
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BY: ParkHill
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: Genghis
IN: Why DNI Tulsi Gabbard Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
BY: Genghis
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Trumpflation is Here
IN: Wednesday Open Thread
BY: kwtree
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: harrydoby
IN: You’re Gonna Need an Actual Opinion on Ukraine, Gabe
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Jeffco GOP Sure Knows How To Pick ‘Em
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Trumpflation is Here
BY: unnamed
IN: Obligatory Lauren Boebert/Kid Rock Gossip Thread
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I see that Ray Scott is still on the big line as a potential candidate for Guv. Here is a tweet he sent me back in April: FYI, here is Scott's tweet: Ray Scott
Replying to @Konola4Colorado
Your party is lost and no doubt your losses over the years prove your silly rants.Who saiid I wanted to be Governor? #uninformed
Trumpstink level raging at a full force 10 today as deranged polluter in chief withdraws from Paris treaty. Millions of Americans who tried to seek shelter in a pleasant breeze from Mount Ivanka were overcome by the latest flatulence.
There is no where to hide! Shills try to spread Trumpstink to every corner of the land. Resistance now gathering in mountains of California. Zombies now mining coal in West Virginia.
Hold your grandchild tight. Invest in air freshener stocks. And stay upwind America. The world depends on us.
Here you go, V. This will either make you feel better or infuriate you: https://www.facebook.com/neildegrassetyson/videos/10155195888806613/?pnref=story
It says it well. As I have long argued, when the rules change, they change for everyone. The coal mining lobby, the anti-vaxers have their counterparts in the anti-nukers and anti-gmo militants.
Our narcissist president and his corporals guard of toadies and shills threaten the very nature of human progress.
I haven't, V. I've been meaning to and just haven't gotten to it. BTW, the P.C. crowd doesn't like the "T" word. I don't care, but some people will get all fuzzed up about it.
Oops! Sorry about the duplicate. This didn't land where I meant it to and I missed that it was here.
The coveve is strong with Trump.
You say coveve and I say covfefe.
Coveve. Covfefe.
Potato. Potat-o
Let's impeach the Fart Joke president!
To quote Dan Quayle: "You forgot the e".
Didn't Quayle also say that a mind is a terrible thing to lose?
Fyi, I assume you've seen Transparent on Amazon. Wife and I just finished binging the three seasons. The skow, especially season one, is one of the most brilliant on television. I was afraid it would be preachy. Just the opposite. Genius lies in the fact that the transitioning dad, brilliantly acted by Jeffrey Tambor, is the least FUBARed member of America's most dysfunctional family. If you haven't seen it, you have a treat in store.
I haven't, V. but I've been meaning to. And by the way, the P.C. crowd hates the "T"-word. I'm not one of them, but be careful with it around the less grounded. They get all fuzzed up about such things.
advice taken. The third season has a brilliant take on that, with a "wimmin only" retreat trying to boot transgender dad on grounds that he/she isn't "wimmin-born." We do slice our prejudices thin, it seems.
According to a story in Politico this morning, Kellyanne Conway appeared on television this morning and delivered the astounding news that President Trump may invoke executive privilege to block former FBI Director Comey's testimony next week before the Senate committee:
Of all the silly things she could have said this one was a whopper. She immediately reinforced the question that has hovered over Trump's tweets and statements since the beginning of the investigation: What is he trying to hide?
Her statement reminds me of Nixon’s refusal to give up the tapes based on executive privilege. What is Trump trying to hide?
I don't know. Is it any worse than Bowling Green or alternative facts?
What's he trying to hide? Financial crimes, election crimes, colluding with an enemy, just for starters. And the crimes are YUUUUGE!
Wow! She hasn't been seen outside her burrow since former FODs, Scarborough (and fiancé), reported her comments about needing to shower after slinging for Drumpf . . .
. . . I guess the showers have been repaired!
. . . I guess the showers have been repaired!
There's always the option of climbing under a couple of full-bladder Russian prostitutes.
…and the jobs spigot (the one broken by the black guy) has been repaired!
I wouldnT know, Frank. My idea of porn these days is reading The Joy of Impotence.
It looks like Smellyanne and her baby Daddy are falling from favor in the inner-circle? Who next to be nominated to run the Civil Rights Division? David Duke?
Conway's husband withdraws name from Justice Department role: reports
Isn't Duke a bit too liberal for Bannon's tastes?
As a practical matter, if Congress wants to hear Comey and he wants to talk, what is our noodledick president going to do to stop him? Ask Putin to put a hit on him?
NY times had story about exec privilege. No one has tried to assert it successfully for a former government employee. Enforcement traditionally is the threat of firing but in Comey's case, that ship has already sailed. The only thing they could do is go to court and request an injunction against him talking.
If Tweetledumb thought he could make it look like an accident, yes. Assassination is pretty much Putin's go-to solution for all inconvenient people: opposition leaders, journalists, witnesses. I'm sure that solution has been offered, and, we would hope, refused.
Comey, being a canny old spook, has no doubt taken precautions.
I think #TrumpsterFire sends Jefferson Sessions into the hearing room with handcuffs to arrest Comey. Gotta mark my calendar for that hearing.
Wind Growth Equals Job Growth:
The U.S. wind industry continued its role as a major job creator in 2016 — wind-related jobs total 102,500 and can be found in all 50 states.
More than 25,000 of these positions are manufacturing jobs at more than 500 U.S. factories that build wind-related parts and materials. This provides an important boost to a sector of the U.S. economy that has struggled for decades, and it helps bring new jobs to the places that need help the most, like the Rust Belt. For example, Ohio leads the country with 62 wind factories, while Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have 26 each, and Michigan has 25. And while the Southeast has historically lagged in wind-farm installation, the region has a strong wind-manufacturing base, with more than 100 factories building components destined for wind turbines.
In addition, wind-turbine technician is by far the country’s fastest growing job, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Because 99 percent of wind farms are built in rural areas, wind-tech positions offer new jobs in places traditionally short on options. With the U.S. wind fleet now topping 52,000 turbines, with more coming in the years ahead, demand is surging for operations and maintenance jobs.
Importantly, the U.S. wind industry proudly offers good jobs to the men and women who serve our country — veterans find wind jobs at a rate 50 percent above the average industry, based on data from the Department of Energy. Manufacturing and installing each new turbine supports 18 full-time jobs.
Or in Drumpf-speak, "renewables are killing American birds. Believe me." (here's the fact-check on that doozy).
PS: the solar industry already employs more Americans than the oil, gas and coal industries combined.
Deaths due to feral cats run into thebillions, not millions. I'd like to see mitigation programs to trap feral cats. You could feed them meat ground from internet shills.
Morgan Carroll "adopted" Gardner's townhall last night in the Springs, since he didn't show, although he was "summoned" by the Colorado Action Network. Photos show a crowd of 100 or so? Someone who was there should report out.
too busy brushing elbows with a thug in the Philippines
visualizing whirled peas?
Oh, this'll make Moddy's day (assuming he's coming out from under Grammy's bed anytime soon)
'Washington can't stop Americans': Michael Bloomberg pledges to pay US share of Paris climate funding
Did Zappy finally move to Taxafornia?
Gas liquid release in Frederick with Anadarko line prompts incident report, cleanup