“The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close-up.”
–Chuck Palahniuk
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BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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IN: Surely THIS Will Lower the Cost of Eggs
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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IN: Friday Open Thread
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IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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IN: A Few Words On The “Big Lie’s” Last Prisoner
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A rigged economic system, one of the things that has become especially hated by voters on the left and right, is one in which the American CEO makes a killing whether they've brought their company to Apple's heights or trashed it, its workers, and its shareholders:
These are the Geniuses of modern business, Masters of the Universe, who tell us how we should work harder and rise and fall on our own merits in that Free Market Utopia where they get massive payouts by either fucking up only a bit or fucking up massively.
Larry Wilmore at the White House Correspondents' Dinner:
Why weren't DC's most powerful reporters laughing? The truth hurts, whether wrapped in a joke or not.
Wolf Blitzer, who is truly one of the worse "political journalists" not on Fox did not seem to appreciate the poke.
Isn't the notion of a bad ppolitical journalist who is not on fox kind of an oxymoron?
Nope. Plenty of bad journalists to be found elewhere so entirely possible to be a bad non-Fox journalist. The oxymoron would be a good Fox journalist, the two being muually exclusive. Like collosal shrimp.
Loved the quote by POTUS, "Jake Tapper left journalism to join CNN".
I liked when he was talking about how much he'd aged in eight years making reference to HRC's 2008 3AM concerns and the fact that since he has to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom anyway these days (aging men and those of us with aging husbands or significant others got it) no need to worry, he's already up. Also when he thanked his VP for not shooting anyone in the face and brought up Helen Mirren, seated with non-in-the-face shooting Joe Biden, not to make any sort of joke about her but just to say how awesome she is.
Yes, he has great writers but as those writers will tell you the person delivering their words needs solid comic timing and Obama has it.
Apparently Jon Keyser is expanding his talking point. Gitmo is now the key to Colorado's economic development, I guess.
Meanwhile Tipton's challenger has his own ideas for how to make the Western Slope economy boom:
Honoring the constitution sounds a lot like being nice to little old ladies or supporting apple pie as a policy platform. As economic policy it sounds downright idiotic.
Carbondale was such a nice little town back in the 70s before the billionaires kicked the millionaires out of Aspen. Sigh.
I read Mr. Beinstein's comments, as reported. My observations of other "constitutionalists" is that they tend to pick & choose which parts of the Constitution they follow. They always overlook the 200+ years of constitutional law and court cases that interpret the Constitution.
Just like the Bible Thumpers.
Oh, be fair, CHB. Scalia and other originalists like Cruz are always faithful to the principle that black people are only worth 3/5ths of what white people are in the eyes of the law.
Which part translate into a 21st century economic development policy? Is that in Article I, II or III?
I lived there (Carbondale) for awhile back in 1993/1994…you are absolutely right.
I lived there '78 to '81. Saw the first stop light go in. The police force was the Chief and Fred. Miners, ranchers, construction workers, artsy craftsy folks all drank together at the few bars on the short Main street. Generous sprinkling of hippie types in all the above categories. Guys from New Jersey working the mines, from the midwest working the construction trades, even a couple of guys from Baltimore hiring on to help with the cattle drives for one of the long established local ranching familes, two of which orifionally came to Roaring Fork from Italy. Well, one from the Piedmont whch was really its own thing. Soft ball teams with everyone from the editor of the paper to the aforementioned police force, namely Fred. Lots of pot lucks, summer BBQs, community events. The show Northern Exposure always reminded me of the Carbondale of that era which, sadly, was shortlived and now long gone.
Gitmo as key to Colorado economic development? Well, at least they have ample water. But the skiing sucks!
Well the verdict is in. Local governments can't regulate fracking by banning or placing an extended moratorium.
Longmont. Fort Collins.
… Springtime. And, soon the petition circulators will be in full bloom …
I already have mine…
Marist poll shows Trump up by 15 points in Indiana, with 68 percent of voters mocking the Kasuch/Cruz alliance. If this is realized tomorrow it is game over. The only good news is that Cruz's attack on Trump for (mildly) supporting transgender rights seems to have failed. Awful though Trump is, he may be the better of the two choices left to the GOP. May God and all sentient Americans help the Democratic nominee this fall.
Which "god" are you referring to? Who is she?
Athena, who else?
The belief system is more important than the face assigned to it. I'll take Golden Rule for 8 years, Monty. (And I don’t mean “he who has the gold makes the rules”, either.)
Yikes! Here is a very disturbing historical analysis of how the rise of Donald Trump was practically inevitable, and what we need to do to stop him (Hint: it won't be easy, and we need to enlist some unlikely allies):
It's an attention getting article but it doesn't take demographics, among other things, sufficiently into account. He does worse with Latinos than Romney did and Romney was about half a dozen points shy of the bare minimum percentage of the Latino vote needed to win in 2012. The minimum isn't getting any lower. He also does much worse wth women, younger voters and African Americans. Not to mention he does worse than previous Republican candidates did with Republicans. But it's a nice dramatic piece that has been posted all over the place. Good for the writer.
I'd quibble withbthe article's glib comparison of Trumpism and fascism in which " muslims and mexicans are the new Jew. Fascism did not scPegoat Jews andvseveral Jews were very high in the Fascist movement. Only the much later Nazi movement persecuted Jews. Fascism's demon was pretty much the same elites that Trump demonizes. Not surprisingly, Mussolini started out as a socialist and needed only to add an authoritarian and nationalist streak to become leader of an all-powerful state. This error aside, the article should be must reading for anyone who still doubts the magnitude of the threat to democracy posed by Trumpism.
Bear in mind that Cruz poses an equal threat to democracy.
Cruz reminds me more of the ayatollahs in Iran or the Taliban in Afghanistan. Can't you see him putting one of his religious nut friends in charge of the federal department for the propagation of virtue and the suppression of vice?
I don't see Cruz as likely to destroy Democracy, CHB, merely empowering a faction I find abhorrent. He would, however, destroy our economy. He wants a gold standard. At this point, such stupidity would make the Panic of 1837 look like a church picnic.
Except that Mussolini's "socialism" wound up being Fascism, which he himself defined as a partnership between government and business.
Absolutely, PR. He betrayed his socialist background in the sense of selling out the workers . I onlymeant that socialism does not flinch from Big Government, national planning, etc.
Sounds a lot like "Public-Private Partnerships."
Perhaps Sullivan, the author underplayed Hillary's strengths and overplayed her weaknesses.
It will be interesting to see if she can handle Trump in a debate as well as she handled the Benghazi Kangaroo Court.
Apropos of the article, however, guess who just endorsed Trump?
So inside of 48 hours, Drumpf has been endorsed by Mike Tyson and the head of the KKK?
Wow, and to think, they called George W. Bush the uniter, not the divider.