As Eli Stokols reports for Politico, Donald Trump will try to go the “everyman” route in his speech tonight accepting the Republican nomination for President:
Trump declares “I am your voice” throughout the speech.
Blending Nixonian imagery of a dark, divided America and a messianic self-conception of himself as a great leader, the 70-year-old billionaire will accept the Republican Party’s presidential nomination and declare himself to be the only candidate capable of solving the country’s problems.
“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves,” Trump says, according to the draft, time-stamped Thursday afternoon. “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.”
Trump’s speech, which one campaign source said was “being guarded like the Colonel’s secret recipe,” should offer a cleaner, crisper articulation of his most deeply held policy positions — his opposition to free trade, his commitment to securing the country’s borders and cutting off the flow of undocumented immigrants and his commitment to strengthening the country’s military and giving more resources to local law enforcement agencies…
Earlier this week, Trump told Bill O’Reilly of Fox News that his acceptance speech was “going to be a relatively long speech,” which is a weird thing to admit if you are trying to entice people to pay attention. The final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland was scheduled to begin at 5:10 pm (MT); when Trump will take the microphone, and when he will finish, is anyone’s guess.
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Close your windows, lock your doors, and stay inside . . .
. . . it's going to be a fan-splattered night, nothing less than a biblical downpouring, of pounding horseshit storms!
(More weather coverage right after your local news at 10:35, stay tuned)
Nah…..they put the advanced excerpts out as disinformation. He's really going to get up at the podium and say, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm going back on Celebrity Apprentice in September."
People like Trump don't abandon the spotlight.
I estimate 60 minutes of prepared speech and about 20 of ad libbed amplifiers and repeats. With people from left mocking and from the right apologizing for his delivery.
Close estimate! 74 minutes, but I think he only managed 5 minutes of ad-lib, with 9 extra minutes of slow cadence.
I couldn't stand to watch it, so just checked out the full transcript and the fact check. Someone who watched it – was the crowd eating it up?
They were eating up all the parts I watched as replays afterwards. The question will be who else was eating it up? Anybody new? Did he make inroads with any demos he hadn't been doing so well with before? We'll know more about that from the size of his bump.
DOOM! Morning in America is over, folks; if Donald Trump is elected, he promises to show us how we really live in 30 Days of Night with The Walking Dead.
It is now "Midnight in America".
Personally, I think it is about time we elected a Fascist Dictator who can turn America into a real police state! "Show me your papers!"
George Orwell was such a visionary. Let's live like it's 1984 — Long live Oceania and Perpetual War!
Long live Donald "Benito" Trump! Let’s party hard like it’s 1922 all over again. Only this time, the storm troopers are marching on Washington, not Rome.
I think what we saw over the last 4 days is that the Republicans do a real community service to the racists, misogynists, homophobes in America. Their goal was to provide a "safe space" for hatred for the delegates and I think they did a great job in providing that safe space for the haters.
I wonder if they realized the rest of America was looking at them like the freak show that it was.
The GOPer version of "sanctuary" . . .
While I'm sure Trump will get some bump out of this, conventions always do result in bumps, righties are making a big thing out of a CNN poll that says 57 percent of those who watched his speech viewed it positively and only 25 or so percent viewed it negatively. I'm willing to bet people who actually watched the 70 minute speech or claimed to (I didn't. I caught the parts replayed and discussed on the after shows) skew heavily in Trump's in the first place. What matters is how much of a bump does he get in general approval. Stay tuned.
I watched it all. Obbviously, most who did leaned to him already. He was loud, laundry list of grievances, etc. One, maybe only, good moment was outreach to lgbtq. But I couldn't find a single overriding theme. He will probably get a small, temporary, bump. Thank god Ivanka isn't running! That girl rocks.
Put down the little blue pills and step away from the DVR, Hoss . . .
In a time where we've become far too accustomed to the inane rantings of the Sarah Palins, Michele Bachmanns, Carly Fiorinas and Laura Ingragams of GOPworld, the pretty little giggling Drumpette benefits a whole lot very from low expectations.
That speech was still a word salad of fiction and generic dressings with no basis in fact, or the real world, although her speech writers did put it together on the teleprompter in complete sentences (most of the words of which the Drumpfvanca spokesmodel was able to properly pronounce).
"Rocks" is what I wanted a to throw at the television . . .