UPDATE: Politics West confirming, it wasn’t a misprint:
Buck isn’t ready to make any announcements – he’s still talking to his fellow GOP types – but he’s considering challenging the newly appointed Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet for U.S. Senate come 2010.
“It’s fair to say I’m considering a run for one of them, but I’m looking more closely at the Senate race,” Buck said. He plans to announce in April.
Sure, a former D.A. is now Governor, but Bill Ritter was the Denver District Attorney, which gets considerably more press and name recognition than any other district attorney. If Buck is seriously considering running for the U.S. Senate, then the GOP is in trouble. Buck would be one of the few candidates they could run who would have less name ID than Michael Bennet.
Original post follows…
Interesting scoop from something called The Holyoke Enterprise. We’re guessing they don’t even know what they just reported:
Starting early to strategize election wins in 2010, Phillips County Republicans gathered a large turnout at the annual Lincoln Day Soup, Salad and Pie Social Sunday, March 1…
…Also speaking to the Republican delegation were Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck, who will announce he’s running for U.S. Senate in April [Pols emphasis]; and Cleve Tidwell, an exploratory gubernatorial candidate who plans to announce his intent to run for governor very soon.
We don’t have any idea who the hell Cleve Tidwell is, let alone why he would run for Governor. But Weld County D.A. Ken Buck was widely expected to run for congress against Rep. Betsy Markey in CD-4. Perhaps that’s what the Holyoke Whatever meant to say, but if not, it looks like Buck just got announced for U.S. Senate.
Buck could be an interesting candidate in CD-4, but running for Senate seems to be just a little bit of a reach. And announcing a Senate run in front of 90 people – well, that’s silly. Unless he’s following the Bob Schaffer plan of announcing, over and over and over, running for Senate.
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so it’s important to list the middle schoolers who introduced the speakers before mentioning (burying) the news one of them is running for the Senate. We’re lucky they didn’t include recipes for the soups served at the function.
I recall a certain DA who ran for governor recently, so it might not be THAT out of reach for Buck.
the GOP is going to throw the kitchen sink for the Senate race in 2010 or does it suggest that there are no serious GOP nominees?
…when they are in fact the same thing.
Colorado GOP leader = Colorado GOP Kitchen Sink?
more evidence that the democratic nominee will be the Senator, much like the victor of the 2008 General election.
…that’s why I hereby announce my candidacy for Democratic Senator. All it takes is the D! And a JJ table, of course! I’ll take the veggie option please, I’m not a murderer.
I knew he wasn’t going to run for CD-4 though because he is expected to support Lucero while Brophy is going to endorse Gardner. With Diggs in we’ll have a three man race.
Seems everyone thinks they’re the one for 2010.
The Holyoke Surprise is earning its nickname all over again.
How the hell did you guys find that?
And what’s up with ridiculing a small-town weekly? Or was that just collateral damage from the general disdain for the topic of the article?
had an item pointing to it this afternoon.
They read the Holyoke paper — so no one else has to!
You have to admit – it has managed to outlive the Rocky.
Plus, if you want to keep up with the best basketball team in 2A, you’re kind of without a choice.
Maybe this will drag out Bob E.
But c’mon, read the other articles in this week’s paper. It’s written like it’s an afterthought to puttin’ up the pickles and workin’ a spell on the quilt. Pols was right to point out that they buried the lede and probably didn’t realize what they’d witnessed.
But I mostly came here after reading that to see if anyone knew who this Cleve Tidwell is. Apparently not.
I have a hard time blaming them – it’s not like Holyoke’s a place where you make that sort of announcement. Probably mis-heard scuttlebutt or something. It was high-schoolers introducing the speakers, after all.
Nope, it’s what Buck said and has been telling fellow Republicans for about a week. (See Pols update above.)
As for Tidwell, his intentions to run for governor haven’t been a secret either – just no one has ever heard of the guy. Businessman with a history in Japan. He’s got a tiny but vocal following so far.
I stand corrected. Though I take exception with Pols that being introduced by a high school student counts as The Official Announcement, and any further announcements will be more of the same.
To me, it sounds more like honest campaigning without all the showmanship. I know. How quaint.
He just told the folks at the Lincoln Day gathering (it was a soup and salad social — probably with gingham tablecloths, if that’s not condescending of me to notice). And I doubt the students said he was running, Buck said it himself.
And the tablecloth was probably a plastic sheet.
…excludes honest campaigning?
That is, this could not be the Official Annoucement because it was honest campaigning?
usually stays in Holyoke.
“What are you running for?”
“I’m going to run for the Senate seat.”
And everyone takes it at face value. No big deal.
Pols treats it as The Big Deal, then disparages it by saying anything else he says will be treated as such, too.
…at this event? He does have control over what he says, right?
just the first time a reporter was there and wrote it down, even if they didn’t quite realize it was news.
It’s insulting. They work for little pay and put in long hours. They chronicle the town they’re living in.
To suggest that the paper didn’t know what it had is a condescending put-down from some one who doesn’t know small towns, or small-town papers.
They’re a helluva lot better than you give them credit for, and they’re still in business.
I’m sure your heart’s in the right place, gert, but you know not whereof you speak. I’ve worked at small town papers, know small town papers, and the Holyoke Surprise isn’t one you want to go out on a limb for. God love ’em, but it’s just not.
If you’re really running for Senate, you play it coy until you’re ready to announce. That’s Politics 101, kids.
Republicans have been talking about this for a couple weeks.
…had not yet heard. Was there some sort of newsletter available?
at Rocky Mountain Right aren’t as plugged in as they think they are? They just noticed it today.
But the Whitestar Line said she was unsinkable!
First, Troy Ide announces he will run for either Governor, U.S. Senate or the 7th CD and two weeks later he announces for attorney general. Now that AG Suthers is going to run again, he has to find another office to run for.
Former Congressman Bob Beauprez is going around telling Republicans that he wants to run for either Governor or the U.S. Senate but he isn’t sure which one.
District Attorney Ken Buck all but announced for attorney general but once again because AG Suthers is running again, he now has to find something else to run for. And whether its Messrs. Buck, Ide or Beauprez, each has chosen to consider offices that require vastly different kinds of political skills and campaigns.
I’m a firm believer that real candidates know in their “gut” which office they want to run for and why. Thus far, what we have on the Republican side are a group of candidates who just have to be in public office but they don’t know or care which one, just so they are in office. I don’t believe those kind of candidates win many races.
He has said he really wants to run for governor but might settle for senator. Ah, decisions, decisions!
Isn’t there typically a feeling out process for prospective candidates amongst the party power brokers? Is the merry go round just a reflection of the lack of power at the top? Beauprez and Eid should know what they are running for because someone should be telling them what they can run for.
but my experience is that solid, ultimately successful candidates know what office or what kind of office (legislative or executive) that they are aiming at. For example, Gov. Ritter knew in his heart he wanted to be governor. He put his head down and he ran for it very hard and was successful.
Potential candidates who vascillate between deciding which major office to run for often haven’t focused on why they should run for a particular one. For example, performing the job of a U.S. senator is very different than being state attorney general or governor. Candidates who haven’t addressed those issues don’t know why they are running except they have a general desire to be in elected office. If they don’t know why they are running, then many times their heart isn’t into it and they loose on election day.
Running for office is a very intense experience and requires the utmost effort and focus by a candidate. That intensity and focus are only there if a particular candidate has thought through why he or she is running and thereby becomes absolutely committed to running an all-out campaign. Without it, most campaigns fail.
Are you really a Republican? You don’t even know how to spell a three letter name.
An inability to spell might actually confirm that R36 is a republican… 🙂
doesn’t change his mind and go for CD-4. This blurb Gardner offered up to Jessica Fender would go great on a Republican primary mail piece:
I must say you must be living in a cave if you don’t know who this guy is or you never get out of your studio. I heard Mr. Tidwell speak this week and he is the real deal not to mention a true gentleman. Comes at time the GOP does need help and he will be the new face in Colorado Politics that will bring extensive business experience to Colorado and stand for something for a change.
If you get a chance to meet him you will see why he will win the GOP ticket and probably sweep the election. No more old worn out politicians we need a new face.
I have been a registered Dem for five years and after hearing him this week and knowing where our state is heading I will surely be in his court. I am changing to a republican registration on Monday my day off. Finally a new face in Colorado politics and someone that has business experience, ral business experience and know how to make decision that might help us all for a change and NOT A LAWYER , YEAAAAA
To all my friends this guy is the right choice for Colorado, I was really knocked over just meeting him after the meeting.Great …
I can see the slogan now: “76 Facebook Supporters Can’t Be Wrong!”
Oooh! And he’s a graduate of the illustrious Norman Park College! I too urge my fellow Dems to come out of their caves and studios to support the Gentleman-non-lawyer-business-dude Cleve Tidwell!!!
Seriously Aika, no one outside of the 76 of you has a clue who this guy is…
I would suggest before you attempt to discredit someone you should talk with them. As I remember , your liberal candidate Obama came on the scene and everyone said WHO THE HELL IS OBAMA and then Bristish Socialist Soros saw he could be a puppet and had moveon.org take charge of him. Or didn’t you know that, probably a short memory.
It’s amazing when it happens to one of your own who by the way had NO business experience whatsoever, and it’s showing and yet he gets in a race. Even America gave him the benefit of the doubt as everyone has to start somewhere. Get a life Mohammad and spend you time on something of which you know. Negative press is just that negative and the reflection of the writer not of those you write about. Aika
You’ve been a “registered Dem for five years” yet slam the Democratic President of the United States as, “your liberal candidate.” Yeah…I’m definitely buyin’ that too…
And what was that about “attempting to discredit someone” coming from you, the same troll that suggests that we’re all a bunch of uninformed cave-dwellers? Strike two, Aika.
Speaking of “something of which you know,” let’s try English…which clearly you have trouble with. We use commas in English to ensure that our sentences make sense. You clearly don’t get that.
Finally, my name is not “Mohammad” or Muhammad or anything of the like…something you’d know if you weren’t a republican troll wasting your time here.
So, whoever you are, either learn how to be a productive member of the blog or go away. No one’s buyin’ the crap you’re peddling.