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October 20, 2016 06:31 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“We will burn that bridge when we come to it.”

–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


27 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. For those concerned about Hillary's more bellicose inclinations, the debate may have been less than reassuring, as she firmly restated her support for a Syrian "no-fly zone."  She declined to answer Wallace's question about whether she would shoot down a Russian plane violating the restrictions, but she seems to believe that negotiation with Russia– the country who all other negotiations on the subject have failed with, and which is, according to her, trying to undermine her election– is possible.

    Of course, a no-fly zone requires the destruction of Syrian air defense systems, which are in populated areas and would, by Clinton's own admission, result in "kill[ing] a lot of Syrians."  Which may be why both Obama and his top general have been unwilling to undertake the exercise.

    Of course, none of this contemplates the reality of the forces arrayed against Assad, and the question of how many are our friends and how many our enemies, or who will prevail if Assad is, in fact, deposed.

    1. Along with Hillarys' love for the Lords of Wall Street, it is her warhawk ways that trouble me most. Perhaps her time as SoS has tempered her proclivity to favor bellicosity….I doubt it.

      1. Her time as SoS was partly spent advising Obama into the disaster that is Libya.  Doubt that changed her worldview.

        Hillary Clinton Has No Regrets About Libya

        “[The Republicans] are going to make a big effort to suggest that the current instability in Libya reflects on the secretary,” one Clinton campaign aide told me. “But the secretary feels confident … people will see that her decision-making and her leadership helped save us from a scenario where it could have come become another Syria.”

        1. USA wasn't the only player with Libya. You can include Britain, Italy, and France. I'd rather have Hillary's world view in office than the world view of Putin's "poodle in the White House (Trump)." 

  2. Chuck Schumer already laying out the red carpet for corporations who've amassed hordes of cash overseas by dodging US taxes.  Cites Clinton's infrastructure proposals in making the case for a huge corporate giveaway.  Of course, Clinton suggested it herself in her private speeches a couple years ago.

    Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer Says Top Priority for Next Year Is Giant Corporate Tax Cut

    American multinational corporations are now holding a staggering $2.5 trillion in profits overseas, refusing to bring the money back at the current tax rates until they get a special deal.

    Revenue-starved Democratic leaders have broadly hinted they are prepared to cave, either for a “holiday” period or permanently.

    In an exchange with CNBC’s John Harwood, Schumer confirmed that the latter is in fact in the works. When Harwood asked Schumer if “it would be a permanent lower rate, not a holiday rate,” Schumer replied, “Yes, you can’t do a one-shot deal.” [Emphasis mine]

    Schumer said he envisions “international tax reform” as providing funding for an infrastructure bank.

        1. I have often wondered why corporations make such a fuss over that percentage for that very reason. What difference does it make if you pay zero percent of 25 percent or zero percent of 35 percent.  No math wiz, even  I know that zero times anything is zero.

          Now if we could guarantee that they'd actually pay the corporate tax then all the fuss, for and agin, about exactly what it should be would be worthwhile. That. of course, is always going to be a tall order.

      1. You've got to be a little careful about taxing shareholders. It is a common practice for start-ups and those vaunted small businesses to award stock in the company as bonuses or in lieu of salary. The amount of stock owned by a single employee is very seldom equal to the amount owned by vulture-er-venture capitalists or angel investors. I don't want the little guys, forgoing salary to help push the company along, to get beaten up for it.

  3. And before we hear AC or modster repeat the meme quickly created to counter the true depravity of Trump's refusal to state that he would accept the results of this election…. no Gore didn't do the same thing:

    1. On election night, several television networks called Florida for George W. Bush, clinching the electoral college — although Gore would end up winning about 500,000 more votes. Gore called Bush to concede.

    2. Then the networks uncalled Florida — and Gore unconceded, realizing that he was ahead in the popular vote and if he ended up winning Florida he would have won the election. The election was literally too close to call.

    3. A legally mandated recount began.

    4. Bush (not Gore) sued to stop recounts in some counties.

    5. Gore sued to extend deadlines for recounts.

    6. The Florida Supreme Court ordered a more extensive recount. Bush (not Gore) appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    7. The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the recount.

    8. Gore conceded.

    (You can read a full timeline here.)


    1. I was thinking the same thing. If Trump is 500,000 popular votes ahead, electoral vote is extremely close, and he was within 1,000 votes in one particular state which would change the outcome, he can ask for recounted provided he agrees to accept the eventual outcome.

      But that's not what Trump said last night.

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