There are few treats we enjoy as summer comes to a close more than a juicy, delicious peach from the orchards of Palisade, Colorado near Grand Junction. But via Reddit, something worth noting was brought to our attention last weekend:
Palisade Produce, which runs public tours on their 85-acre peach farm just off Interstate 70 in Palisade, supports something they call “9/11 truth and justice”–enough that it’s on every box of peaches they sell! And when you flip over the box, they explain further as promised:
And here’s what you find at Palisade Produce’s “Justice” page, along with links to various “9/11 Truth” conspiracy theory websites:
Honor. Integrity. Courage.
Without these key characteristics, America ceases to exist. The America we love honors those who have died to provide us the quality of life we enjoy today by ensuring they not die for lies. The America we love has the integrity to stand for justice no matter the cost. The America we love has the courage to step out and say what we believe to be the truth regardless of the consequences. It is uncomfortable and dangerous to challenge the status quo, especially concerning something as traumatic as the events of 9/11, a day of evil that precipitated enormous sacrifices in the lives of our military families and dramatic changes and intrusions in each of our own lives. This is why it is even more important that people know we have been sold a lie concerning the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11th of 2001. Along with this lie has come drastic change to our Union and the sovereign Republics which compose it. The federal and state Constitutions, the concept of limited government, free society, and our God given natural rights is under attack. Most of these attacks are falsely justified from the erroneous explanation of 9/11 that we have been made to believe. We must closely examine the facts and evidence proving that the three skyscrapers collapsed were brought down in controlled demolitions. Some people call such assertions conspiracy theory but the facts speak for themselves. The repercussion of failing to address the truth are dire. Palisade Produce is committed to honesty and the Christian principle of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. We believe that for America to be strong and our future to be bright those responsible for this act of deception, terror, and treason must be brought to justice and the integrity of our government renewed. Please educate yourself and demand your federal Congressman to reopen the 9/11 Commission report and address the glaring inconsistencies and distortions pointed out by the following experts and engineers. As Christ said, “you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
We’ll start by suggesting some paragraph breaks, since one of the sure signs of an unhinged author is an unbroken stream of consciousness that should be several paragraphs long. Beyond that it’s difficult for us to comment on this exercise of free speech by the owners of Palisade Produce, except to note that conspiracy theories about the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been debunked by everybody who has taken a responsible look at the facts. No one wants to be the person who claims with clairvoyant certainty that something is false only to be proven overly trusting by new information, but the overwhelming consensus is that yes, a group of radical Islamic terrorists indeed crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001–not a “controlled demolition” or any other act by the U.S. government.
And, well, hopefully these conspiracy theories don’t hurt Palisade’s peach sales.
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Sheesh. Way to make Colorado look good.
And they look SO NORMAL.
If there was any cover-up, it would have been done by Bush/Cheney, not Obama. But look for the far right crazies to try and spin things so it appears that Obama is at fault.
Oy vey!
Mesa County is the proud home of fruits — and nuts. We have a nice selection from both the far right and the far left.
UnimPEACHable logic.