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October 21, 2016 06:44 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I think that America will not trust a party to defend America that isn’t willing to defend itself.”

–James Carville


18 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

    1. And, someone should inform Maria Bartiromo that Roger Ailes is gone so she doesn't have to expose her breasts at a Catholic fundraiser in order to stay on Fox News.

    2. Ironic that Trump's only self-deprecating humor was throwing his wife under the bus. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know, I don't know what will.

  1. Republicans: "I got yer Bipartisanship hangin'"

    Since 1992, the country has elected Democratic candidates for the presidency four times. In every case, the organized Republican Party, especially its legislative elements, and especially some of the people who are now horrified that It's All Come To This, have refused to "respect" the results of the election.

    After Bill Clinton was first elected, then-Senator Bob Dole said that it was his job to represent the people who hadn't voted for the president. When Bill Clinton was elected the second time, the organized Republican Party respected the results of the election so deeply that it tried to throw the president so elected out of office.

    When Barack Obama was elected, members of the Republican establishment respected his election so profoundly that they all met the night of the inauguration to plan how to stymie the policies for which the country had voted. Some of this was pure partisanship, but most of it is far beyond that. If you need further elaboration on that, I suggest you take it up with Judge Merrick Garland. He seems to have some time on his hands. What they weren't doing is respecting the result of an election.

    The constant drumbeat concerning phantom "voter fraud" is a function of delegitimizing the electoral process and, therefore, the elections therein. It's no accident that this drumbeat, and the campaign of voter-suppression out in the states that followed hard on it, began when the country had the audacity to elect a black man president. While it is an effort to suppress votes, it's also a safety valve in case that effort somehow doesn't work. Hell, Birtherism itself was a way to avoid respecting the results of an election.

    Why we, and by "we" I mean people like Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, continually pine for an assymetrical bipartisanship, without defending the base principles and policy preferences of Democrats on the (resoundingly) winning side of election(s) is beyond me. Yes, I know the practicalities of governing according to the Constitution, but I do not know why Democrats always play Eleventy-Dimensional Chess while Republicans are always in a Death Match.

  2. Just got a call from the Trump campaign. Boy, if they thought there was any way in hell I'd be voting for Trump (yeah, I know what some of you are thinking), then they are far beyond screwed in CO.

    1. You may be on the democratic left, zappy, but you are a democrat.  I never thought you'd desert hillary.  With bennet keeping a wide lead, you might cast a frivolous vote for arne duncan, but even then, I expect you to hold your nose and vote for a senate that will confirm a liberal supreme court.  Ypou're a democratic socialist not a romantic dreamer.

    2. When I get calls from the Trump campaign I tell them I want to donate several thousand dollars and they immediately ask for my credit card number.  I continue to do other work while they ponder why the card doesn't go through.  After a while I explain that  my credit must have been ruined because of Trump University and could I please talk to Mr. Trump.  Fun!


  3. "Democrat", Zap, means a lot of different things to different people, ranging from a world view where pure socialism in government is the ultimate goal to those who are inextricably tied to Big Money (Thurston, Hillary, et al) and the belief that capitalism, properly constrained is the best way forward.

    There are many of us on this site that are set in our ways, and some don't actually consider what another is saying. There are two kinds of listening, I've heard it said. There is "listening to understand", and "listening to respond". If one pays attention, it isn't hard to see who is doing what.

    1. hmmmmmmmmm, so I'm looking at my ballot right now. 

      Even though I supported Bernie and gave him $100, my only campaign donation this cycle, I will vote for Hillary over the Syphilitic Brain Fart given us by the Hate Radio, Anti-Science Obstructionists who lick the Koch Brothers' boots.

      I thought going in that both would be a good president and know it's true.

      Now we have US Senator. CPols tells me Bennet will win a landslide. Does he need my vote? Does he listen to "radical lefties" like me? Do I hold my nose and support every Democrat because (D)?

      We may never know.

      Then there aer the remaining Brave Democrats in this cultural wasteland that most of Colorado's Democrats choose to ignore……these I must give my support to because they have the guts to stand up and should put shame to those like Hick and Bennet and others who leave us to our own devices in a town full of hostility and ignorance.

        1. God only knows. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between Obama, HRC, Bennet, and 99% of the Dems running nationwide. Pretty small percentage difference between any of their voting records and Bernie's There's a huge (yuuuuge) difference between Bennet and 100% of Rs here and nationwide.

          Explanation? Bennet is the whale to Zap's Ahab.

          1. ur taking this crappola wayyyyyyyyyy too seriously.

            But I will say this to justify my ire: Bennet blatantly and cynically lied to us multiple times on Big Policy issues and completely caved on “Card Check” during his “test phase” as a senator.

            I expect it from R’s. I don’t expect D’s to be cowardly liars, no matter their voting record. I’ll take him over Glenn, but I don’t have to be happy about it.

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