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October 11, 2016 12:26 PM UTC

Get More Smarter on Tuesday (October 11)

  • by: Colorado Pols

Get More SmarterCan Donald Trump completely destroy the Republican Party in just one month? He’s gonna try… It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.


► The only televised debate of the 2016 Colorado Senate race takes place tonight at 7:00 pm. Senator Michael Bennet (D-Denver) and Republican challenger Darryl Glenn will take the stage at the History Colorado Center in downtown Denver for an hour-long, commercial-free debate. There is literally nothing that Glenn could do tonight that would vault him into a position to defeat Bennet in November, but for sheer entertainment value alone, we’ll be running a “Debate Diary.”

As of this writing, Glenn is still supporting Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Glenn announced on Saturday that he was dropping his support for Trump before inexplicably reversing course on Monday and praising His Hairness. While Glenn’s Saturday repudiation of Trump was fairly straightforward, the El Paso County Commissioner apparently decided that he had made a mistake after being bombarded with negative comments from Trump supporters who felt Glenn was abandoning their candidate.


Donald Trump says he is removing the “shackles” that have apparently restrained him to this point in the Presidential campaign. Trump is furious that Republicans are abandoning his campaign en masse and is promising to go full scorched tan earth from here on out. For their part, National Republicans are insisting — meekly — that they are totally 100% behind their nominee for President.

Meanwhile, Trump’s son, Eric Trump, spent some time in our state working to convince Coloradans that his father is just a friendly “Alpha Male” whose reputation has been sullied by the invented actions of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


► Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visits Pueblo on Wednesday to promote GOTV efforts and voter registration drives. As the Colorado Independent reports:

“At a public voter registration event, Clinton will lay out the high stakes of this election for Coloradans as well as her vision for an America that is stronger together, with an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top,” says the statement from her Colorado campaign.

“Clinton will also urge supporters to make sure they’re registered to vote. Colorado has the highest percentage of registered voters of any state in the country and voters can visit iwillvote.com to check their registration status.” This will be the first Colorado campaign stop for Clinton since early August. Her campaign has also cut down on advertising in this purple swing state in the lead-up to the Nov. 8 election. In Colorado, ballots start going out to voters in the mail Oct. 17.


Get even more smarter after the jump…


► State Sen. Laura Waters Woods is standing firm behind Donald Trump.


► Donald Trump is launching a brutal new attack ad against Hillary Clinton that will almost certainly backfire


► The Denver Post reports on Monday’s Denver visit from Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine and recording artist Dave Matthews:

Vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine drew stark comparisons between his Democratic running mate Hillary Clinton and her Republican opponent Donald Trump in a Denver get-out-the-vote appearance Monday with musician Dave Matthews.

During the half rock concert, half political rally before a crowd of roughly 1,700 at the National Western Complex, Kaine, a Virginia senator, criticized Trump’s stance on taxes and lambasted him for making extremely lewd comments about women in a 2005 Access Hollywood video.

Kaine said Trump offends women “virtually every time he opens his mouth.”…

…Before Kaine’s remarks, Matthews played a solo-acoustic set that spanned five songs, including his “Ants Marching,” “One Sweet World,” “Samurai Cop,” “Satellite” and “Loving Wings.” He delved into politics only occasionally during the half-hour he stood in a dimly lit room on a stage before an illuminated American flag.


► The Greeley Tribune takes a look at the race in CD-4 between incumbent Rep. Ken Buck and Democratic challenger Bob Seay.

The Colorado Springs Gazette rolls out its online voter guide for 2016.

Jennifer Paquette, the chief investment officer for PERA, announced her retirement.

► Tourism is booming in Colorado thanks to some successful marketing campaigns. 

► President Obama wants to see human beings on Mars by the year 2030. Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-Jefferson County) talked up the importance of manned missions to Mars during an interview on the Get More Smarter Show in August.



► Donald Trump may still have a narrow path to the 270 electoral votes he needs to become President…though nobody seems to have a map that explains that path.


► Too little, too late. New polling suggests that Republican politicians who are ditching Donald Trump aren’t going to get any boost from voters for their last-minute change of heart:


► Remember when conservative columnist George Will went out of his way to praise Rep. Mike Coffman for his Spanish-language outreach efforts? What do you suppose Will is thinking now, after Coffman ended a Spanish-language debate last week with the exact same closing statement he used in a similar debate in 2014?


Don’t forget to check out The Get More Smarter Show. You can also Get More Smarter by liking Colorado Pols on Facebook!


5 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Tuesday (October 11)

  1. Dear CPols (Owners, FPers, "Colorado Pols"), not Readers and Commenters),

    Retaining your entirely superficial view of politics is not a good thing. Yeah, R's sux and D's rock, but is it only because he/she did/said something smart/stupid? 


  2. Quoting George Will: "[Trump] can remind the nation of the useful axiom that there is no such thing as rock bottom". Four weeks should be sufficient for him to wreak havoc upon the GOP. 

  3. Wisdom from Atrios at The Eschaton:

    There will be a lot of talk about what went wrong with this season of The Republicans. There will be discussion in the writers room, some chat with producers, talk about recasting some key characters.

    And then they'll be back next season with the same writers, sets, actors, and plot lines.

    Don't play dumb, D's.

  4. Caught part of a Clinton/Gore appearance on climate change and new energy. It was such a contrast with any Trump rally. She emphasized the new jobs that are being created and will be created in the new energy field and that the world leader of the new energy economy will be China, Germany or us and it should be us. We should be the ones using the technologies that are being created here and Americans should be the ones getting the good jobs that putting that technology in place and building that new energy economy will create, jobs that will be with us for thelong term.

    She also emphasized preparedness for meeting the climate challenges to come and what is being done and needs to be done to make our hospitals, coastlines and infrastructure more secure.  It was a very well thought out and presented combo of the environmental and the economic. Constantly bringing it back to jobs and vibrant economy so it didn't sound all tree huggy. Sounded all practical, urgent and can do. Crowd loved it. 

    It's incredible that her serious competition is someone who just yells about how awful everything is, how awful his opponent is, how great he is and how he's going to fix everything with his personal very good brain and greatness without offering any knowledge or plans.

    I try to be PC about not insulting Trumpians en masse as morons but I'm sorry. Anybody who watches HRC in action at an event like this with so much information on and familiarity with whatever subject she's addressing and Trump at one of his hate, fear and lawless authoritarianism fests (lock her up, strike back with more sleaze, sue the bad judges, bring back torture, hate the media, hate the government, hate immigrants, hate Muslims, don't trust anybody but me because I'm the only one above the rigged system) and says to themselves…. that Trump guy is the one I want for president has got to be a very childish, ignorant sort of person at best.

    To hell with PC. WTF is wrong with these people?

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