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August 24, 2016 02:53 PM UTC

Mike Pence Supports "Official English," Just Like Mike Coffman

  • by: Colorado Pols
Mike Pence, Mike Coffman
Mike Pence, Mike Coffman

Republican Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence recently reaffirmed his support of efforts to make the English language the official language of the federal government. According to a press release issued this week by “ProEnglish”:

ProEnglish Executive Director Sam Pimm recently attended an exclusive meeting with Vice-Presidential candidate Governor Mike Pence.

Governor Pence is a longtime advocate of official English; as a former Congressman, he cosponsored H.R. 997 (a bill to make English the official language of the federal government) five times. [Pols emphasis]  English is also the official language of Indiana, where Pence is Governor. Hot off the campaign trail, Governor Pence met with Pimm and others in a closed door meeting to discuss policy positions.

ProEnglish Executive Director Sam Pimm took the opportunity to ask Governor Pence, if elected Vice-President, if he would continue to “advocate for English as our official language,” noting that “54 other countries have English as their official language.”

Governor Pence not only reiterated his support for official English, but clarified why he supports official English. “When my ancestors came here they already spoke English. Speaking English is the key to assimilation and achieving the American dream.”

The “Official English” movement, which has long been supported by former CD-6 Rep. Tom Tancredo, has also been a favorite cause of Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) over the years.

Although Coffman would have you believe that he is “One of Us,” he is also a repeat co-sponsor of “Official English” legislation. Like Pence, Coffman has regularly co-sponsored H.R. 997 during his time in Congress (here, and here). Coffman has not offered his name as a co-sponsor in the most recent iteration of the “Official English” legislation, however.

Does Coffman no longer believe in the “Official English” movement? Or is he just no longer willing to attach his name as a co-sponsor?


19 thoughts on “Mike Pence Supports “Official English,” Just Like Mike Coffman

  1. Would there be a chance to be hired as part of the language police? Will amateur grammar Nazis be given preference for those positions?

    Should we exclude "foreign words" like Colorado? Foreign phrases like "a la carte"? Or do they only object to complete sentences in another language? Do we simply avoid government agencies writing anything in another language? Or will translators no longer be allowed at hospitals and courtrooms?

  2. 54 other countries list English as their official language. Lawl. 

    16 countries with English listed as AN official language speak it primarily (14 list only English, Zambia is the largest of them). 37 countries do not speak English primarily, but list it as AN official language.

  3. ¿Politicos son idiotas, no?  (Anybody know how to get the Spanish question mark on a MAC?)

    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.   Our state is now officially "Red."  We live in Denver,Red.

    shift option ? works, gracias.

  4. Pence and Drumpf should worry a lot less about the official language and more about how they're going to put all these lesbians and transgender hillbillies Obama is funding through the USDA behind an electrified fence.  Just for the record, I think every rural Colorado town could use a little LGBTQ influence.  The first thing that happens is they clean up the place. Then housing values start to rise.  Then you get an Acting and Singing Society.  A nice restaurant.  A local pharmacist. 

    Oh, the horror.  

    And yes, Rush appears to be off his meds (again). 

    Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is Teaching Lesbians And Transgender Hillbillies How To Farm So They Can Take Over Red States

        1. They were indeed.   I remember also dragging the 37mm world war two anti-tank gun from the park to the intersection of main st ("interocean ave") and highway 6.  I figured out howtofirenit by dropping a cherry bomb and some gravel downtime barrel.  eventually  they stopped that by welding the barrel.

          1. Homecoming was just as raucous but in a different way.  Our community was very small so the dance was open to the public.  Lots of local moonshine involved. The only fire was the bonfire the night before in conjunction with the pep rally!

        1. My mother grew up on a Minnesota dairy farm, the second of thirteen children.  No running water in the house (I thought that was the greatest thing as a kid visiting grandparents every summer).  They had a two-holer  

          1. My paternal grandparents never had indoor plumbing. I enjoyed pumping water when I visited. Did NOT enjoy bathing in a metal tub filled with heated water in the middle of the living room

            1. I could deal with the tub.  But even though we had a two holer, I hated the cold in the winter, the stink in the summer and the embarassment of visiting friends and relatives.  Finally, when I was 16, we got indoor plumbing.   That will always define luxury to me.

  5. Governor Pence not only reiterated his support for official English, but clarified why he supports official English. “When my ancestors came here they already spoke English. Speaking English is the key to assimilation and achieving the American dream.”

    His grandparents were from Ireland! They and their countrymen had been forced to speak English long before they ever got on the boat!

    Before researching that, I thought maybe there was going to be a more exotic explanation like, "My grandparents were from Lithuania but they studied English assiduously before ever pointing their asses towards Ellis Island!"  But no.





    1. I wonder if Pence realizes there isn't much of a point to that story.  His English speaking ancestors worked hard to …. be English speaking before arriving in "murica"? How very clever of them. And congrats on their arranging to also be white. What nerve those other immigrants must have to arrive here without first having become white English speakers.

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