The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary – but also at many polling places – SAD
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2016
Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump may have realized finally that he isn’t likely to be the next resident of the White House, which is why he is busy trying to create a soft landing for himself in three weeks. Trump can feel better about losing to Democrat Hillary Clinton if he can convince people that this whole thing was rigged against him from the start…except, it’s not.
Trump may not realize, but his fraud talk infuriates actual, real-life election officials >
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) October 17, 2016
Colorado political reporter Ernest Luning has been dutifully keeping up with various responses from Colorado election officials regarding Trump’s increasing claims that the 2016 election is “rigged.” Lynn Bartels of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office wins the quotation battle today, responding to Trump claims of voter fraud by saying, “I can say on Twitter I’m a super model, but that doesn’t make it so.”
The Colorado County Clerks’ Association is equally adamant that there is no anti-Trump conspiracy at play in Colorado:
Letter from @CoCtyClerks re Trump voter fraud, “rigged” election charges: “no factual data to support utterly wild assertions” #copolitics
— Ernest Lee Luning (@eluning) October 17, 2016
If you’re looking for some sort of factual basis on which Trump is relying in order to push his “rigged election” narrative, you’re going to be disappointed. If you have your heart set on believing any of this nonsense, you can have fun with this chart from the Washington Post.
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I live in Jeffco. Does that mean that Faye Griffin and Wayne Williams are not in cahoots with Hillary Clinton? You mean my vote may actually be counted honestly?
I hope someone will ask Mr. Trump what sort of "polling places" he expects to have trouble at in Colorado.
My guess? No one from the scampaign has explained the "vote by mail ballot" approach in Colorado, and he'd come up with some expectations that his supporters should vote and then head to the polls in "those areas" where cheating will occur, and watch out for any people who threaten to vote multiple times.
Trump is also the guy who said of Arizona Senator Jeff Flake last summer, "I hope he loses this November." Problem is McCain – you know, the guy who got caught – is not the ballot this year, not Flake.
He doesn't always get his facts right.
We know what you meant.
Democrats are rigging the election with character assassination. Creating fake violence at Trump rallies.
So Trumpians acting like Trumpians is all it takes to assassinate whatever character you believe you have?
Remember what George Will says:
I particularly liked the…. perhaps it is imprudent…. line. George Will is hardly my kind of guy but this column was kind of like Trump and the GOP getting their asses handed to them by Jane Austen. Absolutely delicious.
Updating a favorite fable of mine:
1)What proof do you have of "fake" Dem inspired violence? Please provide with links to reliable source, not blog, rightie radio talker, white supremacist site.
2) Character assassination?Trump certainly can't be topped for using character assassination against his opponent whom he calls crooked Hillary, claims was on drugs at the second debate, is part of an international bankers (century old anti-Semitic code word for Jews) conspiracy, and says he will put in jail if he's elected, breaking over two hundred years of precedent for peaceful transfer of power without such banana republic reprisals. Also continues to more than imply that Obama is not legit because he's really Kenyan and a Muslim who is on the side of the terrorists.
3)Trump, no matter how many times his surrogates claim otherwise, is not just talking about rhetoric or media bias when he says the election is rigged. He is on record saying that it is actually being rigged at the polls, that it is actually physically being rigged, that there will be massive voting fraud in "certain areas" and urging his supporters to go to those areas and do what, one wonders.
4)Trump's own on tape words and actions do a better job of assassinating his own character than anyone else ever could. So does his history of serial bankruptcies and shafting the people who work on his projects.
5)You, like all of your hero's defenders, are full of it. Either cynical to the point of real evil or stupid to the point of presenting a danger to yourselves if allowed out unsupervised.
I'm putting you in that second basket, little modster.
It's not assassination. Your fearless leader has committed slow motion, character suicide over the last few decades.
It's been fun today, watching that idiot Lockwood try to drive home this bullshit narrative. Really fun.
If you listen really closely, you can hear his temper tantrums.
So the question them becomes…..
Are they doing this to lay the groundwork to de-legitimize Hillary come January much as they tried to do with Obama by way of the Birther Movement?
Or do they plan some type of upheaval or civil disturbance?
There may be unfortunate incidents but I doubt 99.9% of Trump's fellow ignorant, racist, bigoted, misogynist cowards have what it takes to get off the couch, put down their beers, brush the orange Cheetos powder off their "Lock Her Up" T-shirts and face down National Guardsman and US troops in armed rebellion. They'll mainly just tune in to his new network and share every nasty cartoon and conspiracy theory they can find on their hate mongering alt right sites. Won't be much of a change from the Obama years.
There will be no military involvement if Trumpsters actually revert to violence. Considering the geographic locations of many of these folks, the law enforcement agencies that will be called on to deal with them are the same police that most advocate their arming. Sweet.
I think that there will be an uptick in hate crimes – those committed by the racist, well-armed, and ignorant against vulnerable members of minority populations. There will probably be more aggressive weapons-sporting and harassment at NAACP offices, a la Houston, Texas.
The Daily Stormer will put out more conspiracy theories blaming Jews, blacks, and most of the rest of the world for Trump's defeat.
Reading the comment sections of normal mainstream reporting will be like scrubbing out a jail toilet.
Confederate-flag flying trucks will "roll coal" and spew diesel dust on whomever they dislike that day.
But in general, I agree with bluecat: the alt-right Trumpers are too disorganized, too fractious and paranoid, ever to form any kind of meaningful uprising. They're not nearly as dumb as the deliberate ignorance they value, and are essentially selfish people who know that "patriotic self-sacrifice" will be quickly quashed by the Blue Lives they pretend to value.
I have to admit that part of me would love to see a corporals guard of Trump goons in their cammies and carring their AR 15s marching up Pennsylvania Ave to carry out their repeated threats to kill Hillary. A squadron of A-10 Warthogs firing those 30mm Gatling guns should provide the requisite whiff of grapeshot to quell the rabble. Anyone who survived could be hanged from the Capitol's lampposts.
Who'd have thought we'd long for the days when the Cliven Bundy crew occupied a deserted gift shop?
That's just it. I think the whole Cliven Bundy thing is about the most we could expect out of any Trumpian rebellion on its best day.
Well, he pulled the same nonsense in 2012…the election was rigged, we are a laughing stock (no actually Donald, the world is just laughing at you) and other nonsense.