Freshman Rep. Betsy Markey hasn’t got a moment to lose establishing her brand ahead of the 2010 elections, when every Republican in CD-4 will be gunning for her–much to the relief of Democrats, she appears to be taking her risk/opportunity seriously. As the Greeley Tribune reports:
Markey plans to stay busy, flying home on weekends to visit her family and the sprawling 4th Congressional District.
Her commute to work each day will be far easier – her apartment is three blocks from the Capitol, where she will work on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and hopefully, she said, the Agriculture Committee. She won her transportation appointment last week, and hopes to find out this week whether she also will be assigned to agriculture.
Her first three bills deal with water and agricultural issues, so that would make sense.
Markey introduced two measures with Rep. John Salazar, D-Colo., regarding agriculture, including a measure that would allow family farms to avoid paying estate taxes, which Republicans call the “death tax.”
Current tax law allows farms worth less than $2 million to avoid the estate tax, but Markey said many farms in growing areas are worth more than that because of land prices. Under her bill, farmers who want to keep farming after a parent dies will be able to skip the estate tax, as long as they keep farming.
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That will play extremely well in CD-4. Great first step in fulfilling her campaign promises, and setting the tone for the 2010 re-election campaign.
I’m starting to like Betsy Markey more and more every day.
Impressive. Most impressive.
it looks like they’re actually Salazar’s bills…she’s cosponsoring them. And there are 3, not 2…the Trib seems to have missed that…
Still, impressive indeed…
With this ability to cut taxes (I’m waiting for my tax cut as our combined inc. is far less the $200-250k) we should see a return to a balanced economy and some good job growth.
Mike Coffman’s lone act as a member of Congress is cosponsoring Harry Mitchell’s “Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act” bill…
Mmmm…symbolism… 😛
Congressmembers probably shouldn’t receive a pay raise this year, just as they didn’t in 2002 during the last recession.
…thanks to fine Repub Congress of ’94, all Congressional Pay raises are automatic. That was to give the bastards cover for the pay raise, and give them the BS talking point that “they’ve NEVER voted to raise their own pay.”
What I don’t understand is why the Democrats (in charge since 2006) haven’t put a bill on Bush’s desk to correct this apparent problem.
maybe I missed something and he vetoed it?
for the same reasons the Republicans didn’t bother, either, and they were in charge for a hell of alot longer, no?
…because that particular part of the law was rolled into an overall federal employee pay bill, which included everyone from Park Rangers to the Coast Guard.
run a bill to undo the damage and run a line item veto bill too.
Not to get off topic here, but this is something I haven’t seen discussed here. A line item veto would get even more power to the executive office, but it might put a stop to some of these pork items that get bundled into these bills.
I’m interested to hear others thoughts, is this a good idea.
if they’re so worked up over pork, or earmarks, or whatever piddly crap they’re railing about instead of tackling real problems.
The president is going to have enough on his plate without worrying that he’s taking away food from orphans by striking a line out of an appropriations bill.
but if there was some kind of check on the President, say, allowing Congress to overturn a line-item veto w/ a 3/5 or even straight majority vote, I’d be OK.
Like RegGreen said, Congress needs to police itself. Further, if the President is so against a bill filled with pork, Veto it as a whole. Someone needs to take a stand if we’re going to get anywhere on this…
Of course, he thought that valid scientific research was pork.
It was struck down by the Supreme Court.
Seriously, doesn’t anyone else remember that?
There would have to be a constitutional amendment to overturn the SCOTUS ruling.
just introduce a version that won’t be met with the same reaction by the Court. If it’s written correctly it’ll be upheld…
should raise automatically each year to keep pace with the economy. Without a sufficiently high pay rate, no one will want/be able to afford to serve. Increasing pay is essential to guaranteeing that we get good talent representing us.
but so many members of congress are already pretty well off, how much of a difference would it make?
Interesting link…a couple years old…but still interesting…
Doug Lamborn seems to be the only congressperson from Colorado fully in need of his congressional salary. We have a fairly wealthy delegation – led by a farmer, John Salazar, no less.
lives paycheck to paycheck, and now he’ll have to support two abodes. But the others are pretty well off.
if she isn’t on the agricultural committee.
Are there hundreds of thousands of swing-voting farmers in that district? Oh wait….
if she gets on Ag, she’ll have two of the three assignments Salazar is giving up for Approps…