( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Last week ColoradoPols front-paged their diary on the attempt by Commissar John Martin to stifle an equal elected official in Garfield County through a gag order.
Martin squeaked by in his last election by less than 2% of the vote after outside groups (funded by the oil and gas industry) dumped tens of thousands of dollars into his campaign.
Running on a more pro-energy platform than his Democratic opponent, Martin was the reluctant recipient of an 11th-hour infusion of tens of thousands of dollars of attack ads paid for by 527 groups, some with ties to the oil and gas industry.
One environmental 527 also spent money to bolster the two Democrats for the commission, but were out funded by the industry groups by about 10:1.
In the days before the election a particularly deceptive piece was mailed to voters–pretending to be a newspaper–and spreading misinformation about the Democratic candidates.
GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colorado – A fake newspaper reporting false and libelous attacks on Democratic Garfield County commissioner candidates has appeared in thousands of mailboxes throughout the county, according to candidate Stephen Bershenyi.
…The newspaper-like mailing is the latest in a series of negative mailings and ads funded from sources outside the county.
…The mailing is appears similar to a newspaper, with four pages and a masthead that says “The Garfield County Post.” The first issue anyone can recall ever seeing came out this weekend, but the mailing printed its publication date as Nov. 2, 2008, and says it is issue 80 of volume 64 of the publication. The newspaper-like mailing says it’s paid for by Western Slope Independent, and it lists a post office box in “Delores.” Dolores is a small town in southwestern Colorado near Cortez. Western Slope Independent is not incorporated and hasn’t reported any campaign contributions with the Secretary of State.
But now Martin’s latest attempt to stifle any voice opposed to his cash constituents might be an over-reach. Some of the real constituents of the county–the voters–are beginning to talk of recalling Mr. Martin.
Recall John Martin
As a voter who supported Commissioner Houpt to represent my views which has been opposing the majority in some cases, I take objection and offense to Commissioner Martin’s resolution to stymie Commissioner Houpt’s representation of these views. The legality of enforcement of such a resolution can and will bring added cost of time and money to our county.
Again I don’t know what Commissioner Martin’s water has in it, but it sure smells like oil to me.
…I don’t know very much about Commissioner Samson except that both he and Commissioner Martin won in a close election with the help of $50,000 in contributions from outside groups.
Maybe with a recall election we can straighten this whole mess out, and like Commissioner Martin says, we can get everyone to play on the same page!
For a commissioner that barely won re-election–and that due largely to a massive influx of deceptive, improperly disclosed resources from outside the county–Commissar Martin is skating onto some pretty thin ice. The oil and gas industry currently has their focus on gutting the oil and gas regulations about to go before the state legislature. Nor do off-year elections draw the same level of funds or attention. Garfield County Democrats have a solid bench. And citizens in the county are none too pleased with Martin’s latest shenanigans.
Misuse of power
Also addressed: Dear Mr. Martin,I’ve followed your actions as county commissioner for the past few years, and have never felt you represent what I stand for. Until now, however, I’ve never felt the need to write about it. Your recent resolution to silence opposing viewpoints within the County Commissioners is over the line.
The fact you would go through such a process and waste time, money, and energy to stifle opposing viewpoints is not only a misuse of power but also a direct violation of the principals which make this country great. It’s only through disagreement and debate we’ve come so far. It is only through intelligent discourse and sometimes passionate verbal disputes our founding fathers were able to construct such amazing documents as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Do you think those documents would’ve been as effective and utilitarian had they been the ideas of a single individual?
Of all the counties in Western Colorado that went Republican in 2008, Garfield is clearly the one closest to flipping. Even without a recall it is possible, even likely, that the Democrats will have a two-to-one majority soon enough, and Martin’s attempt to stifle dissenting voices on the commission will come back to bite his funders.
Be careful what you wish for, Commissar, because you just might get it.
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In the original post on this I pointed out that I think the commissioners’ action in requiring that commissionser when representing the county represent the majority county position is correct.
As for recall, that is the citizens’ right. However, I believe that they need to wait at least six months after they have been sworn in to begin recall.
Finally, your whining about the election is just that, whining and means nothing. They won the election. You could just as easily say that Obama overwhelmed McCain with money (much more than thousands, probabaly 100’s of millions) and that he’s not legitimate and should follow Republicans’ wishes. Balderdash. Obama won and the Republicans in Garfield one. To the victor goes the spoils. So, cut this out.
1) Tresi won her seat, she is an equal member of the board, and dissenting opinions both matter and are part of the system.
2) I never said Martin is not legitimate because the oil and gas industry won his campaign through sometimes dubious action (improper disclosure, bogus hit pieces etc.), merely that they did so.
3) The board in GarCo is 2:1 Republican–and the majority opinion will continue to reflect what those two Republicans think. I and no one I see is disputing that, nor does my diary.
You’re making up straw men arguments that are irrelevant here.
My point is that Tresi has a right to represent the constituents that have voted for her twice to be their commissioner, and she has a right to make her positions known, just as the GOP have that ability and right in the branches of government where they are not the majority. In fact, they do it every day (i.e. Senate Republican News, for instance, in the state house).
4) Why would I ‘cut this out’? Are you suggesting that I shouldn’t have an opinion either or be able to express it?
She just can’t do it as the representative of the County since she doesn’t represent the county’s position. As I understood the resolution proposed, this is what they intended to do and I think it is right. She can’t serve as the county representative on the NWCOG and not represent the county. She should resign and voice her opinion as an individual.
just remove her from the Boards and panels where she represents the County?
I wouldn’t have any problem with the majority controlling the County’s position that way. But to do it the way they are attempting seems.. stupid.