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May 16, 2016 06:30 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.”

–Hermann Hesse


27 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Sitting in a hotel breakfast room in Bozeman, MT watching the Ben Carson interview on CNN. He just called Walter Cronkite a "radical left wing journalist".  Patrons sitting on both sides of me nodding their heads in approval. Buckle up .., we're just seeing the tip of the kkkrazy iceberg. 

  2. "Sitting in a hotel breakfast room in Bozeman, MT…………."   Reminds me of "standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona…….."

    MT is a very mixed bag. When I last visited my cousins in Havre in 2004 (going back this year), I already knew that he was a very strong conservative. Yet, he had a Montana Wilderness Association bumper sticker on his jeep. 

    1. I'm here to meet with Tea- Party Drumpsters who are organic farmers and want to grow hemp (they're already growing it's not-so-sober-cousin). They loathe Monsanto and have NRA bumper stickers. In short, they're awesome: Duck Dynasty without the Bible thumping.

      1. Nice. Maybe growing and using industrial hemp will become one of those issues, like caring for veterans, that transcends party allegiance. I think it's possible.

        1. Actually, I think smoking marijuana transcends party allegiance, as lgbt rights largely does.   It's more generational than partisan.  Of course, to me the divide on industrial hemp is between intelligent, reasonable people and those goofs who took "reefer madness" at face value, including the poster showing the girl "shooting up" marijuana with a syringe!

    2. "Sittin' in a hotel breakfast room…", Okay, but not a very fine site to see. "A bunch of rednecks, lord, they drive gas-guzzlin' Fords, They're starin' up and noddin' at the tee- vee."

  3. Good morning, Michael. 

    Your observation comes as I am prompted to mention something I have mentioned before. It is the symbolism of Donald Trump and the frightening similarities to things we have seen before. 

    As I listened to Reince Priebus talking about Trump, he said, in response to a question about Trumps' onerous personality and demeaning treatment of women, "Well, they don't care about that…he keeps winning". Exalting victory to those who think they have been slighted and have come to see themselves as perennial losers was the same emotional driver that elevated Fascism in Europe in the late 1920s and 30s. The expression was …"Sieg Heil ! 

    As Trump walked by the camera in a clip aired immediately after Priebus' remarks, he threw an open handed salute, "der Fuhrer" style…it creeped me out.

    Fascism has come to America…we must come together as citizens of this nation to rebuke it…

    1. Agreed. Regarding my friends (described above) I asked them why they aren't with Bernie (His policies line up almost 100%, including guns). They said they like him and if he was the nominee and the Repubs had picked a moderate they would be feeling #thebern. Since its Trump v. Hillary they're with Trump.

      These folks genuinely believe DC needs to be torched and we need an outsider like Trump to strike the match. 

      1. The biggest problem I see with picking a Washington newbie is…they don't know where all the stepping stones and closets are and the ill will they will generate when they waltz in to town with a tin star on their chest will clog the government like a horse turd in a tobacco pipe. 

        I mean, Jimmy Carter came to town peacefully…and look what they did to him.

        1. Agreed. You (and these guys) know how I'll vote (I'm in Moddy's camp, #NeverTrump). Unlike many people I know who despise my Dem leanings these days – we have great political discussions without making mortal enemies of each other. That, I really appreciate. 

          1. I think there is still a strain of rural hospitality that makes face-to-face political discussions more amenable in the country, Michael.  Urban anonymity makes stridency easier.  Of course, on line fosters even more extreme disagreement .

      2. What gets me is that they think Trump will really light that match to torch the system. He won't; he's been dependent on the system since the days when he still ran back to daddy for financial help. The only matches Trump wil light will be the ones aimed at our people and our foreign policy when he decides to have a pout.

    2. Totally agree, Duke. So, how do the sane folks have a discussion about what's happening without some believing Godwin's law disallows the discussion? It's a discussion about Trump and much more – the authoritarianism he and millions of others embrace, and the dangers that brings to our country. What has brought about authoritarian worship? Perhaps in some cases, religion gone bad. Perhaps in other cases, parenting gone bad.

      1. Both..The incessant seduction of the corporations and businesses who design our hopes and dreams and our expectations of ourselves have given themselves over to the siren of profit before all. We do not exalt "work" beyond a patronizing assurance that it is a good thing that, properly applied, will get us to whatever dream we hold dear.

        We exalt wealth..even if acquiring it treads on the hopes and dreams of the unfortunate and dispossessed. It is as true today as the day it was first uttered…"for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil".

        I am encouraged by the sensibility that seems to pervade the millenial generation and those even younger; that the salvation of our species will be in unison and not in disarray. We must make "one world" work. Fascism will, if allowed, prevent that unity, if it can.

        1. "the authoritarianism he and millions of others embrace……."  Let us not forget that the other face of authoritarianism in this election was, and is, the sinister Ted Cruz. At least Trump; in his own way; is something of a moderate, altho very hard to pin down on important issues because of all his backpedaling and vagueness.

          There were other Republicans who I would have preferred to get the nomination. Unfortunately, the soundbite journalism directed at low information citizens for years by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Franklin Graham et al, has come to fruition in the form of Trump and Cruz. The largest fault of the liberal community is that they allowed this continual soundbite stuff to continue unopposed.

          You know it's bad when somebody like Bill O'Reilly is an occasional voice of reason in the right wing blogosphere; after all, he publicly debunked the Obama birther controversy on his show. And O'Reilly has taken his lumps from his fellow rightie bloggers & radio show talk hosts & TV preachers. One can only hope that the Bernistas will hold their collective noses and support Hillary.  



            altho very hard to pin down on important issues because of all his backpedaling and vagueness. 

            and so it remains a contest of personality and not issues. Those who think Trump will somehow morph into a genuine leader and be a successful and moderate president are discounting the full effects of megalomania.

  4. Election eve prediction.   Hillary takes Kentucky by four points.  Bill worked it for her and she waded in herself this weekend and Monday.  Team Clinton wouldn't make that effort without good information that it will t\pay off.

    Oregon, that poll withstanding, I give to Bernie in another fairly close contest, say 5 points.  Like MJ, I am impressed by the large numbers of newly registered D, 90,000, vs. just 50,000 new Rs..   I think Bernie's solid ground game will give him his first victory in a closed primary.


  5. It turns out the pilot fish that used to work for Trump (and may some day again) know his base well.  They've started Scam PACs to collect money from the suckers, but have also started attacking each other — great business culture that Trump fosters:

    [Trump] supporters, many of whom are new to political giving and neither well-versed in election law nor attuned to the fine print of political solicitations, may be uniquely susceptible to fundraising appeals from unauthorized groups run by operatives with spotty reputations.


    Longtime Trump ally Roger Stone has warned donors to “beware” of Great America PAC, branding it a “scam.”

    Stone has his own super PAC, the Committee to Restore America’s Greatness, which Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, blasted as a “big-league scam.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/scammers-feast-of-trump-fundraising-disarray-223141#ixzz48r4yc12i 
    Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

    There's even a Denver connection to this story about those doing their part to separate the suckers from their money:

    An outfit called Restore American Freedom and Liberty has blasted out emails trumpeting the latest polls showing Trump tying Hillary Clinton, ending with a big red CONTRIBUTE button. According to its campaign finance disclosures, the group has raised more than $215,000 but spent just $2,000 on ads — split between Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. Most of the money went to a New York company called Amagi Strategies, for what the disclosures said was fundraising, management and research.

    Amagi Strategies is also the main beneficiary of other unauthorized PACs. The group’s treasurer, Denver lawyer Alexander Hornaday, and Amagi CEO Tyler Whitney didn’t answer requests for comment.

  6. Governor Christie, Trump's wannabe transition manager, made taxpayers subsidize his food and drink entertainment costs: ~$360,000 over his five years in office.

    Yet he refused to pay $3.2 million to bring in $137 million in Federal matching funds for food assistance for poor people.  – Per Walter Einenkel, Daily Kos

    And a Federal Judge ruled last week that the public has a right to know the names of Christie and others implicated in the Bridgegate scandal.

    Graphic attribution: by driftglass, published in Daily Kos.


      1. OK No idea what just happened. Got the reply box squished skinny on the right side. Posted figurng it would come out right or I could delete it. Didn't come out right. Cancel does nothing. Only on this post. Everything else normal!

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