¡Viva Mexico, gueros! It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).
► Following the exit from the GOP presidential primary of Donald Trump’s last two standing rivals this week, Trump’s nomination went from denial-inducing to a fact of life for Colorado Republicans. As 9NEWS reported last night and our friend Jason Salzman notes today, that’s resulting in some…well, contradictions:
In a statement, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colorado) said he’s not sold on Trump yet, calling his party’s presumptive presidential nominee “divisive.”
“Trump has a long way to go to earn the support of many – me included,” Coffman wrote.
That statement contradicts what his campaign told the Colorado Statesman in February. The relevant portion of the article (which is behind a paywall) reads as follows:
“Will Mike Coffman support the Republican nominee over Bernie or Hillary?” said [Mike Coffman] campaign spokeswoman Kristin Strohm. “The answer is obviously yes. And he believes strongly it is going to be Marco Rubio.”
We’ll be watching to see how Coffman sorts this out–assuming a reporter gets close enough to ask. Meanwhile, Boulder County Republicans seem much more willing to jump on the Trump Train:
One of the 12 people who did show up for the breakfast was former Boulder County Republican chairman Joel Champion, who told the others there that “regardless of what your personal position is on Donald Trump,” this will still be “the most important election for Republicans” in the decades to come…
Because of that, Champion said if Trump becomes the GOP presidential standard-bearer at the party’s national convention in July, Republicans, “whether we like him or not,” should vote for him.
► In the Colorado Republican U.S. Senate primary, all hell is breaking loose. Read more here and here, and stay tuned for the next shoe to drop. We’ve heard it won’t be long.
Get even more smarter after the jump…
► After facing only a couple of weird moments of opposition from Colorado House Republicans, Colorado’s new Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne was unanimously confirmed yesterday by the Colorado Senate. Swearing-in next week.
► There will be no stupid Obamacare-trolling referred ballot measure in Colorado this year. Sorry, Sen. Kevin Lundberg.
► There also won’t be any fixes to the state’s overloaded immigrant driver license program, after Senate Republicans decided they don’t really care if it’s a problem.
► The House passes a bill to expand civics class for Colorado high schoolers, but not before Rep. Joe Salazar accused Republicans of “doubling down” on Trump-style ignorance.
► As you know there are several measures headed to the ballot this year to better regulate oil and gas drilling operations in the state. The oil industry is piling up millions of dollars to fight them.
► And finally, Rep. J. Paul Brown makes a bloody ass of himself on climate change on the floor of the Colorado House, while constituents cringe.
► Would Amendment 69, a.k.a. ColoradoCare, really be “bigger than McDonald’s?” Hypothetically yes, but that’s not the whole story.
► STOP THE PRESSES! We have a real live case of actual voter fraud, after a man admits to having voted in both Kansas and Colorado in the same election. Not the “thousands” Republicans claimed for years were doing this, but hey, it’s one.
► Your small-time chicken farm just got deregulated! Please don’t make Gov. John Hickenlooper regret it by spreading salmonella or anything.
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I saw a report that Mexico had invited Herr Drumpf to visit in the not-too-distant future. Wonder if the man with the big mouth has big enough cojones to accept the invitation…..
Only ifMexico pays for the visit
In other referendum news…
Colorado ballot initiative seeks to strike slavery from state law – yes, apparently it's still technically legal to become a slave/indentured servant as part of a criminal conviction.
The loan shark bill, SB16-185, was PI'd yesterday.
Woo-hoo! Thank you Dickey Lee, and the Dems on the House SVMA kill committee!
Thomas Frank:
Frank goes a bit too far with the burning.
His finale:
Dismissing "populism" as the standard, safe strategy is a bad move by Democrats, in my opinion. Dems' ickiness with the subject helped the Tea Party use it for their own gain, and has also led us to Trump the possible president.
Franks goes a little bit too far again, but Democrats dismiss Bernie supporters and activists and donors – and Issues! – at their own very real risk. You have to stand for something more than renegotiated student loan rates. Riding Hillary's coattails to another six years in office is pointless without principles.
Oh, and quit trying to be bipartisan with a bunch of Obstructionist Sociopaths: