“Sometimes paranoia’s just having all the facts.”
–William S. Burroughs
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Van Jones rips DNC chair over rift between Sanders and Nevada Dems: ‘I think she made it worse’ – Raw Story
Sanders Statement on Nevada – Sanders Campaign
Van jones also said that bernie and Weaver made a big mistake on Nevada https://bluenationreview.com/van-jones-bernie-and-weaver-made-a-big-mistake-on-nevada/
Totally agree about DWS. She really, really sucks. Somebody needs to get her to take a back seat and after this election is over decide she needs to spend more time with her family.
What did her family ever do to you, BC?!?
I just think she's been a terrible Party chair, ultra partisan for the Clintons and ultra pissy to everyone else. She's the one who fought tooth and nail to clear the decks for HRC and nip anyone else in the bud, the one who fought tooth and nail to have next to no debates and she's been ignoring and insulting Bernie and his supporters from day one.
She can't stand that they got in the way of her game plan by having the audacity to attract huge adoring crowds despite her best efforts to keep it all HRC and only HRC. Which, incidentally would have been terrible for HRC as no one would have been paying any attention to the Democratic side of the race all this time if DWS had kept it as boring and preordained as she wanted it. Including the young and minority voters Dems need to excite.
She's poisonous. Any party unity we achieve will be in spite of her. She hasn't and shows no signs of contributing to any coming together. With all the complaining about Bernie damaging the party's prospects, nobody IMHO has been more damaging to those prospects than DWS.
Agree 115.75% with all that. Still, I think wishing her spending more time with her family has got to be pretty awful on that family — unless they've done something equally awful to you.
Was there really just one arrest? It couldn't be that the cable clowns are over emphasizing this, could it?
Totally, V. Trump hasn't said anything really outrageous for a day or two, and cable hosts need their sensational stories!
I've been scanning these news feeds from both candidates and neutral media (about Nevada convention) for a few days and haven't seen anything more than one injury for which medics were called, which may or may not have been the result of a fight, and the infamous chair-throwing incidents.
Are we sure there actually were chairs thrown? Someone, I think MSNBC, kept showing pictures of wrestling fans throwing chairs at an arena to illustrate their story. The way memory works, millions of people will remember that they saw chairs thrown. But I have yet to see video of actual chairs thrown in NV. Maybe it was all those muslims in Newark who celebrated 9-11 that went to NV to throw chairs. The media– you really have to know it to hate it.
Bingo, V…Per Raw Story, Some Bernie supporter lifted a chair and held it up. People around him talked him down. He put the chair down, hugged it out. No throwing. Apparently, there's video.
That is just sick, but awfully predictable.
sanders campaign is starting to lose the left wing media. First Daily Kos and now this http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/05/decline-fall-bernie-sanders
Kos has always backed Hillary. They give lots of space to Bernie diaries, but the official site is With Her All the Way. (Kind of like Coloradopols)
This doesn't look good for bernie either http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/05/17/audio_recording_reported_by_cnn_implicates_sanders_campaign_official_in_planning_nv_convention_chaos.html
I listened to the tape played during the video and I heard nothing about Sanders campaign official "planning chaos." This is just spinning. She advised her delegates not to leave the convention because the establishment leadership has in the past taken votes during lunch breaks or other breaks. This is just nonsense.
It really is time for Bernie to wind his campaign down. At this point in time, his continuing campaign is beginning to resemble the 2000 campaign by Ralph Nader's ego.
You really don't understand, do you? Have you never seen a freight train?
Hard to stop when it is the millions of supporters that are pushing the bus…Bernie is just steering it. If one of his people did something wrong, he/she should be punished. Same on the other side. Each side is stirred up…passions are high…it's politics…relax.
I do believe Bernie realizes that steering towards the reality of HRC being the candidate while maintaining momentum for his movement is tricky but that's what he's going to do.
To me it seems he's already getting started sewing the seeds. He's no Nader, first because Nader never had a following to match Bernie's and second because Bernie is serious about the top priority being to beat Trump where Nader was just a selfish prick who couldn't have cared less about defeating GW or what the consequences of a GW win would be.
Even with all the recent bad feeling Bernie is reminding his supporters that, in the end, no matter who the Dem candidate, is we must beat Trump.
Nader was just another odd little spoiler candidate from the get go. Bernie is way beyond that.
You really don't get it, Head Banger. This is not about Bernie Sanders or his ego. This started and remains about policy – a subject rarely discussed here. It has evolved to include issues related to how the Democratic Party handles "democracy" within the institution.
Finally, you are wrong. Unless the Democratic Party fairly addresses these matters, it's not going to resemble the 2000 campaign; it's going to be 1968 all over again.
Actually I get it fully. 1968 all over again…..? Yeah, I was in college at the time and being a Republican, was rather amused at the antics of the Dems "circular firing squad" at the time of the Dem convention in Chicago. One of my dorm mates had relatives on the Chicago P.D. and they told interesting stories about the leftwing demonstrators throwing lit bags of poop at the cops. And the ensuing trial of the Chicago 7 made for high entertainment.
Duke: I am relaxing; maybe Mr. Dodd needs to do likewise. Trump is not my guy. If the Bern somehow steals the nomination from HRC, then it's back and over to Gary Johnson, former New Mexico governor, running on the Libertarian ticket. Johnson was a unique governor. He ran a fiscally sound administration without screwing anyone over. In other word, he understands how government works; and big hint, it's not about "free stuff for everybody."
For what it is worth, CHB, I supported Buddy Roemer for President when he ran. The RNC wouldn't even let him near the stage…
My comment to you was about the momentum behind the Sanders campaign. This is not about an old white man from Vermont. Like Bernie, I did not forget walking in the streets to protest the slaughter in Vietnam and those at Kent State and Jackson State in 1970. I can vividly recall the random "ID checks" whenever the local police caught us hitchhiking…forcing us to stand in the rain for half an hour while they sipped coffee in the cruiser and checked our "papers".
We laid our lives down to fight that "establishment" that has changed only in its greater power and influence over our lives. I am with the young people of today. I did not forget…it is not too late.
Can't help but feel a little sorry for a college kid who was a Republican in '68, CHB.
Don't feel sorry. After all, we won in '68. And thanks to Nixon getting elected, the country got the Endangered Species Act; the National Environmental Policy Act; creation of the EPA; banning of DDT & Compound 1040; among other great environmental legislation.
If I was into revealing more, I'd show off my Nixon's the One large campaign button from '68.
As a disclosure, I was into collecting campaign memorabilia at the time. Also have a large Humphrey button and a George Wallace Stand up for America button.
Not the point. Never mind.
I was in Lincoln Park.
I was only 16 and couldn't get away from the parental units for that one but managed to participate at other pretty hairy events. My oldest brother and all his friends were there. You might have seen him in Lincoln Park. My next brother had friends who got attacked by police just trying to get home fom the U of I Circle Campus. It really opened a lot of suburban parents eyes. One of my brother's friends not participating, just trying to get home, was chased by cops down a side street running away from the demonstration, basically hunted down for no reason and beaten pretty badly.
All in all it was a pretty thrilling time to be young and full of passion and rage and ideals and adrenaline. I feel sorry for CHB for having such a staid, Republican youth at such a time.
Hell, I was in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo,, knowing just enough to wonder if we' d be diverted to riot duty. We weren't but it wasn't long before the101st Airborne was.
Well, I was "there" too 17 months later.
Its a primary, not a third party. With 40% of pledged delegates Bernie deserves, and his supporters deserve, that he finishes out the primary. Its also better for moving his supporters behind the eventual nominee if not him. All the hand wringing concern trolling is fodder for bored cable talking heads that are worried otherwise they might have to discuss issues of importance.
Right on, PK. Lyndon Johnson said it's better to have everyone in the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in. Bernie's people deserve their say. But dial back on death threaths and the C- word insults, boys.
Send Bernie an email. I'm not sure he reads this forum.
Everybody reads pols! Bernie goes by the nome de blog "Zapatero" on cpols.
Ralph Nader didn't seek the Democratic nomination, he was a wrecker all the way. Duke and BC said it well. Everybody call down, stop throwing chairs, and pour a pint of that good craft beer Duke so savors. It' still three months before the convention.
Come to think of it… I am pretty thirsty.
Were y'all just wet with anticipation last night waiting to see whether Megyn was 'fair' to Tiny Hands? Do you suppose the Drumpfsters could comprehend that it doesn’t require a degree in rocket surgery to anticipate the outcome of a PRE-TAPED interview?!?