“Though the dungeon, the scourge, and the executioner be absent, the guilty mind can apply the goad and scorch with blows.”
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
BY: A Person
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
BY: kwtree
IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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just been wondering how The Free Market® has been treating our
Clear ChanneliHeart Media MegaWatt Hate Distribution Machine,more commonly known as 850KOA, and its largest commodity Rush Limbaugh:Rush is actually taking down nearly an entire industry with what began as his "slut" mongering of Sandra Fluke and the coordinated advertiser actions. Like any good Conservative, he'll never admit to being wrong or at fault. Clear Channel's owners had good reason to believe they'd live in a money-filled posterity. Now the gotta fight for every loan extension just like the rest of us schmucks.
If any of your friends of neighbors work for the Misinformation Conglomerate locally, tell them I said hi…….with a wink!
It's good to know that Stark still manages to get past Rush's screeners even after all these years.
The information at the " Misinformation Conglomerate" link led to some fascinating, data, if one cares to wade through it. Thanks, Zap.
Breaking: what happens when 'don't tread on me types' get elected to office?
Terry Maketa indicted on 6 felony counts including extortion and kidnapping.
A couple of us posted about this yesterday – but thanks for keeping the issue alive.
MJ, I concur. It's rather disheartening to me to go to Salon, Slate, Huffington post,et el and see strings of comments describing Sanders campaign as being self-centered, irresponsible, destructive, juvenile… a repetative meme regurgitated over and again.
It's not as if the status qou of the leadership of the Democeatic party has been championing anything more than incremental shifts to the right, or that they have offered any vision that would attract anyone but those already members of the club.
imagine a party (with Hilary the presumptive nominee) that would be trying to actually welcome Bernie supporters to join in, rather than seeing them as a threat, or as being too ignorant to understand that the status qou must be maintained or something terrible will happen.
Imagine stalwarts of the party rooting for Sanders in the Trump debate as first national opportunity to show that the I want-to-be emperor Trump is not wearing any clothes: But no. The party's wise ones have spoken and we'd all better fall in-line.
This is not a skreed against Hilarry, just agianst a party that has lost its way.
The Great Sanders Trump Debate does not appear to be a thing, yet. But stay tuned. If Hillary's smart, she'll get in on that action.
Now, Trump is saying he'll debate Bernie if the proceeds donate $10 million to women's health issues. Wonder which women's health issues those might be? Probably the "safe ones" – breast or cervical cancer research – nothing like abortion or birth control.
I think the probable cause would be tummy tucks and breast augmentation. Gotta keep those 10s happy.
Trump would go for that. Bernie (or Hillary) would not. If the debate happens, I expect the candidates to choose something politically neutral to benefit from charitable donations. Cancer research.
If Hillary's smart, she won't be caught within 1,500 miles of any Sanders-from-the-left-Drümpf-from-the-right simultaneous made-for-(reality)-TV firing squad . . .
. . . PS. She's that smart.
Sanders Closes in on Clinton Ahead of California Primary – Alternet
What once looked like a knockout for the Clinton camp is now a statistical tie.
Also, possible Trump-Sanders debate before the California primary. Get out the popcorn; this could be a doozy.
Nice – a reminder to send in my monthly Sanders campaign contribution, although not quite enough to cover all of the "Free Stuff!" repetitions. Get ready for a flood of increasingly hostile posts explaining why this statistical tie is a) not a tie or b) if a tie, completely meaningless, or c) you're basically a despicable person for saying something positive about Bernie Sanders, which is de facto, an attack on Ms. Clinton.
Probably all three. Anna one, anna two, anna three…..
For those of you who spent the last five years in a cave and thus don't know that James is desperately selective in his quest to bolster the doomed Sanders campaign, check this out from Real Clear Politics — an 18 point Clinton lead. And 538 has Hillary at 97 pct likely to win California.'
Hope springs eternal for James and his like. His big assignment, however, is help ensure that the Bernie supporters end up voting/working for Hillary. Of course, he could be a closet Trump supporter if Bernie doesn't make it.
I don't think James will vote for Trump, but will almost certainly never vote for Hillary. Color him Green all the way.
Dear V. No need to jump in to prove mama right. I see 5 whole minutes between her post and yours exactly as she predicted.
Our explanations have and will continue to fall on hear no evil deaf ears, dismissed as merely jumping to HRC's defense. Never mind I'm sure I'm one of those mama has in mind and I still don't really like HRC very much. You adore her and do jump to her defense at the drop of a hat. What I've been defending isn't HRC personally but…. ummmm…. objective reality. Since the upshot is largely the same I don't think mama probably makes that distinction between us
Be that as it may, the fact is that we are correct as time will tell so why not stop poking James and mama for few weeks. They'll have to face reality soon enough.
It's not poking to point out the facts. MJ challenged me to explain why HRC's two-point lead in her poll wasn't a statistical tie. I replied with a considerably more prestigious poll showing an 18 point HRC lead. Good luck with that statistical tie.
Fact is, I suspect they are both outliers. The last RCP average was about 8.6 in favor of Hillary, which feels about right to me. But in defense of the pollsters, as I have twice explained at length, California his hellishly hard to forecast. There are actually 53 different Congressional primaries with between 4 and 9 delegates each, apportioning 350 delegates! Plus there are 125 distributed proportionally to statewide winners.
Now, let's really make it complicated. Unaffiliated voters can vote in the Democratic primary but only if they request that ballot by May 7. Bernie has a lawsuit challenging that deadline but as far as I know the courts haven't changed it.
Now, let's really screw things up. The third largest Party in California is the American Independent Party, a right-wing remnant of the Perot campaign. A los Angeles Times investigation found that many — perhaps 200,000 registered AIP thinking that meant they were "independents." Of course, they aren't and unless they change to unaffiliated — what California calls No Party Preference (NPP) — they can't request a Democratic ballot, even if the deadline hadn't already passed, which it did, unless a court rules otherwise.
Clear? OK, then. Take this organizational quagmire and try to interpret how your 600 voter sample fits into it. Is it any wonder that two polls taken just a couple of days apart differ by 16 points?
To be honest, I think the margin of error is about 100 points! Anybody got a more scientific way to predict California? A Ouija board? Chicken entrails? Astrology? Buehler? Anyone?
And you bit. Your explanations fell on deaf ears, as usual with MJ, but she has the satisfaction of being, in her eyes, proved right as in…
I just thought maybe we could take a break since it’s all going to be over in June anyway.
You have cleared this break thing with Mr. Dodd, right. I'm not sure he got the memo. But keep up your quixotic quest to silence the side you say you support.
Oh please. You really think anyone on the other side is listening? You really think you're changing minds here by going over the same old stuff that didn't convince them in the first place?
I don't care if they take a break or not. They're not going to convince me or you or anyone else who doesn't already agree with them either. The lines are drawn. The positions are taken. Nothing's going to change until at least California.
You're all welcome to carry on without me. I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine and hopefully watch Golden State win one tonight and I'll try not think about the fact that it's super highly unlikely (but still a whole lot more possible than Bernie beating HRC) that they'll be able to win 3 in a row. Already had to say goodbye to the Spurs and pretty soon it will be sayonara Splash Brothers. Tip off in afew. BC out.
Vger – that deadline to affiliate in CA was May 23, or May 30 if the voter requests a Democratic ballot from his / her election office. The primary is June 7. The May 7 date was probably a typo (or wishful thinking?
) on your part. Also the recent American Independent Party voter migration from AIP to NPP (no party preference) or Democratic was 32,000 registrations, not 200,000.
Although maybe 200,000 Californians may have mistakenly registered with the AIP way before the current Democratic primary contest. That investigation showed that 73% of the AIP members polled didn't think that they were affiliated with a party at all, so your figure of 200K may be right. Nobody knows for sure.
Again, the Sanders campaign has been doing its legwork and contacting voters to give them the scoop on how to vote for their candidate. Of course, so has the Clinton campaign.
I'll go with the PPIC poll and HRC's 2 point lead. I have tons of relatives across the political spectrum in California – the Republicans are appalled by their nominee, and will probably vote for Hillary in the general election.
The Democrats and Indies will vote 50-50 Sanders/ Clinton in the primary, and for the Democratic nominee in the general, so still probably for Hillary, as y'all never tire of reminding us.
That 200,000 AIP estimate was from the los angeles times story. Most AIP members seem to have thought they registered Independent. But only the 32,000 that actually migrated can vote. You are cq on the may 23 deadline, dunno why I typed 7. Pp poll is wishful thinking and heavily discounted for past unreliability by 538. The 18 pt Survey USA is regarded as very
Reliable by 538. I still go with about 10 pt lead for Hillary mainly because Ca has so many minority voters and bernie has never won where more than 25 pct was nonwhite. As always we shall see. The fascinating thing to me in ca is that AIP thing with so many schmucks thinking they registered "independent." Maybe that's not decisive with 5,000,000 votes expected, but it is still a lot of confused and unheard voters.
It looks like Trump is backpedaling. Too bad. Bernie would slaughter him and have fun doing it. As Howard Dean said, "Wacko Don" has never faced a foe who wasn't bound by right wing orthodoxy.
Israeli/Palestinian Issue May Divide Democrats
Water is also still wet.
Something that's worth noting about the article Voyageur linked, and which may be linked to the divide mentioned, is that the article was stealth-edited (edited without the Times' usual note letting readers know how an online article has changed).
In the original article, the description of the Israeli presence in the Palestinian territories was referred to as "Israel's 'occupation.'" The word "occupation" was enclosed in quotes by the authors (or, perhaps, their editors). Once this was pointed out by The Intercept (trigger warning for Clinton supporters, she's called out in the piece, which has a definite point of view), the Times removed the quotes surrounding the word.
The paragraph in question:
No question about it. The increasing stridency of the American left against Israel, as manifested by the BDS campaign, is colliding with the ever more apartheid -prone Netanyahu regime. And the 10-year 30-billion U.S. aid package to Israel is up. Bini wants $40 billion this time as a reward for traveling to Washington and launching a bitter partisan attack against the U.S. government’s successful effort to defuse the Iranian nuclear threat. For Bini, nothing succeeds like
chutzpahfailure. Good luck papering over this one, platform committee.Oddy, no matter how much fuss minority Jewish conservative hawks and their GOP firends make, Jewish Americans still vote for Dems, including Bibi's least favorite President, Obama, by margins of two to one or better. So I guess disagreeing with the Bibi administration's policies doesn't ncessarily make you anti-Semitic or anti-Israel. Maybe just anti-prick and anti-stupid policies that make matters worse.
On the other hand, Sheldon Adelson's checkbook ensures that at least one party is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bibi.
Even while the majority of American Jews think Bibi and Adelson are both schmucks and will vote Democratic, as usual.
I agree, bc. But I admit I am very worried about the future of Israel.
I don't worry any more. I no longer believe that there is any scenario where things don't go to hell in a hand basket and worrying won't help.
I guess that's comfort of a sort. There have been slo many settlements that a twlo-state solution seems impossible leaving apartheid amid a world wide dbs campaign as the inevitable result. Hardly what Herzl had in mind.
Of course all the blame doesn't lie with the state of Israel but Bibi has certainly done everything posssible to close the window for good. And it's not just terrorist coddling libs who are appalled but Israeli Defense Forces leadership.
Splash Brothers live to fight another day. And the Donald keeps raising the amount of money "for charity" he's demanding to debate Bernie. First ten, then maybe fifteen million which means he was just mouthing off, never expected Bernie to say "sure" and now needs to make outrageous demands to get out of it. A pretty entertaining evening.