Westword’s Michael Roberts covers the thinking behind our organization’s new brand:
Denver-based ProgressNow and ProgressNow Action have become among the most effective political organizations in these parts, using a growing network of supporters to push its liberal agenda. So why change its name to ProgressNow Colorado, as is being announced today? The roots of the decision were discussed in an August 2007 Message column headlined “Making Progress.” As ProgressNow executive director Michael Huttner noted in that piece, the group decided to build on its success in Colorado by trying to work with or start similar enterprises in other states. Post-election, the powers that be have decided that the confusion resulting from having two names locally (for the main outfit and the political-action arm, respectively) is being compounded by having sister sites scattered across the U.S. — hence yet another new moniker.
Our announcement email from today follows. Do you have friends or family in one of our affiliate states? Check the list below and let them know.
California: Courage Campaign http://couragecampaign.org
Colorado: ProgressNow Colorado http://progressnowcolorado.org
Florida: Progress Florida http://progressflorida.org
Michigan: Progress Michigan http://progressmichigan.org
Minnesota: Alliance for a Better Minnesota http://allianceminnesota.org
New Hampshire: Granite State Progress http://granitestateprogress.org
New Mexico: ClearlyNewMexico.com http://clearlynewmexico.com
Ohio: Progress Ohio http://progressohio.org
Pennsylvania: Keystone Progress http://keystoneprogress.org
Washington: Fuse http://fusewashington.org
Wisconsin: One Wisconsin Now http://onewisconsinnow.org
You’ve known us as ProgressNow for quite some time. Or maybe ProgressNow Action. It’s confusing, we know. Which is why we’re simplifying. From here on, we’re going to be called ProgressNow Colorado.
But there’s another reason for our name change.
ProgressNow was the start of something big. Since we launched in September of 2005, our model has been replicated in 12 other states creating a network nationwide of over 1.2 million people. There are ProgressNow state partners in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Washington to name a few. And while we’re still the original, we needed to distinguish ourselves. So, we’re now ProgressNow Colorado.
What does the name change mean for you? Not too much, actually. The biggest thing you’ll notice is the facelift we’ve given our website, www.ProgressNowColorado.org. The new site is really pretty cool. We’ve made it much easier for you to use our action tools. Want to contact your local and federal officials with one click? Want to get involved in progressive activities in your own community? It’s all right there on the homepage.
We’re also planning to spend more time mobilizing online with Facebook and Twitter. So, if you haven’t already joined us on Facebook and Twitter, please join us now.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.p…
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/progres…2009 is going to be a huge year for progressives. There are big plans to bring green energy jobs to Colorado, expand access to healthcare for those who need it most and increase equal opportunity for all Coloradans.
So, welcome to 2009 and the new ProgressNow Colorado. Thanks for being part of the team!
The Staff at ProgressNow
P.S. Invest in ProgressNow today by becoming a Progress Partners monthly donor! Click on the link below. http://www.progressnowcolorado…
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They address messages to my Democratic Underground handle not my real name.
I unsubscribed from this useless organization.
Believe Elvis is alive and they smell.
“Tancredo is pushing hard to modernize the party’s political tactics, including developing a Republican version of progressive attack groups like Progress Now Action that have dogged GOP candidates up and down the state.”
The Rs know what the business end of Progress Now feels like and they want one of their own.
Progress Now and the rest of the CDA machine were just replicating and updating Reagan-era Republican apparatus, most of which is still going strong. Could it be the ideas that don’t work anymore, not the delivery system?
Looks to me like a bunch of honkies talking about other honkies.