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October 12, 2016 12:38 PM UTC

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (October 12)

  • by: Colorado Pols

MoreSmarterLogo-Hat1Have an easy fast today (Yom Kippur). It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.


► Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is in Pueblo today to promote early voting and voter registration efforts. As the Pueblo Chieftain reports:

The former secretary of state and U.S. senator is participating in a public voter registration event today at the Colorado State Fairground’s Palace of Agriculture.

“We opened one of our first offices in early summer in Pueblo and now we’re excited for Hillary to campaign here,” said Ernesto Apreza, a Clinton campaign official.

Clinton’s campaign said doors will open to the public at 11:45 a.m. and the event will begin at 1:45 p.m. Wednesday.


► Tuesday night was the only televised debate in Colorado’s U.S. Senate race, and we’re guessing that Republican candidate Darryl Glenn is plenty thankful that he won’t have to embarrass himself again. We live-blogged the debate between Glenn and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Denver), in which the incumbent absolutely crushed his ill-prepared and uninformed opponent. Seriously — it would be hard to perform worse than Glenn did on Tuesday.

Prior to last night’s debate, Glenn’s campaign sent out an email claiming that polling results showed the Senate race to be a “virtual tie.”

[Pause for laughter]

Also on Tuesday night, Glenn further muddied his stance on Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. On Saturday, Glenn dropped his support of Trump before reversing course and sorta re-endorsing Trump on Monday. When pressed repeatedly to clarify his position on Trump, Glenn finally said last night that he had “suspended” his endorsement of Trump, whatever the hell that means.


► State Sen. Laura Waters Woods (R-Arvada) is proving in 2016 that she will say anything if it helps her get elected. Woods is now trying to portray herself as a champion for Medicaid…when in truth, she is a fierce proponent of reducing the number of people who can qualify for government-subsidized health care. This is the same Sen. Woods who has falsely claimed that she has “consistently” supported legislation to protect public lands (Woods is actually a proponent of transferring federal public lands to state control).


Get even more smarter after the jump…


► Former Gov. Bill Owens and former GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez appear to have a difference of opinion on Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Congressman Ken Buck pulled a Scott Tipton, condemning Trump for his insensitive remarks toward women while reaffirming that he supports the GOP nominee for President.


► The shackles are still off, as far as we can tell.


► Is Eric Trump still in Colorado?


► Congressman Mike Coffman is desperately trying to get his attorneys to stop Democrats from alleging that he supports Donald Trump. You know what would have made this easier for Coffman? Making it clear months ago that he did not support His Hairness.


Take the Minimum Wage Challenge yourself and see how that affects your opinion of Amendment 70.


► The Colorado Springs Independent offers its take(s) on the 2016 ballot.


The Republican Party is struggling to avoid a complete meltdown as its candidate for President threatens to drag the entire ticket down into the gutter. From Politico:

With just weeks to go until Election Day, it’s as close as it gets to a nightmare scenario for battleground state Republicans. Pro-Trump loyalists have declared war on those who have renounced their presidential nominee, candidates can’t get their message out because of the din, and Democrats are milking it for all it’s worth, with some even rethinking shifting resources to down-ballot contests that previously looked out of reach. And it’s all due to Trump’s meltdown.

New Hampshire GOP operative Tom Rath, traveling in Bermuda, said his phone blew up with calls and messages just moments after the news broke Friday night — he spent the weekend fielding frantic messages from allies worried about the fate of Sen. Kelly Ayotte and GOP gubernatorial candidate Chris Sununu. Val DiGiorgio, GOP chairman of Pennsylvania’s pivotal Chester County, said he immediately called the 28 local GOP leaders in his area to gauge the depth of the damage from the remarks, which were already beginning to play on a non-stop loop on cable television.


► Denver Mayor Michael Hancock has found a new Chief of Staff, and it’s a home run of a move:

► Donald Trump doesn’t believe that he is losing the support of women as he seeks to win the race for President. Unfortunately for Trump, it makes no difference whether he believes it or not.



► Donald Trump wants you to be scared of getting murdered in the United States. Vox.com clarifies the reality:

Donald Trump on Tuesday made an incredibly alarming claim to supporters at a rally in Florida: “Do you know it was just announced that murder is the highest it’s been in our country in 45 years?”

That would be very worrying if it were true. Thankfully, it’s not. At all.

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, the murder rate was 4.9 per 100,000 people in 2015, the latest year of data available. That is an 11 percent increase from 2014. But it is lower than it was in 1970, 45 years before, when the murder rate was 7.9. It was also lower than it was at any point from 1965 to 2009 — making the 2015 rate, at worst, a six-year high. And it’s half the rate of what it was 25 years ago, in 1991, and less than half of what it was at several periods in the 1970s and 1980s.

► Trump is winning. Trump is winning. Trump is winning. Just keep saying it.


► Tom Brady is the worst.


Don’t forget to check out The Get More Smarter Show. You can also Get More Smarter by liking Colorado Pols on Facebook!


27 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Wednesday (October 12)

  1. Dems be rollin' — let the good times in!

    (Oh and, suck it deep, you disgusting, hypocritical, racist, radical extremist, Trump-fellating right-wing degenerates.)


  2. And still, we haven't figured out that arresting folks for using drugs doesn't work.  We need to do more than find "alternatives to incarceration" and move to decriminalization– taking this out of the hands of the police and courts and creating and renewing the public health institutions that are the only ones that can help solve these problems.

    Report: Every 25 Seconds, Cops Arrest Someone for Drug Possession

    Arrests for the possession and personal use of drugs are boosting the ranks of the incarcerated at astonishing rates — with 137,000 people behind bars for drugs on any given day, and 1.25 million every year. Possession of even tiny quantities of illicit drugs is criminalized in every state, a felony in most, and the No. 1 cause of all arrests nationwide. And while marijuana is now legal in a handful of states and decriminalized in others, in 2015 police nationwide made over 547,000 arrests for simple marijuana possession — more than for all categories of violent crime combined. These arrests are feeding people into a criminal justice system that’s rife with inefficiencies, abuse, and racism, and compounding drug users’ substance abuse with the lifelong impact of a criminal record.

    1. As I have long argued, wars are not fought against inanimate objects.  There is no war on drugs.  There is only a war on people who use drugs.  Even a misdemeanor pot arrest can cost students loans and scholarships, wrecking their futures for the sake of a jihadist frenzy.  Five states, including California, will vote on legalizing pot next month.   Victories there will provide new momentum for sanity in our drug policies.   I don't use marijuana or any other mind-altering drug other than beer and wine.  But I don't see how a felony conviction for a victimless crime helps either individuals or society,

  3. So yesterday, it was "I never had access to questions and would never have shared them with the candidates if I did," and an "unnamed Democratic insider" insisting that the question Brazile e-mailed to the Clinton campaign was for another town hall (that nobody can find evidence of).  So now Politico did some digging, and found the question, with the exact same wording, as it was delivered to the town hall producers, CNN, by Roland Martin.

    These stories are small, and painful, and for folks like me, they reinforce an utter disenchantment with the Democratic Party.  For Christ's sake, though, stop lying about them.and yelling "Putin!" until you're red in the face.  If it's just politics as usual, own it.  If your usual disgusts folks, then own that, too.

    New email shows Brazile may have had exact wording of proposed town hall question before CNN

    1. Let me get the timing straight here:

      1) CNN asks question at debate
      2) Anti-Clinton, possibly Russian linked leak of emails purports to show that an email from Brazile predated (1) and has the exact same question text (or perhaps not exact, but close).

      Does anything about this strike you as less than verifiable? Maybe it's true, maybe (as Brazile states) it's completely fabricated. But we are not likely to ever know the truth. It certainly can't be determined from the sources we currently have.

      1. The question wasn't asked live in the form written in Brazile's email.  It was asked in a different form at air time.

        The original form of the question, as shown in the leaked email, was verified against a separate email, sent between Roland Martin and CNN and obtained by Politico.  So, no, I'm not worried about the provenance.

        For that matter, why would a Democratic source offer cover by saying it was for another (mythical) panel discussion, if the text were edited?

        The question as asked at the town hall:

        Secretary Clinton, since 1976, we have executed 1,414 people in this country. Since 1973, 156 who were convicted have been exonerated from the death row. This gentleman here is one of them. This is Ricky Jackson, wrongfully convicted of murder in 1975, he spent 39 years in prison. He is undecided. Ricky, what is your question?

        The question text in both the leaked e-mail and the independently-sourced e-mail obtained by Politico:

        19 states and the District of Columbia have banned the death penalty. 31 states, including Ohio, still have the death penalty. According to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, since 1973, 156 people have been on death row and later set free. Since 1976, 1,414 people have been executed in the U.S. That’s 11% of Americans who were sentenced to die, but later exonerated and freed. Should Ohio and the 30 other states join the current list and abolish the death penalty?

        1. Also, Business Insider, the publication which broke the news of the Dem party official claiming that the question was for another panel (and is pretty Clinton friendly) cut and ran from the story today. [emphasis mine]

          Editor’s note: On Tuesday, October 11, we published the following story citing a source who said Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile did not leak a question to Hillary Clinton in advance of a CNN town hall.

          The Democratic official told us that a question Brazile forwarded Clinton’s team was not in relation to the CNN town hall, but a panel she was set to appear on.

          However, a new email obtained by Politico and published Wednesday appears to contradict Brazile and our source’s claims.

          The new email suggests Brazile did in fact provide Clinton’s campaign a question in advance of the CNN town hall.

          We followed up with our source and the DNC seeking clarification. Both declined to answer follow up questions and referred us to Brazile’s Tuesday statement, despite new evidence.

          We regret making this error.

          1. The error in thought, that you are making, is an assumption that these e-mails are legit. The dude who runs WikiLeaks; you know him, he's hiding out in the embassy of Ecuador in London to avoid extradition back to Sweden to face rape charges; is well known for his ties to various Russian contacts. 

            1. Mark Fuhrman is a racist, so the evidence must be fake, and OJ is innocent. There's a reason why ad hominem is the logical fallacy that almost everyone knows the name of.   Juliana Assange can be a dick, and he can speak to the Russians, and that still doesn't make these emails fake.

              In this case, as I've already noted, Politico sourced an identical question from an email that wasn't hacked. So, unless your contention is that the Russians have gone and hacked everyone and changed everyone's email, the point you're making isn't relevant here.

              As for the larger question of whether these emails are authentic or not, I haven't seen anyone actually deny in plain language that they wrote any email that's come out.

              Here's what will happen if a fake one is posted. John Podesta will immediately produce the actual email or say it doesn't exist. Then he will ask the FBI or Google to handle searching through the email that Google has on their systems. Remember, these weren't stolen, they were copied. Bada bing bada boom, no one will ever believe anything that Wikileaks or these emails have to say again.

              1. The thread here has nothing to do with Mark Fuhrman or OJ. Sounding like a typical attempt at mis-direction from a Trump supporter. As for denying that someone wrote an e-mail that came out, why give any credence at all to anything coming from WikiLeaks and Mr. Assange? And how do you know what John Podesta will or will not do? More mis-direction.

                1. It's an example of ad hominem, but OK. And the TRUMP™ part, give me a break.

                  Why not give credence to the leaks?  All sorts of major news organizations are.  There's been no evidence that they're anything other than what they're purported to be.  And, again, disliking the source isn't a reason to distrust the content.

                  As for misdirection, physician, heal thyself.

                  1. In assessing credibility of information, fact finder can and do consider the credibility of the source of the information.

                    Mr. Assange and his Russian friends do not exactly have stellar credibility. Sure, some of the stuff that comes out of WikiLeaks may be accurate butjust because it's  coming out of the mouth of a man hiding in an embassy because he is wanted for a sex crime does not make it unimpeachable.

                    If any of it is true, it's true despite the fact that it was provided by Mr. Assange.

                    1. Then I guess we agree?  The fact that Assange is providing this information doesn't make it more credible.

                       Impeach away.  I think people should.  But "these guys are dicks" doesn't make this email not authentic.

              2. Fake or not the fact remains that only the Clinton campaign and DNC are being hacked with the FBI and other intel agencies quite confident that the Russia is doing the hacking and with piece of poisonous crap Assange's Wikileaks doing the leaking. Neither the RNC nor the Trump campaign is being hacked.  

                Wonder if that will change vis a vis the RNC now that Trump has declared war on it. Probably depends on  how many Rs  make their final flip back to unendorse or to endorse. 

                I'm surprised ERs aren't filling up with Rs who have strained, sprained or broken something  with all of those dizzying serial flips.  Our own candidate Glenn is really pushing his luck. How many more flips can he possibly execute without winding up in traction?

        2. The point is: we don't know the provenance of the supposed emails (either one of them). Unless very specifically crafted using extra software or options not normally enabled, an email is a completely forgeable document, no effort required. And the emails weren't obtained prior to the debate, so anyone could forge anything and make it look like someone was copied.

          Also, the question was not supposedly shared; that means Brazile had to find an opportunity to go to the office of someone involved in the debate (assuming the text was ever written out, or was improperly shared electronically) and copy it down.

          Could it have happened? Sure. Do we have even a shred of verifiable proof yet? No.

          1. Huh?  We can't trust a reputable news source that they independently obtained an exact match for the question in Brazile's email from an email sent by Roland Martin (who had the question) to CNN– neither of whom is a party to this hack?


            As for the whole “she had to infiltrate the office and find it written out,” that’s silly. Someone just had to e-mail or text it to her. Which might explain Roland Martin responding this way when asked about the question.

            Martin did not deny sharing information with Brazile. Instead, when asked by CNNMoney on Tuesday, he said “my questions were shared with my executive producer and several members of my TV One team.”

            When asked in a followup question if he would explicitly rule out any sharing of questions with Brazile, Martin did not respond.

            1. So I'm catching up here and didn't catch that Martin or CNN were the second email source; the Politico article only mentioned a second source (still anonymous, still questionable based on that). Given the text in question and the fact that it wasn't asked at the debate, I have to lean toward Brazile sending the question to the campaign as written. And yes, that would be ethically wrong if the question was meant to be asked at the debate rather than at "some other panel" as Brazile claims. Supposedly the question actually asked came from a different source.

              I'm still not sure WTF difference it made. I'll eat one of my hats if Clinton wasn't already prepared for a death penalty question; it's been in the news rather a bit in the past few years, and Clinton is a policy wonk more than anything else.

              1. At the time, she was a DNC official (she's now head) and she shared a debate question with Clinton that might cause her some grief against Sanders.

                So, yet again, the DNC is being run by someone who sees nothing wrong with putting a finger on the scale for the candidate she prefers.

                1. You won't get any argument from me that Brazile, Like DWS, isn't a Clinton machine hack. These people have been working to clear the decks for HRC for years, putting a lot more than just their thumbs on the scales.

                  While I think HRC is a qualified candidate who will make a competent President and the only one of those available in this election, I certainly wish the damned DNC hadn't forced us into our present situation where the only choice was a high baggage, low approval Clinton or the only rival they didn't see coming, an unelectable old Jewish Socialist.  

                  It's only by the grace of God, The Force, or blind luck that the Trump phenomenon happened. Any reasonably conventional Republican running in an election that traditionally sees a switch from the outgoing two term president's party to the other could have wiped the floor with either one of them.

                  Now that the Clintons are aging out and HRC is getting the presidency she's been doggedly pursuing all these years, the days of the Clinton machine are, thankfully numbered. I don't see them trying to go dynasty through Chelsea.

                  The DNC needs an infusion of fresh 21st century Dem leadership and that includes Dems like Sanders and Warren and their younger party allies. Can't wait to see the last vestiges of the Clintonian DLC dominated DNC crumble to dust. I sincerely hope that Brazile will follow DWS out of leadership ASAP after this election.

                2. I frankly wish that the cable networks wouldn't hire politically affiliated people on as regular staff. (Not sure a commentator rates as regular staff, but if she was shared a question then she's regular enough in my book…)

                  News staff is news staff; guests are guests. If you want to have a Crossfire style panel, then they are guests with financial compensation – keep them the **** away from internal discussions like, say, debate questions.

                  FWIW, I was only defending Brazile because these email leaks are pretty weak sauce and at least one has already proven to be unreliably reported (and with Russian influence at that…). Just – be careful out there and don't jump on anything without (a) reading it through all the way, and (b) getting some real confirmation beyond the email dumps themselves.

                  1. Weak sauce… yes. But it does remind people (like me) about the reasons why HRC, along with her close associates, has such low favorables in the first place.

                    I'll see her give a terrific presentation like her appearance with Gore in Florida on climate change and a new energy future for our country, for jobs, for world leadership and for the planet. She's so well informed and in command of very aspect. She presents concrete plans. It's so hard to believe Trump is still in this thing at all. The contrast with his nasty knowledge and plan free rants is so extreme.

                    And then crass stuff like this pops up and kind of deflates that high. Then Michelle Obama gives a speech and all's right with the world again until the next reminder of HRC's least attractive qualities and the least attractive qualities of her closest allies 

                    Thank God for Michelle Obama.

  4. Recently the Trump campaign was backing up their claim that they were really winning with a 538 electoral college map showing them winning by a landslide. Turns out it was one of two maps, the one showing what Trump's electoral map would look like if only men voted. There was another one showing what it would it would liook like if only women voted. The electoral map showing what’s really going on showed Trump getting trounced.

    When this was pointed out to them what do you think the Trumpians' solution was? Even female Trumpians? Repeal the 19th amendment! Read the misogynist tweets here. Also some pretty funny rejoinders. Ann Coulter pretty much proposed the same thing back in 2012. Incidentally I'd hate to be the one who had to figure out which restroom she (?) should use in N. Carolina. But I digress… 


    1. Incidentally I'd hate to be the one who had to figure out which restroom she (?) should use in N. Carolina. 


      This election cycle has amazed me in many ways (some of which were predictable) but the gender thing is beyond anything I expected.  There's been a gender gap in this country for over 30 years. It started with Reagan and it's measurable, and it's gotten bigger with comments like "legitimate rape" and devices such as transvaginal wands, but nothing like this year.

      538 was talking about this latest poll that has Trump up by 11% amongst men, but HRC up 33% amongst women. Nate Silver tried to put this in context, and said if only men voted, Trump would win by a margin comparable to Ike's win over Stevenson. If only women voted, HRC's margin would be unprecedented because no one has ever won by 33% since the start of counting of the popular vote in 1824. There would be nothing to compare it to.

      Much as African-Americans and Latinos and Asians have gravitated to the Democratic Party en masse, and apparently are going to stay put in the Democratic Party, will we see this election as a political realignment by gender? And how the hell does the GOP try to win women voters back in the future? Another autopsy? Run the Bachman-Palin ticket in 2020?

      1. I still can't understand why Trump is up 11% among men. Fortunately he's down 99% among the men in my circle.  Pretty sure my black sheep (in a liberal Dem family) uncle is voting for him but we don't ask each other about that stuff anymore. 

        Even my married into a Republican family step brother who has voted R since at least McCain (we try not to talk about this stuff) and his Republican wife announced to our old school labor/hard core liberal mom, don't worry… we're both voting for HRC. And they they all live in swing state Florida so those are valuable votes.

        I would guess most of their friends are voting HRC too as they are east coast Jews from moderate R or D backgrounds. The Rs aren't Tea Party crazies, just rich folks who buy the low taxes for us are great for everybody stuff. They are too highly educated, mainly fellow expensive specialist doctors and surgeons, not to notice that Trump is unthinkable.

        So I think, besides women, we're going to see an extra strong Jewish vote for the Dems. Maybe even closer to the 85% of my youth than to the mere mid 60 some percent of the last election. Also more important in Florida than in a lot of places.

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