That’s in a fundraising email from GOP U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn’s campaign this afternoon–and as you all know, fundraising emails never lie:
My liberal opponent, Senator Michael Bennet, thinks he’s too good for you. Typical Washington insider.
That’s why he spends a lot of his time in DC, not Colorado. That’s why he’s pulled out of or declined at least SIX invitations to appear with me, one-on-one, in the last month alone.
What he doesn’t understand is that this election is for the people- not for himself. Like I said: Typical Washington insider.
But the thing is I can’t really blame the guy. Because with less than 29 DAYS to go before Election 2016, I’m polling in a virtual tie with Michael Bennet. And right now, he’s scared. [Pols emphasis]
A “virtual tie!” That is shocking news for this race–so shocking that we resisted checking the facts to make sure it’s right. But after a few minutes of telling everyone who would listen about this dramatic turn in the Colorado U.S. Senate race, we figured it would be a good idea to make sure there’s some truth to it.
That’s odd–Real Clear Politics’ average of polls has Michael Bennet leading Darryl Glenn by an average of 11.3%? In fact, according to RCP there has only been one poll of this race inside the margin of error since July?
We were really excited for Glenn for a moment there, but unless his campaign can produce a poll that actually shows him in a “virtual tie,” or for that matter anything other than polls showing him getting his ass kicked by a lopsided margin, we’re going to have to conclude, as much as we want to believe it, that this claim from Darryl Glenn to be in a “virtual tie” with Michael Bennet is factually deficient. Or, perhaps Glenn misspoke and meant to say that he and Bennet both “wear ties” sometimes.
*Never mind, we can’t do this with a straight face. It’s a goddamn joke.
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SEP. 22-23 Gravis Marketing 799 RV Glenn +2
That is right, though it's an obvious outlier. For some reason it didn't appear in RCP's above-the-fold list when we looked earlier. We've updated.
It's not just an outlier, it's fucking Breitbart. It's as fake as 2012's "Unskewed Poll."
You're right on target. Gravis polls are all but worthless. Before the Arizona primary, Gravis had McCain loosing by 9 points but the other polls had him up by 15 points. He easily won the primary.
As you point out much of Gravis polling is conducted on behalf of Breitbart which is an organization that is truth challenged.
Everyone ignores the polls that don't say what they want them to say.
Does that "everyone" include you, Fluffy?
Every other poll is wrong!
Not really true, fluffy. RCP does a good job of sorting out the outliers and giving a reasonably objective view.
Which means Dems only have to ignore a poll here and there and Rs have to ignore all the rest. Check out any reputable poll averaging site, modster. RCP definitely is not left leaning.
While you're there, you know that LA Times outlier that's had Trump ahead nationally by 3 or 4 points when everyone else had him behind by as much as 11? Check it out. He's tied on that one now.
But definitely have mommy read you the one poll that has Glenn ahead at beddy bye time. Sleep tight. yadayadayada.
“There is a 19-year-old black man in Illinois who has no idea of the role he is playing in this election.
He is sure he is going to vote for Donald J. Trump .
And he has been held up as proof by conservatives — including outlets like Breitbart News and The New York Post — that Mr. Trump is excelling among black voters. He has even played a modest role in shifting entire polling aggregates, like the Real Clear Politics average, toward Mr. Trump.
How? He’s a panelist on the U.S.C. Dornsife/Los Angeles Times Daybreak poll”
Who the hell did Glenn send this to? Obviously no one who has ever reason about this race.
What a headline on the thread. Probably the only time you'll ever get smiles on the faces of Zappatero and Moderatus at the same time.
You guys, and Bennet, should all be kicking Mitch McConnell's ass while you're at it, that is, unless you want to be all Bipartisanshippy and stuff after the election.
I thought Glenn was a Christian. Isn't there something in their book about telling lies?