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October 07, 2016 06:34 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem.”

–Gilbert K. Chesterton


31 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. got a Trump mailer yesterday………it takes the national security theme and tries to make Herr Trumpster look presidential. Interesting note: "Paid for by The New York Republican State Committee". 

  2. There is only one upside to the devastation of Hurricane on the southeast coast of the US….I havent seen Kellyanne Conway on TV for over 36 hours!

    1. Thank the lord for small favors!  Seriously, the storm has indeed displaced politics fora while and the clock is running out on the drumpfenfufrer campaign.  

      1. yes but on the minus side, Florida Guv refusing to extend voter registration to make up for days lost to storm. Any excuse to fight that desperate battle against democratic process.

        1. Even South Carolina extended registation..  Seems likeNicki Haley actually believes in her oath of office.  I know she isTea Party, but Gov. Haley, I respect you.  I don't respect Scott.

            1. Haley also took down the confederate flag which took cojones to do in THAT hell hole of a state. And she incurred the wrath of the orange-haired, short-fingered vulgarian by taking him to task on immigration.

              There are many other things I dislike about her, but she does have character which is rare in the Party of Moderatus.

        2. I'll be looking for officials from various groups (right and left) to be in Federal court when the wind dies down, to move the registration deadline.

  3. James Fallows has an interesting Time Capsule this morning: he notes that Clinton has campaign photos with tons of national Democrats. He then requests:

    If anyone has found actual photos of Donald Trump with in-office politicians, including supporters like Ryan, please let me know!

    I tried to think of any US Rep or Senator running in Colorado having Trump in their advertising, and couldn't. I've seen the State Rep. Navarro with several times, and some of the others running for State Rep or Senator. But I couldn't find an US Congress or Senate incumbent or candidate or the State Party Chair.

    Anyone have photographic evidence of Trump sharing a stage with a Colorado Republican?

  4. Ay Caramba!  Not surprisingly, the Denver Post endorses Coffman.  But, their reasoning challenges CoPols "Editorial Dept." for off-the-wall reasoning.


    Coffman has urged Republicans to stop stalling on immigration reform.  …Coffman didn't support the 2013 Gang of Eight Senate compromise measure which would have overhauled our broken immigration system.  Instead, he calls for a slower approach…  If we're ever to see gridlock reduced in Congress, we need more representatives like Coffman.

    Chuck Plunkett:  Have you no shame?


      1. Well, maybe if Morgan Carroll wasn't running such a crappy campaign, there might have been a different endorsement. From what I've seen; out in the hinterlands of Congressional District 7; Carroll hasn't given much reason for anyone to vote for her other than the fact she isn't Mike Coffman.

        1. I doubt that the right leaning Post would have endorsed anyone other than a scandal free multiple incumbent R with a military background on the road to reelection in any case. This certainly is no repeat of the odd non-endorsement endorsement the Post once gave GW. 

          Even had Carroll given them more reasons to endorse her instead they never would have. Of course, in the event, she didn't so it's kind of a moot point.

          1. They also need to balance their endorsements. You know they're not going to endorse "Failure to Launch" Daryl Glenn or Herr Drumpf. If they end up endorsing the top two Dems on the ballot, they're under much greater pressure to endorse any even remotely presentable GOP candidates on the under ticket. And "remotely presentable" is not a very high bar to clear.

            1. Good point. But there’s no reason why they wouldn’t have endorsed Coffman regardless. This one’s just a plain old endorsement, not a balancing act.

                1. Once in a while they'll back a candidate who probably won't win but never in the major offices. I don't think that's the only reason they're backing Coffman. Chuck's a rightie, Singleton's a rightie, Coffman's a rightie and an incumbent winner…. what's not to like from the Post's point of view?

    1. They also site other instances in which Coffman has supposedly gone against his party on immigration issues and Coffman's campaign messaging dovetails with the claims in this endorsement, bull or not. Example:

      The third-term representative from the state’s 6th Congressional District, which includes Aurora, has challenged his party on immigration issues by continuing his evolution away from the hardliner stances he was known for before the district was redrawn after the last census.

      Coffman has urged Republicans to stop stalling on immigration reform. He’s introduced and supported legislation that would help children brought to the country illegally. He voted against other Republicans to support President Barack Obama’s move to stop deportation of young people here illegally, despite his belief the president incorrectly used his executive power.

      Coffman spends hours every week learning Spanish, participates in Spanish-language debates and never seems to miss any of the many immigrant community festivals and meetings that occur in his district.

      The endorsement is probably a pretty accurate reflection of how Coffman is generally perceived. Bland, yes, but deserving of firing in the average voter's perception? 

      1. It was when they credited him for trying to move the needle on the hospital disaster that I laughed so hard I swallowed my coffee down the wrong pipe and like to have passed out choking.

    2. A: No. 

      Chucky Baby's true test will come in the writing and defending of the Trump endorsement. Dan Haley did the Post's dirtiest dirty work of the last 10-15 years, and he just barely got out with a shred of his dignity…….maybe.

  5. So you think Obamacare is a disaster? Here's how California is proving you wrong

    Even as turmoil in insurance markets nationwide fuels renewed election-year attacks on the Affordable Care Act, California is emerging as a clear illustration of what the law can achieve.

    The state has recorded some of the nation’s most dramatic gains in health coverage since 2013 while building a competitive insurance marketplace that offers consumers enhanced protections from high medical bills…

    That reflects deliberate choices by California state officials who, unlike many states, used the health law to expand the Medicaid safety net and build a marketplace that put stringent requirements on insurance companies.

    “California followed the blueprint. They did it right,” said Dr. J. Mario Molina, chief executive of Long Beach-based Molina Healthcare Inc., a leading national insurer that is selling marketplace plans in nine states in 2017.

    “What has been lost in all the rhetoric and the politics is that the system can work,” Molina said. Open enrollment begins next month. 

    California and its Obamacare marketplace, Covered California, still face challenges, including rising costs. Like consumers elsewhere, some Californians, particularly those who make too much money to qualify for government subsidies, are seeing substantial premium increases and narrowing networks.

    But while health coverage has faltered in other states where politicians worked to undermine the law, California highlights what can be accomplished if government officials and industry leaders work together to expand insurance, control costs and protect consumers.

    1. Another non-surprise. They've clearly hated Trump from the beginning and have published plenty of anti-Trump opinion. They probably didn't see any point in supporting joke candidate Johnson either and this isn't precedent shattering as they have endorsed Dem candidates for Prez before. Dems should be pleased with an endorsement that goes a little beyond vote HRC because Trump is unthinkable. Not much but a little and, after all, a good chunk of Bernie Dems don't go as far….

      But a President Hillary Clinton on her worst day would be so superior to a President Donald Trump on any day that we marvel this race was ever competitive.

      We urge voters to dump Trump and choose the clearly qualified candidate in this race: Hillary Clinton.

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