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June 22, 2016 07:11 AM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.”

–Walker Evans


21 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

    1. Scientific evidence to support a common sense policy supported by clear majorities of Americans/Coloradans………..Republicans will almost surely reject it. 

  1. Anytime I see Klan mentioned I can't help but note Colorado's place in history and the remains of that racism still evident.

    The far right (and this is why Bill O'Reilly calls anyone left of Mark Udall "far left" on a regular basis) religionists, nationalists, racists, White Supremacists, etc…..are quite like their Taliban and ISIS "enemies" – including their hatred of LGBTQ persons:

    Prior to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, most Americans readily thought of radicals like Rudolph and his far-right cohort, Timothy McVeigh, as the terrorists they clearly were. After 9/11, however, the picture became increasingly muddled, as public and law-enforcement officials, as well as the media, increasingly focused on the image of terrorism as emanating solely from turbaned, Arabic-speaking radicals inspired by extreme Islamic fundamentalism, or Islamism, as it’s popularly known.

    It’s also worth recalling that the American far right – particularly the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who are among the most vicious homophobes most often associated with hate crimes and terrorist anti-LGBT violence – openly celebrated those Islamist attacks on Americans back in 2001, just as they recently celebrated the Orlando massacre. (Wrote Andrew Anglin, editor of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer: “From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of all neo-Nazi White supremacists, I want to offer a sincere ‘thank you’ to Omar.")

    That is because even though the nominal wellsprings of their ideology may differ widely – i.e., either white-supremacist/neo-Nazi ideology or far-right Christianist ideology, or extreme Islamic fundamentalism – the cores of their respective appeals, as well as the psychological profiles of the people they attract as followers, is remarkably similar in nature as well as outcomes. They have the same enemies, and the same targets, because they think and behave in remarkably similar ways.

    Unfortunately, Republican politicians, especially at the national level, have a vested interest in denying this obvious truth: it fits the NRA's desire to have an armed and paranoid populace whose fear and ammo clips continually reinforce each other, and it absolves them of the affects of their toxic obstructionism and hate and lie-filled rhetoric about a Democratic party that almost forgot what it is to be progressive (thanks, Bernie!) even as it tracked Republicans further and further to the right.

    Trump is forcing journalists to give up, or at least question, their both-sider-ism. But Republicans are still wedded to their philosophy of exclusion and division fed by political desperation and fear and hate. They'll be one happy family up until the election. 

    After the wipeout, they'll go back to job 1: obstructing the Democratic mandate (that'll be 3 in a row!) and deconstructing policies from the last 100 years or so that made us the Greatest Country on God's Green Earth, but that was completely destroyed by that N* in the White House who acted like a Reckless Rockefeller Republican for most of his time in office.

    And the Klan and all those Good White Christians will be praying together every Sunday for an America that exists only in their dreams that looks very little like the liberal America dreamt of by our Founders.

  2. We may all drop our jaws when our good friend Cory walks away from the Republican convention as the Veep nominee…It would give Trump full access to "Kochmoney"…then the only thing Trump (or actually, the Secret Service) would have to worry about would be a hit… Are you ready for President Gardner?cheeky

    1. Kochmoney for The Donald because of his VP pick? Not unless they're plotting an "accident" for him on the off chance he actually gets elected.

  3. Congress is sitting in for gun control, and Chair Ryan won't let the media cover it. This is nuts. We have to follow it on freaking Twitter #NoBillNoBreak. He's even asking the Sargent at Arms to scold people for tweeting pics and video from the floor. Where are the Republican defenders of the First Amendment when we need them?

    Virtually all of the House Democratic caucus, and many Senators including Bernie Sanders, are participating in the sit-in, whether Ryan commands the cameras to be shut off or not.

    Below: Democratic members of the House, led by John Lewis,  sitting in, calling for votes on the four gun bills which were proposed:



    1. watching the sit-in on msnbc I saw Ed Permutter in the well with the other rabble rousers.   Good for you, Ed!  A chance to stand with John Lewis doesn't come every day.

      1. Poor Dems. They look so uncomfortable.  Especially the women in their skirts. When we were sitting in we were doing it in jeans. Maybe somebody could deliver a load of Levis.

      2. A note to all the young, energetic, idealistic Bernie Sanders supporters, from an old, energetic, idealistic Bernie Sanders supporter:

        John Lewis has shown you the way to accomplish your goals….Occupy Congress!…register, vote, canvass, call, write, talk, get involved, stay involved. It is your future we're talking about here, dammit.

        It is time to organize the dismantling of the Republican Party as we know it.

        1. yes And let's hope they start hearing this from Bernie who is finally saying it does't appear that he'll be the candidate.

          Bernie, don't just leave your army leaderless and pouring all of their energy into sharing theories about how you were screwed and election was stolen. We need them and we need you.

            1. That's true and that's positive but he hasn't yet been able to bring himself to coupling that message with much enthusiasm for supporting the Dem nominee's candidacy.

              Winning the White House with big wins in congress are vital. Anyone supporting his policies will need Dem majorities and the right kind of Supreme and other courts to have any way forward at all. His leadership is needed to rally his supporters to those goals too. The tone shouldn't seem like…  well we can't have the presidency, we've been screwed, so we should just take our ball and go home to concentrate on state and local races. 

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