“The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.”
–Carl Jung
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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Bernie and progressives in Congress prepare to push for a public option health care plan within Obamacare.
Yes, it would require Hillary Clinton's being elected to the Presidency.
Yes, it would require taking back at least the Senate, if not the House. Yes, it would require plenty of letter writing and phone calling and marching and all of those things we know how to do. But it's possible.
So all you progressives who gleefully or "sorrowfully" slammed the coffin lid on Coloradocare, grateful for the political CYA while weeping concerned crocodile tears about how poor women can't get paid abortions under it the way poor women couldn't get paid-for abortions since 1984, I expect to see you get behind a Federal public option, and pressure your cherished corporate Democrats to do the same.
Those of you who worry about paying taxes for "other people's health care", I'm sure you will keep on griping.
Both NARAL and Planned Parenthood oppose this poorly written bill http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/9/14/1570006/-Abortion-rights-group-opposes-Colorado-ballot-measure-to-set-up-state-funded-universal-health-care This same type of bill was inacted and failed in Vermont because of cost http://www.politico.com/story/2014/12/single-payer-vermont-113711 It has to be done on a Federal level.
It was, and is, a poorly written initiative. Mama just needs to give a rest to her continual denigration of those who oppose her personal viewpoint.
Let me correct that: "This same type of bill was inacted and failed in Vermont because of PERCEIVED cost". That is, unfortunately, the major reason why this initiative is going to die: because it places the health care expense directly on to government ledger books. The corresponding reduction in employer and worker expenses is left invisible by opponents and hasn't been adequately exposed by proponents.
The State That Fell Off the Electoral Map
"CENTENNIAL, Colo.—When I grew up here, it was a Republican suburb. I didn’t know there was any other kind."
Good morning.
LA Times has consistently been an outlier thus far where HRC/Trump is concerned.
We'll see who's dancing on who's grave soon enough, AC.
538 has dropped Hillary's chances of winning to about 62%. Things not looking good in Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina. Florida is a tie. I'll offer that she will need good performances in the debates to turn things around.
HuffPo Pollster and Daily Kos predictions are quite a bit better than 538's prediction, which seems to rely more on national poll averages.
Not true. They base on many factors especially state by state. But still have HRC winning. They have her down to just a hair under 60% chance of winning in polls plus, which is based on their most comprehensive combination of factors.
Things to remember. She had a very bad week and the Newsweek story and other recent negatives for Trump such as the exposure of his so called "charitable contributions, quite specific pay for play contributions and foolish gullibility about why it is Putin has such high approval ratings and great "control" of his country, his falling flat in Flint, the views of him expressed by Colin Powell, admired among moderates (he doesn't much like HRC but considers Trump an unthinkable and, yes, race baiting candidate), have not yet had the chance to fully show up in polls that go back several or more days or poll averages including now aging polls yet. It's still a very fluid situation.
Neither panic nor complacency should be the order of the day nor should cherry picking the polls and poll averaging sites that make us feel the best.
I'd recommend not freaking out but maintaining a sense of urgency?
In addition to "not freaking out" because of the items listed in BlueCat's post, I'd add the variance in the ground game / personal contact. Some studies I've seen suggest ground game versus no ground game is worth up to 7%. While Trump and surrogates have SOME effort, here in Colorado the difference is fairly significant.
I remember when the GOP was so excited about getting rid of Harry Reid in a Republican cycle and the polls showed they were on their way to doing it. His command and organization of the boots on the ground, especially via the unions, put paid to that Republican dream.
Trump is betting he doesn't need a ground game. Probably a bad bet.
I'm a little more optimistic, at least about North Carolina. Gov. McCrory is in deep cow chips because of the effect HB2 is having on the state.The ACC is the latest to move all of their championship competitions elsewhere and that's another blow to N.C.s economy. Legislators who voted for the bill have begun to recant as their constituents let them know the price was too high. I realize the presidential is the top of the ticket, but if people enter the voting booth unhappy with their Republican governor, it could hurt the up-ticket races as well as the down-.
Current analysis has NC Sen. Burr also in a pretty tight spot. I'm hopeful about NC, but it's by no means an automatic.
Hillary now has a second poll showing her competitive in Texas. Texas Lyceum posted a poll today showing Trump up +6 with likely voters, but Clinton up +4 among registered voters.
Is Texas the next state to gain a Clinton campaign presence?