“I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo.”
–Ann Coulter
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: The realist
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: Pam Bennett
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Colorado’s Chris Wright Says “Drill Baby Burn”
BY: unnamed
IN: Get More Smarter on Friday (Jan. 17)
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Get More Smarter on Friday (Jan. 17)
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Colorado’s Reckoning Begins As Trump 2.0 Draws Near
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Glenn Greenwald column over at Salon.com:
So much fodder to back up my feelings it’s not necessary to trot out a list.
No one…and I mean NO ONE of any import in CA dares criticize the Queen of CA politics. If she runs for Gov. in 2 years, not only would she win, we just might cancel the election and let her take over at the end of Arnie’s term. 🙂
At least in NorCal, she’s the most ridiculously popular “embarrassment” one could imagine. It’s remarkable…
…the Dems had any embarrassments…
you caught us.
move along, nothing to see here 🙂
He seems to still be in the House.
Funny how that works on your side of the isle. Congrats.
And for a four more weeks, Larry Craig and Ted Stevens are too. Funny how that works on your side of the aisle.
And if the Nevada Lt. Guv has his way, he’ll be defending himself in fraud criminal trial while running against Harry Reid. Maybe Uncle Ted can serve as his campaign strategist.
Reid’s opponent looks like he’s being politically targeted, but we’ll see. Wouldn’t want poor, ineffective little whiny Harry Reid to have to smell the taxpayers too much longer.
What’s the excuse of Jefferson’s constituents? Did he get any money from the DNC this cycle?
What can I say – he’s not convicted (yet), and the voters re-elected him. I think he might even be in some cubbyhole of an office now.
We’ll get rid of him soon enough.
For whatever goofy Louisiana reason, the Dem Primary runoff was on Nov 4 and the real deal runoff/general election is tomorrow. Fat chance he’ll lose to a repub in that district straight up, but there’s always hope… 🙂
from Jay Marvin we have his up close view of our new Senator which concludes with:
Maybe someone can shed some light on this, because to me, personally, it sounds like sour grapes. If it’s true though, it could be a sign of things to come as Udall makes the transition from Congressman to Senator.
It was someone who is upset at how they were treated. But that in that treatment there does seem to be a common thread. The big question I think is – is this SOP for Udall or was he trying to gently distance himself from Marvin like he did with every other liberal in the state?
The item that really jumped out to me was they set up the concert for Udall, and were told they could go if they contributed. If that is accurate that is definitely a dick move.
Someone should ask Udall’s office. I would but I’ve generally struck out when asking them anything.
Everyone who was on the e-mail list got that e-mail. It’s not like they were getting their noses rubbed in it.
I doubt we’d be able to get any comment before the new session and Udall is sworn in.
It’s that after setting it up, they had to contribute to go.
I thought it said that she had quit after it was all set up, and that was when they received the e-mail–just like all of the other Udall supporters.
I read this and see nothing but Marvin having a pity party because his wife’s suggestions weren’t always jumped on by the campaign. That, and sniveling about personality traits he doesn’t like.
This is total bullshit, and it isn’t the first time Marvin has embarrassed himself (Polis interview). Not to mention he’s kind of an inarticulate buffoon. Sometimes I turn him off just because of the clueless stammering, even if I agree with what he’s saying.
How about a new drive-time talk show host with better interpersonal skills and slightly less grade school ego?
but that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t treated unfairly by the campaign.
Often feel they’re being treated unfairly. Sometimes after a while they are, simply because people find them insufferable.
If you had any idea how many people were “strategizing” for Mark, too many (imo) for pay and not as “volunteers,” you’d understand why he couldn’t take everyone’s suggestions.
But either way, to throw this kind of highly personal and public fit over something so trivial is totally ridiculous. Be assured I will not let Marvin near anybody I work with now, the risk of getting on his pathological shit list is too great.
But I have worked and do work with Mark and his D.C. staff on a regular basis. All I can say is that he has been anything but cold and phony. Actually, just the opposite. And his staff is the best in a Colorado office on Capitol Hill. Just so I’m not accused of seeing the world through blue-shaded glasses, Wayne Allard’s staff was the second-best, in terms of access, follow-up, sincerity, etc.
I had a visa denial issue in my family that Udall’s office helped us with. They were very friendly, willing to help, and they followed up with us. They were absolutely exceptional.
with Udall on a couple of veterans’ projects.
If he’d come to his senses on this Card Check nonsense he’d almost be a real person.
Just kidding, he’s a good man, and I might disagree with him, but I have respect for him.
Marvin is like a lot of the angry, crazy left. They will never ever ever ever be happy.
Nobody left enough for them could ever be elected and that’s part of their purpose. If you’re wacko enough, nobody will ever actually ask you to be in charge of anything, or have any real responsibilities.
This is totally hilarious.
The most hilarious part of this is the guy who fancies himself as the “voice of the progressives” here on the front range appears to be somewhat of an embarrassment to a US Senator.
Shrieky lefties are going to run out of listeners very quickly after January 20th.
“love affair” with Bill Owens when he was governor and Mrvin was at KHOW, his one sided war against Jared Polis and his only recently deciding that Ed Perlmutter is an okay guy, I wouldn’t worry too much if I were Udall. He’s in good company.
Marvin is a phony liberal.
when I listened to Marvin’s show before the election I regularly heard him saying great things about Udall. Despite what’s said about Marvin, I’ll just say it’ll be worth watching how Udall handles his new statewide position. Will he travel around the state frequently as Sen. Salazar has, and make himself available to his constituents? Will he establish enough regional offices so that citizens feel his presence even when he’s not there? We hope so.
the merits of Marvin’s case but have certainly noticed that he’s not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. And his long pauses, sometimes long enough to make me wonder if there is a problem with the radio transmission, drive me crazy.
Spend much less time listening to AM 760 than I used to when it was fresh and new because Marvin, Rhodes and Solis Marich are increasingly hard to take. There’s only so sputtering and nasal whining I can take.
Marvin has a good heart but he is not the most articulate voice box around. Randi Rhodes’ shrillness drove me away years ago when she was only on Sirius Air America. Neither have enough education or self-increased knowledge (autodidactism?) to compete with the likes of Hartmann, Bill Press, or Dr. Newcomb. (The latter back on the air 4PM-6PM MST on 1480 KPHX(?)via the internets.)
Time to put your money where your
mouth isfingers are.And if MotR doesn’t post her scoop pretty soon will Jeffco please enlighten us?
more than a few of us are dying to know.
Let’s just try this instead.
What do these ten people all have in common?
Barack Obama
Jim Webb
John Cusack
Louise Slaughter
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
David Sirota
Henry Waxman
Greg Palast
that you don’t like? 😉
Where do they all post? Same place? Who outed them and how and why? What are the craziest things they have said/written? Any of them ever post here?
This is from a recomended diary on DailyKos – Obama’s Ag Sec: FAR WORSE Than Previously Thought
Ok, he goes through the list and raises some legit points on a couple although the diarist strikes me as way out there. But yes, legit reasons for concern on the others.
And then he comes to John Salazar and here’s his/her full reason to oppose Rep. Salazar:
Yep, Salazar is unacceptable because he’s a potato farmer. I guess you’re only ok if you farm arugula in Marin County.
Look buddy, if you’ve got actual specific legit reasons to oppose John Salazar then bring them up. But until then, speaking for the entire state of Colorado from the satan worshiping liberal left in Boulder to the Jesus worshiping conservative right in Colorado Springs – go fuck yourself.
You’re still a front-pager, you know.
and figured it was better to rant in a comment.
The radical left blogosphere being irrational?
Welcome to my world, homie!
and almost all of the people I talk to are delighted about Salazar potentially being in this post. Most all of them are super-conservative republicans.
Leave who’s in charge of the “food supply” to those who are IN CHARGE, not some shit-for-brains blogger at DailyKos.
I agree David that DailyKos deserves a giant FU on this one.
Of course!
It allows Penry to move to Congress/take back seat and puts a blue dog in the administration.
And I wonder how these idiots on the left see someone lefty enough for them winning Salazar’s seat?
that’s good enough for me to be opposed to J Salazar’s appointment to Ag Secretary. Here’s the GJ Sentinel’s take:
GJ Sentinel Editorial Link
IMNSHO, there are problems with US agriculture that will not be solved by continued support for any of the recent Farm Bills. The US needs to do more to support farmers growing actual food. The current heavy emphasis on subsidizing the production of the raw materials for high fructose corn syrup must end.
My problem was that the diarist’s whole argument seemd to be that Salazar is a potato farmer and they assumed more conservative than they would prefer.
The diary was recommended in part based on the diarist’s history of getting recommends. Once you’ve had a few recommended diaries, people start pushing the recommend button a whole lot sooner regardless of the diary content.
In the back-and-forth within the comments, the diarist never really does come up with a good reason why Salazar would be a bad choice – in the end, it was just his “Blue Dog” status that killed it for her(?).
And I think we can all join together in saying that the diarist was really just out to lunch on Salazar’s credentials here.
When I was deep in the Mortgage industry, these matters were a daily topic and often published. Somewhere along the way, they “disappeard.” Why?
Here’s an interesting page of alternative government statistics; unemployment, inflation, GDP, and the money supplies.
We’ll do it LIVE!
Used to work at KUSA, IIRC….
Opinion piece by Ethan A. Nadelmann in the Wall Street Journal today:
3 1/2 hours from now I’ll do my part.
from Yahoo
Wonder who would fail here…
Nice speech writer, Mr. Obama.
Sounds like that ditzoid ex-prez of CU saying that “cunt” was a term of endearment.
Try that with your wife……unless you are John McCain.
If you’re young and involved in a political campaign, or working for an elected official:
1. Don’t put any photos on your facebook page. Maybe one of you, but not doing anything idiotic.
2. When you’re out with friends, and someone pulls out a digital camera, make sure you’re not doing anything idiotic while the photo is being taken. Just to be safe, don’t let anyone take your picture, period, if you can help it.
3. Just keep in mind that the things you do, say, and write actually affect people other than you.