“Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.”
–Thomas Carlyle
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
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IN: “Law And Order” Gabe Evans Cops Out After Trump’s Blanket January 6th Pardons
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Sanders raises funds for down-ballot progressives…
Some of you had asked when Sanders would start supporting progressive Democrats. The answer is that he’s been doing that since April:
Lucy Flores, who had endorsed Sanders, and consequently lost the backing of Emily’s List, running for Nevada’s CD04.
Zephyr Teachout and Pramila Jayapal in New York and Washington state, respectively.
Is he raising for Michael Bennet? Because if he is, THAT would be impressive.
Not to knock it but those three are the omes he had already raised money for when I asked about his future plans. Any idea if he plans to raise moneyfor the general election down list?
That's three candidates, from one email. Its not like Bernie personally wrote that email either, it was a campaign staffer with access to the bernieforpresident email. That was done on one day. All-in-all, maybe 30 minutes of time was spent on the email and maybe a few hours of research for Bernie to give the 5-minute once-over to O.K. it? There are thousands of Dems running for office across the country (state houses included) and this is the only thing Bernie's done for them in the entirety of his presidential campaign? Especially when he has such wonderful low-dollar fundraising capabilities? Just saying…
GOP PUMA update for 5/9/16….
Sarah Palin has endorsed the nameless Teabagger who is running a primary against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin. The Donald has repeated that he does not need a unified party to win in November. The Donald has also said that his previous pledge to oppose any new tax increases was only his opening bargaining position, and he would not necessary be opposed to raising taxes on rich people. And Mitt Romney is meeting with Bill Kristol of #NeverTrump fame.
Curious advertising choice on my display of this site and at Daily Kos: A tile for CO Senate candidate Jack Graham (R), “Political Outsider Bringing Change”.
He is on the primary ballot and did put in $1 million of his own money to run — but buying advertising on this site and Daily Kos seems to be a curious choice. Anyone have a rationale for such a move?
Don't forget, John, moddy lives here. It is a maxim in Republican politics that as Moddy goes, so goes … well … Moddy.
Jack did not buy ads on Daily Kos. He bought ads from a syndicator.
I just went to Daily Kos this morning and turned off my ad blocker (Ghostery) and saw an ad for Sawaya Law firm. Google syndication delivered that ad because I am logged into Google and Google knows I live in Colorado.
Carlyle corollary I:
Carlyle corollary II (c. 2016):
And a house plant may be his running mate…..
Former Arizona Governor Jan "I Lost My Train of Thought" Brewer has thrown her hat into the ring to be Herr Drumpf's VEEP.
When she was still their sitting governor folks in the AZ capitol building referred to her as 'Otis'.
She'll make a fine GOP VEEP candidate in the tradition of Spiro Agnew, J. Danforth Quayle, and Sarah Palin.
Jan Brewer: the poor man's Sarah Palin.
Huffpo reports North Caroline doubling down on its cresade against trans women peeing sitting down instead of standing up as God intended. I fear Notasskinycook is right that trans folk are the new okay to hate. I still say the only proper target of official bigotry should be Bill Belichick. NC now suing Justice Department over its law.
Did you mean to say that the Justice Dept. is suing North Carolina?
What is it with these far out religious fundies and their pre-occupations with the female anatomy and with bathrooms?
Just saw a news clip on Yahoo! news. NC is suing the feds.
But who is representing NC? Roy Cooper, the state AG who is running for Guv and opposes the bathroom law, said he would refuse to defend it in court. Is this one of those deals where the Guv and the legislators had to hire private counsel to represent them?
Good question, Frank. I'm assuming they had to hire private counsel.
Here's your answer, fellas. http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/05/north-carolina-governor-files-lawsuit-lgbt-rights-law/
Working hard to make popcorn a major food group …