(We read so in the Denver Post – promoted by Colorado Pols)
So, I got a hold of the press release that prompted the Penry love-fest. Interesting timing considering just last week he helped organize an event that had a swastika guy holding that sign as part of their key messaging.
For Immediate Release
Friday, Feb. 20, 2009Contact
Dick Wadhams, XXX.XXX.XXXX, [redacted] dick@cogop.comJosh Penry is the bestest Republican Leader
Some say, he could be Governor one dayGreenwood Village, CO — Senate Minority Leader Josh Penry is only 33 years old and he’s already the Republican Leader in the Colorado Senate.
“Josh Penry is a winner,” said state Rep. Cory Gardner, a Republican from Yuma who is one of Penry’s closest friends in the Capitol. “He’s about hard work and determination and guts.”
“I suppose it’s frustrating for Democrats because he is so bright and so articulate that he runs circles around them,” said state GOP chairman Dick Wadhams. Penry also smells nice, as he uses Ronald Reagan’s favorite cologne. It’s distilled from fresh oil from the piceance basin in his district. “It keeps the democrats away from me, it’s like garlic or something”, said Senator Penry who loves oil. Senator Penry also loves all things Ronald Reagan including his love of deficit spending, destroying the environment, and eating babies. I mean kissing babies, yes, he does not eat them. Nor does Ronald Reagan, or Dick Cheney.
This of course has nothing to do with our botched stimulus whine-fest this week. “In fact, you shouldn’t print anything about that. If you do, I’ll call you up and yell lots of swear words at you,” said state GOP chairman Dick Wadhams.
Vital Stats:
Rising son of Western SlopeAge: 33
Home: Grand Junction
Background: star quarterback at Mesa State College, as well as student body president. He had a 4.0 grade-point average.
Personal: married, two children
Experience: one term in state House before earning state Senate seat in 2006
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What the hell was with that article? The worst was the “stats” thing at the end.
I wasn’t sure about the Reagan cologne, but nothing else was coming to mind.
…wait, Mesa State has academics? Too cute!
Yeah, if he did that at CU I’d be impressed…Mesa State, not so much, at least not on the latter two. I mean, even being a DII QB is impressive as an athletic accomplishment, though I don’t know what relevance that would have to being a political leader.
What is Penry’s non-political career? Maybe that is more impressive?
There is none. Politics is all he knows. So by the Andrew Romanoff Rule, we’d better find him a job!
have a student government.
Josh Penry: Master of the Small Pond, and don’t you forget it.
I wonder how big the hickey is that the Post left on Penry’s ass with this article. Penry is a disaster, but Dems better not take him lightly. He’s walking a similar path to the governor’s office that Bill Owens did. He’s building rank-and-file support among the grassroots GOP groups on the eastern slope. Ritter is on course to be a one-term governor, and if Penry wins the GOP nomination, he easily could be the guv in a couple of years. God forbid.
If he only knew how to govern.
But he doesn’t. He’s a professional heel-nipper, having been in the minority party since the day he was elected. He doesn’t know shit except for whining.
And he’s a walking poster boy for why his party is in the minority.
that Colorado voters can see through him. He can act in a very charming manner when he needs someone’s help and support. Perhaps the Republicans will have the good sense to stop him in the nomination process.
It is Sooo amusing to hear some of the same people who castigate Obama supporters with accusations of idolatry, take off on their fair-haired boy, Prince Josh, the Ambitious.
We know Josh well over here on the western slope and I think this latest public orgasm over Penry is in response to a comment I made in the presence of a Wadhams associate. I reported at a discussion group that it seemed Wadhams had decided Penry was not the man for the run against Ritter. They need him in the Senate, I was told.
The person in question challenged that assertion and said that he “hadn’t heard that from Dick”.
Right or wrong, is it more than coincidence that this impromptu vote of confidence airs a few days later?
I find it even more amusing that Penrys’ buddy Scott McInnis once accused me of being privileged and unable to relate to working people. While I was a blue collar worker for 40 years, his lordship, the Prince of COGA, has never had a real job in his life. Or so I’m told.
What does Penry do for a living? If I am reading the state web page correctly, the state senator gig pays $30,000. I assume most senators (especially young ones with kids) have other jobs to support themselves. Does anyone know what else Penry does?
His wife is employed at Mesa State, the domain of former Rep. Tim Foster. Her job may be part-time. I don’t know.
By the way, Penry’s sister recently started working at Mesa State.
Put the family on the government payroll. Then go to war against government spending.
That comes with certain privileges.
on Rep. Foster.
i am on it.
Hey Wade, how soon do you think you’ll be coming out with this “dirt?”
Things are getting out of control in Mesa County and at Mesa State College.
For example, last week there was an announcement in the GJ Daily Sentinel that MSC was considering cutting programs. The very next day was another report in the Sentinel about the establishment of three new athletic teams at the college.
He should have no problem landing a sweet second job.
If you are a young Republican in Mesa County it’s not much trouble to find a sugar daddy. Penry found his in Tim Foster (to keep his family employed) and in Jamie Hamilton, CEO of Home Loan and Athletic Director at Mesa State College.
It’s hard to live at the public trough. Maybe not.