(Translation: they’re screwed – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Colorado’s Trump campaign is relying on the “robust operations” of the Colorado Republican Party to mobilize Trump voters, including “many new people” who are drawn to Trump but are not yet in the campaign databases.
Davis: “Because Donald Trump has been bringing so many new people back to politics and to politics, they are really not in our databases,” Colorado Trump campaign director Patrick Davis told KLZ 560-AM’s John Rush on Thursday. “We don’t know what they believe. In some cases, they are not registered to vote. In some cases, we don’t know how to find them to remind them when Election Day is, because, believe it or not, people do forget. You do have to remind them.” [BigMedia emphasis]
Davis said the Colorado Republican Party, with its “robust operations,” is tasked with finding these newly politicized people, along with voters of “all stripes,” totaling 1.3 million people, the number of votes Davis thinks Trump needs to win in Colorado.
Davis: “Because the Trump campaign did not invest in a ground game—everybody knows it; it happened all over the country—we are having to graft ourselves into the robust operations at state Republican parties all over the country,” said Davis on air.
“Colorado is one of 11 battleground states, and the state Republican Party here has been preparing for this day for over a year. Now, I run campaigns based on metrics and numbers. We believe that for Donald Trump to win Colorado, he needs to identify and turn out 1.3 million voters in Colorado of all stripes. Republicans, Democrats, independents, Libertarians, liberals, conservatives, we got to turn them out.”
Trump officials have been saying in recent weeks that the campaign will rely on state parties, which have uneven strengths around the country.
The unprecedented upheaval in Colorado’s state GOP in recent years, including the ouster of state chair Ryan Call last March and the subsequent efforts to depose current chair Steve House last summer, raise questions about the robustness of the party’s operations. But House has insisted in recent radio interviews that the party is fully functional and up to the tasks it needs to perform to win races up and down the ticket in November.
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Does anyone else here think the idea of anything "Trump" being grafted to anything else is more than a bit disturbing?
How much money does Steve House control at this point in time?
CO Republican Committee cash on hand as of 5/31/16: ~$128,000. I think that's all Steve House can be represented to "control". It does look as though $39K of it is still borrowed money – at least, there are plenty of expenses for fees on lines of credit and loans.
The RC did get and spend over 2 million on "Federal expenditures", though.
So yeah, graft away, Trumpnoids. Good luck with that.
For comparison, the Democratic party has spent about as much Federal money, but has more than twice as much cash on hand – about $329,000. With no outstanding loans to pay.
Freudian . . .
. . . the use of the word "graft" in connection with Drumpf's scampaign???
That's right, Rump campaign. Turn out Dems and liberals. Please proceed.
We will all be lending a hand. The vote in November will shock the left. Americans still don't want your solutions.
Enjoy! 🙂
Moddy: you won't find me "lending a hand." I'm proud to be, as Sarah Palin calls it, a RAT (Republican Against Trump). Too bad you're not smart enough to figure things out.
Only the inexperienced or excessively hopeful will think an operation that produced NO delegates at the State convention, did little after that, only hired a state director at the end of June, insulted insiders by saying "the process was rigged," and is battling headwinds of offensive comments from the candidate will be able to combine with the State party and its efforts to ramp up turnout. Add in an underfunded Senate candidate who DOES support Trump and a Senator who isn't vociferously backing Trump, and a Representative from the major media market already running a campaign to say "he's not THAT kind of Republican."
Should be good times to watch the nuts and bolts of the Republican party.
I think Mr. Davis' comments reflect a pipe dream. It takes months and months of hard work to set-up a ground game and there simply isn't enough time to do it before the general election this year.
Second, candidates who rely on the state party and the county party organizations are running a phantom campaign as far as organization goes.Unless Mr. House has established a statewide organization, separate and apart from the precinct committee men and women, which is doubtful, there is no state party organization for Mr. Trump to graft on to.
Finally, Mr. Davis admits that many of the Trump supporters haven't been identified and in many cases aren't registered to vote. Apparently, a substantial number of the 1.3 million votes he projects Trump needs to win Colorado are in those categories. Taking him at his word, he must know that it is virtually impossible between now and the general election to identify, register and turn out those voters when the Trump campaign is only now beginning to organize. He needs people on the ground right now – and lots of them – to even have a chance of finding and turning out those voters.
My interpretation: By outlining what needs to be accomplished between now and election day, Mr. Davis is admitting the most likely outcome will be a Clinton victory in Colorado.
I'd normally agree with all your points, but these are not normal times, and you don't appear to have accounted for the "Moderatus factor" (see above) . . .
. . . with that kind of support, how can Drumpf possibly fail??!!?? . . .
. . . one down, only 1,299,999 left to go!
Anyone know where the Trump campaign headquarters is? After reading an amusing anecdote about the New Hampshire office, I did a quick search for the Colorado operation. And couldn't find one. There was a vague mention that the campaign may be located in the Colorado Republican Party offices.
Davis is the grafter-in-chief, as Pols said. But there is no campaign HQ in Colorado yet. I'd look to the Springs or Weld County, if there is to be a Trump HQ, but really, I think Trump is blowing Colorado off.
Davis likes Weld County, because "that's where the oil is drilled." Yes, he really said that. Plus, they have two gigantic Trump signs in Weld County, on Cervi Enterprises land near Roggen off I76. So there ya go. Somebody might want to tell Mr. Davis that Weld County, oily as it is, and enthused as Mr. Cervi is, still went only 19% for Trump vs. 45% Cruz in the GOP preference polls.
In a vacant warehouse in Dumphuckistan?
Definitely the first place to look.
Moddy's mommy's basement has to be a close 2nd . . .
Patrick Davis is a con artist, says Raw Story. He has a long history of defrauding conservative supporters and profiting from their enthusiasm. Just the guy Trump deserves to have running his Colorado operation.
Perhaps Davis' history was a feature, not a bug, in assigning him this campaign post.
Sounds imminently qualified to run a sham campaign on behalf of a sham candidate!
The story does explain why he had to get the hell out of Texas and landed in Colorado Springs, home of some of the most gullible voters in the US.