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June 27, 2016 01:26 PM UTC

Donald Trump Plummeting in National Polls

  • by: Colorado Pols
"I'm fired!"
“I’m fired!”

Perhaps it might be a good time for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump to start, you know, actually campaigning for a victory in the General Election. As Politico reports:

Donald Trump said last week he hasn’t really started campaigning in the general election. It shows in his poll numbers.

After weeks of blistering news coverage, the latest round of national and battleground-state polling underscores the hole in which Trump now finds himself: trailing Hillary Clinton by a significant margin with fewer than 100 days remaining until early voting begins in the key swing states of Ohio and Iowa.

Two new, major national polls released Sunday morning — surveys from ABC News/Washington Post and NBC News/Wall Street Journal — differ to some degree, but both are consistent with the broader trend: Clinton holds a reliable lead over Trump, an advantage that occasionally swells to double digits.

Trump now trails Clinton by 6.3 points in the latest RealClearPolitics polling average, and by 6.6 points in the HuffPost Pollster model. In the key states in the Electoral College, POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average shows Clinton ahead by 4.3 points. And perhaps even more important, Trump is lagging behind on a number of other key indicators, including candidate favorability.

Many Colorado Republicans remain confused about whether or not they can/should support Trump in a General Election, but there’s no question about the disastrous effects Trump could have on down-ticket races in our state. For Colorado Republicans, the only thing worse than Donald Trump as your Presidential nominee is Donald Trump running a terrible campaign for President.


29 thoughts on “Donald Trump Plummeting in National Polls

  1. This is bad news… well good and also bad.

    Good because it shows that Americans are coming to their senses.

    Bad because it increases the likelihood that the Republican Party comes to its "senses" and fires the apprentice. 

    I still think that will happen, and I have put myself on record that the Republican nominee will be Ryan. If I’m right, I will claim me some gold plated “I told you so’s”.

  2. Politico is including a lot of really stale polling (September of 2015, for instance) in its Battleground State polling averages.  You have to recalculate all of them using only recent polling to get meaningful numbers.

      1. Very. He must have more money than God because I've seen at least three different sunny positive ads, each appearing quite frequently, about legislation he's pushed through that helps people featuring specific people who have been helped. All warm and fuzzy. Nothing negative. He's doing a great job of defining himself for low info voters (most voters) who never knew a thing about him before they saw these ads. None of them are about ideologica/poltical soundingl stuff.  It's all from the human interest angle, basically people being grateful to him for being such a great guy. Killer stuff. 

    1. NPR  model has moved Florida from toss up to lean D. Has moved Pennsylvania from leans D to toss up. However HRC gets 279 electoral voted as of right now with just D and leans D states. If Trump won every state now listed as toss up, including Colorado, she'd still win. Granted that's a snap shot.  

      But today's joint appearance by HRC and Warren in Cincinnati brought down the roof and  seemed to point to more reconciliation of Bernie supporter to HRC. NPR interviewed some formerly heartbroken youthful Bernie supporters and they were so energized by this event they were positively enthusiastic about voting for HRC and beating Trump. Some of the "Or Busters I run into on FB have also, if with less youthful enthusiasm, made the turn.  And not contingent on Warren being VP either. Her full enthusiastic support of HRC and attacks on Trump  seem to be enough. Warren can be invaluable without being VP.

      Trump's tired old attacks on her heritage seem to be backfiring and just drawing attention to his history of bigoted remarks. I mean who cares? Anyone who's watched the Antique Road Show knows that some family tales pan out and some don't. Lots of families claim Native American heritage based on such stories that can't be proved one way or the other. All they show is that, true or not, people like the idea of a proud Native American heritage, the opposite of racism, which is what Trump is calling it.   Seriously.

      1. I'm in the "Native American by family tale" category myself. I've never been able to prove it, but my Great Aunt, who was the family genealogist on my father's side, swore that I was 1/64th. I never did get the details from her before she died.

        Some of the supposed markers hold very true in my family, though, so I believe her.

        1. Likewise my family and tales of Tatars in the Jewish woodpile on my grandmother's side. Nothing to prove it but Grandma's brother sure looked it. I could also mention some tales that we now know for sure not to be true. This is Trump's idea of a great attack? What a putz. 

        2. My wife is part cherokee, as are thus my kids and grandkids.  But my wife is only 16th cherokee.  My son refused to claim any Indian blood because he did not want affirmative action clouding his record.  He is a phd at trinity college teaching philosophy.

          1. Can you even qualify for affirmative action with a 32nd of something? That's the equivalent of one great great great grandparent if it all comes from a single ancestor. Bet here's all kinds of things a person might be a 32nd of.

              1. It's complicated.  1/32 can get you in a tribe but the ancestor has to be listed on  a specific census. As for affirmative action, there is no standard .  Cu gave Ward Churchill tenure solely on an unverified claim of native american ancestry.  

                  1. They were indeed the ones at fault.   They gave Churchill tenure despite his having only a masters degree and without the usual 6 year evaluation because they were desperate to claim a native American as proof of their diversity.  They got a fraud and deserved the shame that followed.

                1. to enroll as a member of the Cherokee Nation, an individual must have had a direct ancestor listed among the more than 101,000 people enrolled on the "Final Rolls of the Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory" between 1898-1914, now known as the Dawes Rolls. The Cherokee Nation is very strict about this, even keeping descendants of siblings of men and women on the rolls out of the tribe, as well as descendents of Cherokees who were living out of the area at the time the lists were drawn up in what was then Northeastern Oklahoma.

                2. Dawes only covers certain tribes, FWIW. Warren's claim is of Cherokee ancestry, so her ancestors must be on the Dawes Rolls in order to claim membership.

                  Of course, not all Cherokee were allowed on to the Dawes Rolls, and not all Cherokee chose to be listed.

                  1. When I was in college and Cher was a big star who claimed Cherokee (it was in one of her hit songs) everybody and their brother was claiming to be part Indian and specifically Cherokee. That was the glamour tribe.

                  2. Well, Oklahoma, where Warren is from, is big on cherokees.   Our connection is definitely cherokee,but have no idea if we trace to dawes or not.  It is a matter of modest pride in her family but no big deal.   My mother in law, in contrast, had the classic high cheekbones.   She was 1/8 cherokee.

                    1. Not doubting you. Or Warren. Or anyone. Some family tales pan out. Some don't.

                      I think Trump just makes himself look petty and crazy making a big deal out of it. He's the incredible shrinking candidate. Orlando mass murder? Thanks for congrats to me for being right. All hell breaking lose over Brexit? It will be good for my hotels.

                      Could he get any smaller?

  3. How to spell loser: TRUMP. Want to guess how long before his new golf course goes bankrupt just like his other businesses and campaign for which he's raised soooo little money and sucked millions out to pay himself, his family and company? Trump is also financially killing the GOP which lost HUGE bucks on this scammer. Will there even be a two major party system after this fiasco? Heck! The state GOP was nearly ruined by Dan Maes – the only reason it remained a major party is because Republicans who detested Maes voted for him to protect the party.

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