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March 19, 2009 03:35 AM UTC

What kind of candidate should the HD3 vacancy committee elect?

  • by: johne

As you know, Anne McGihon has resigned from the state house, so a vacancy committee made of up of the district’s Democratic Precinct Committee People (was there ever a worse acronym?) along with some of the executive committee of the Denver county and Arapahoe county party get to decide who the next representative will be.  

House District 3‘s voting patterns are similar to many of the other Denver districts.  It voted over 80% for Obama in the last election.  McGihon won the district with 65%.  She was unchallenged in 2006, and in 2004 won with 61% of the vote.

In other words, this is by no means a swing district where the elected official can’t be a leader on populist issues.  Denver is precisely where those leaders (like Joe Miklosi) should come from.  Joe Rice, Wes McKinley, and others can’t always vote on progressive bills as they have to represent all of their districts.  But in Denver, we should have the kind of folks who will co-sponsor a tuition equity bill (Joe), like Morgan Carroll (actually from Aurora) who fights for meaningful regulation of the insurance industry.  

What HD3 doesn’t need is a former oil and gas executive.  I mean, Cassidy’s got a great resume…for a Republican.

So who would be good for the district?

I am a candidate for the HD-3 vacancy left by Rep. McGihon.

It is a strong blue district, and it gives us an opportunity to have a clear progressive voice in the legislature. I love that we have a big enough party to include the full spectrum of Democrats that make up Colorado, but where we have constituencies ready for progressive democratic reform we need to have legislators that can knock it out of the park all day, and then fund raise for the swing districts in their ‘time off.’

We are going to have a number of good candidates, but we have to have a person who is right on policy, committed to party building, committed to the district, and who knows where we are on hundreds of bills immediately after they are selected. I am at the Capitol every day, drafting legislation, debating every bill, and working with the members. It has been my job all session to know where we are and to be ready for what is coming next.

I would have loved a couple of years to make my case, but I have a week. I am going to be on the phones and knocking all doors, reaching out to my fellow vacancy committee members. And yes, I am a vacancy committee member, a precinct committee person, a senate district vice chair. I have walked these precincts for Obama and Chris Nevitt, DeGette and Udall. I have worked finance, field, outreach, communications, advance, and management, and blogged and blogged and blogged. I suppose I have been making my case for years, and I hope that some on this list will put in a kind word for me where they can.


Aaron Silverstein

Sure, I could just say the vacancy committee of HD3 should chose Aaron because he’s a swell guy, likes puppies, and stuff like that, but it wouldn’t be a very good argument, now would it?

Cross-posted at


5 thoughts on “What kind of candidate should the HD3 vacancy committee elect?

  1. so allow me to contribute this to counter what I’m sure was an inadvertent misconception you just perpetuated.

    Sam Cassidy is not a Republican.

    I knew him when he was down in Southwestern Colorado, and he was a Democrat there even when it would have been much easier for him to be a Republican.

    Maybe the person who wrote that he is a Republican is confused. He was Minority Leader in the Senate, but that’s when the minority was the Democratic party; it hasn’t always been under D control as it is now.

    To the larger point, given term limits and the shocking lack of ability for a Democratic House and Senate and Governor to actually do anything, the idea of Cassidy going back there makes a lot of sense.

    And it’s not like he would be effective by being unethical, he’s basically created the ethics in business department at DU, and gotten national notice for the work he’s done.

    I’m amazed the guy would want to go back, but if he does we’d all be a bit better off for it.

    1. I’m not sure why you thing I’m deceiving anyone.  I wasn’t being inadvertent.  I said what I said on purpose.

      My point is that a moderate guy who’s run a chamber of commerce, and an oil exploration sounds like a republican.  But more to the point, this isn’t the kind of guy a liberal district in Denver should have.  Maybe SW Colorado, but not Denver.

      Here’s part of his resume:

      President and CEO – Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry (Colorado’s state

      chamber of commerce), 1997 – 2000

      Senate Minority Leader of the Colorado Legislature, 1993 – 1994

      President and CEO Jefferson Economic Council, 1995-1997

      President Economic Developers Council of Colorado 1997-1998

      President Sam Cassidy, Inc. – oil and gas exploration and production company, 1977- 2003

      Owner of High Country Title Insurance Co. 1985- 1989

      Owner of private Law Practice 1975- 1994

      Chairman Board of Directors Cherry Hills III Property Owners Association, 1994

      1. So, you meant to insinuate that a longtime Democrat is actually a Republican? Nice.

        I mean, Cassidy’s got a great resume…for a Republican.

        What a fine advocate you are for Aaron. I’m sure he’s proud.

        1. if it walks like a duck…

          if I have you Sam Cassidy’s resume without his party affiliation and asked you to guess there’s no way you would guess “D”.

          I’m sure he was a fine west slope Dem 20 years ago but this isn’t the west slope and it’s 2009.  

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