“No scoundrel is so stupid as to not find a reason for his vile conduct.”
–Shakti Gawain
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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The Conservative Push for States to Amend the Constitution
Another good reason never ever to vote for any Republican and never ever to stay home or under vote or vote third party because the Dem isn’t pure enough. Period. No more Republican legislative majorities and take as many away from them as possible.
If Democrats want to win, they need to put in the work.
The remarkable Republican takeover of state legislatures, in 1 chart
It is startling to see the visual indication of the shift. We need to beat the Republicans like a rented mule…and keep on beating them. Our very democracy is at risk.
The "Free Market" abhors democracy and is a devoted supplicant to oligarchy. This election is much bigger than just Donald Trump. It is about the future of the United States as the leader of the free world.
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." Albert Einstein
Many state races are in play. We can continue to see more obstructionism and ALEC bills in the state Senate, or we can help move Colorado forward. Candidates cannot – ever – do it on their own. This message is to everyone: Volunteer, donate, help in some way. A candidate near you will appreciate that you got involved.
The talk of a State call for amending the Constitution is an on-again / off-again appeal. It gains favor among the right wing when people are focused on deficits and the debt. It loses favor when people realize there is a risk of changing the Second Amendment to a position closer to the opinion of a large majority of the population, backing registration and restriction. In debates on an actual resolution, it loses a great deal of appeal when scholars and lawyers point out that once created, there may be no assurance of any limit of topic.
The good news is it would take 33 states to call a convention and 38 to ratify whatever emerges.
Well said. This canard has been floating around for at least 50 years. It always dies when each of us realizes we have something to lose. I;ll definitely vote to take moddy's guns away, Moddy wants to outlaw unions, etc. Individually popular, the antis accumulate when you package the total. The compromise of 1850 failed as a package. Then Henry Clay broke it into component parts and passed each part.
I don't think it's possible in our era to pass another amendment to the US constitution or repeal one, much less achieve an entire constitutional convention. But even so, just to be on the safe side, never vote for any Republican in any state leg election. Can' be too careful. Must crush GOP majorities wherever possible.
Nothing to see here, folks:
Republican Fear Manipulators and Professional Liars funded by Cro-Magnon Billionaires have compelled us to look away from the truly existential issues facing us — issues that America could be "great again" by solving, inventing, investigating, sharing. Instead, even the lowliest one-cent margin derived by our capitalist system is declared to be "profit" and is sitting in the bank accounts of our most greedy and shortsighted citizens, who are sure they're doing God's work by maximizing that profit using any available tool.
Interesting wonky read
"Trump already lost this election before his disastrous last week, as only 6 percent of Clinton voters would even consider supporting Trump. The number of potential switchers in this election has shrunk to just a third of what it was in the last three presidential elections. "
Half of Clinton's nongovernment meetings at State were with donors: AP
AP has an interesting factoid. But I find it interesting
* any indication that the requests of donors were treated any differently than the requests of non-donors?
* there is no analysis of which came first, the meeting or the donation.
* there is no mention of ties OTHER than donations to the Foundation. From some of the examples I've read, there is a relationship going back years that could account for both the donations AND the visits. How many served on boards with the Clintons? How many had made political donations years before the Clinton Foundation was set up or before HRC was Secretary? How many contributed to the Obama campaign?
Obama visited the Louisiana floods today, so local right-wing talk show host Michael Brown had to put his word in about it, of course… and I agree with everything he said and that feels a little funny.
A strange feeling indeed.
I do think the bad press, at least on the non-loony side, could have been avoided if Obama had called a brief presser while on vacation to describe the immediate actions taken, officials sent and to explain that the Governor had requested that he not add to their challenges by forcing them to deal with and allocate resources for a presidential visit while the immediate crisis and aftermath were ongoing and that he planned to visit according to the Governor's recommended timetable.
I'm serious, not sarcastic, when I say I wish Obama had your public relations sense. bc.
I used tell my students that there are three rules to public relations:
1-First fix the problem
2-Then, brag about it.
3-Never get the order wrong of 1 and 2.
Obama is pretty good at fixing problems. But in today's world, you do have to take an active role in advertising your achievement. Obama often fails on this point.