“So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter.”
–Gordon W. Allport
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IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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IN: Wednesday Open Thread
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If the court decides the Douglas County School Board can give vouchers to attend religious schools, I'm going to open a Wahhabist Madrasa.
You'll have to compete with my Academy of Necromancy.
Maybe I can recruit someone to locate a "Church of the Groovy Blue Chrysler" Theological/Roller Skating University (if Tim Foster can do it, so can I) over there. Ours is thriving, but some free gubmint money would be swell….we charge a franchise fee.
I have always felt that prayer in public school was a goog idea as long as the kids were required to face Mecca when they prayed.
MADCO is actually on to something. Maybe a Unitarian school? There are similar, non-school voucher, cases around. Like satanists trying to put up a holiday display to compete with the manger scene. And non-Christians trying to give invocations at openings of town councils, etc. The funny thing always is; and it's more pathetic than funny; the fundamentalist Christians crying for religious freedom and then getting pissed off when somebody else uses their line for religious freedom of their own.
You heretics and non-believers are all going to hell. Repent and swear you allegiance to the one and only Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I will be seeking ordination to assist with our application for vouchers. However, I need a little help with the $25 ordination fee. Any contributions would be gratefully appreciated.
Bipolar disorder examined . . .
. . . and other worthwhile illuminations at:
Moderatus's best chance ??? . . .
https://trumpsingles.com ???
https://wherewhitepeoplemeet.com ???
Taken from article at —
Managing Your Feelings Is Not My Job
The only way I can reply to that (@Daft Punk 2:06PM), without swearing, is to say that I think, on this forum, it seems like most of Hillaries' staunchest supporters have been of the male persuasion…perhaps my observation is incorrect…it is not uncommon.
On this forum, yes, but at large, she is a heroine to a generation of feminist women who are quite verklempt about this moment, and Bernie not acknowledging the history of her accomplishment, and the hostility his army of bros (do you follow erstwhile polster Steve Harvey on Facebook?) really fits with this piece.
No, I don't have a Facetube page….and it is just that I am as tired of man-bashing as I am of any other kind of sexism. I am an honorary, lifetime member of the National Organization for Women…awarded that honor in 1976 by the newly founded Grand Junction group.
just sayin'….
Good for you, Duke. It is, after all, National Organization FOR Women, not OF women.
Yes, Hillary has already made history, as Al Smith did in 192'8 as the first nominee of another once despised group, Roman Catholics. But if it stops there, God help us all. American democracy survived the well meaning but hapless Herbert Hoover. Donald Trump is not well meaning and his racist policies would make America a pariah in the world and his sheer stupidity — like defaulting on the national debt — would trigger an economic collapse to rival the great depression. It's Hillary or Trump. My cap reads "Another Veteran for Hillary." I had to go to war once because LBJ thought communism was a monolithic threat. I don't want my grandson to have to fight because Trumo has destroyed . NATO ,cozied up to Putin, annd unleashed North Korea. This is not a game.
I actually find it quite liberating, not having a Facebook page . . .
. . . I've never had to have any concern or thought about what anyone else has on theirs. Seriously.
And, then there's the time I save . . .
Oh, heavens to crackers, no . . .
Now, recognizing that I have the wrong genetalia to have a properly informed opinion on this matter, nevertheless . . .
I do think Ms. Clinton's accomplishment here is historic, and I have no problem with anyone celebrating that fact.
IMO, the really important accomplishment, however, is not yet over. I think that it's generally best to let the narrative of history be: 1) written by others, and 2) that the best biographies are written after one's largest accomplishment. (Sorry, Kanye West.)
What I'm saying here, is that as much as anyone wants to celebrate this now, fine – that's great. I do think it's a potential error on the part of Ms. Clinton to be making a big deal personally out of her present level of "historiousness" — she should focus on running as the very best, most qualified, (human) Presidential candidate for the country at this time, period; man or woman!
Leave it to others to write another chapter of her accomplished biography — after November!
I'm with her!